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About c00kies

  • Birthday 03/22/1993

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    Nucks Fan in Winnipeg!!!!!!!!!

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  1. Think you can text and drive? http://www.itcanwaitsimulator.org/simulator.html

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mr.DirtyDangles


      Don't all phones come with the option to use the speaker phone or bluetooth to the radio, talk n text works like a charm , why is this still a problem ?

    3. Baka


      I do it occasionally but mainly at red lights and I am used to typing without looking at the phone at this point.

      I was going to play that game but I just don't have the will to go through the 2 seconds it takes to download the player needed.

    4. Aladeen


      ^^ Which is actually about 5 seconds shorter than typing that out and telling us that you don't want to go through the 2 seconds it would take?

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