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Status Replies posted by g_bassi13

  1. If anyone doesn't know Ryan Suter's average TOI, look it up. That man is a machine

  2. Anyone know how Jay and Dan are doing?

  3. let's all make believe that we're all friends and we like each other

  4. happy birthday to me, i'm all alone today, with cake in one hand and a beer in the other~

  5. Alex Edler is so overrated by some, and underrated by some. Some think hes a #1 and some think hes a #5.

  6. Only just found out what Scotland's national animal is. Speechless.

  7. Nas or Jay-Z and why?

  8. Nas or Jay-Z and why?

  9. Best hockey video game intro ever? Guess which one it is below.
  10. Love that "our day" includes a performance by Metric. We are Awesome. We are Canadian.

  11. Love that "our day" includes a performance by Metric. We are Awesome. We are Canadian.

  12. You can count me on the anti-Gillis bandwagon. I'm fine with keeping Luongo, but the return for Schneider and the pick made were unacceptable.

  13. You can count me on the anti-Gillis bandwagon. I'm fine with keeping Luongo, but the return for Schneider and the pick made were unacceptable.


  15. The Office ended today. :(

  16. "They took his daughter. Nicolas Cage stars in, 'Stolen'"... Sounds awfully familiar.

  17. 'Snow White and the Huntsman' was more LOTR than the Hobbit.

  18. Everything's fine, right? That's what all you kept saying, right? No need to panic, right? This is the best team in the league, right? Jordan Schroeder is great, right? Max Lapierre is a great asset to the team, right? David Booth is getting back into his groove, right? Zack Kassian is so much better for this team than Cody Hodgson, Right? RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT RITHFHGTJGKKGJ????

  19. Watch out guys, RA Dickey is a master troll.

  20. Walking dead all day marathon Ch.53

  21. I was away from the boards over the lockout, anybody know how to embed Youtube vids in posts now? The old 'media' button isn't there on the post editor...

  22. Flying elbow drop !

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