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Everything posted by Violator

  1. https://bc.ctvnews.ca/mobile/brewery-switches-to-hand-sanitizer-grocery-deliverer-hires-laid-off-restaurant-staff-1.4863093#_gus&_gucid=&_gup=Facebook&_gsc=4kw7Lgh Somewhat good news and smart maneuvers by a couple companies
  2. They were eating gelato we need to shut places like that down aswell
  3. Same thing that happened in china information supression
  4. Yeah i dont trust the radar secrets haven't been leaked to the chinese.
  5. I just dont understand why we need stealth capabilities.Not like we will be going on the offensive.
  6. Im just curious how much this is gonna cost us in the long run all of these flights and extra help because people dont wanna stop travel plans. Cause of all this my wedding this year might not happen so im not out much yet aswell as my honeymoon might not happen. People coming from across the country are gonna be out money.
  7. So a restaurant that can hold 250 can only have 50 but a restaurant that holds 50 is business as usual then? So if you had two entrances you could cut the place in half then?
  8. In an area of mexico with no internet apparently
  9. We havent won a game in two weeks i think we need to fire him.
  10. People figured its because how bad gamestop is financially right know.They might not start back up if they close.
  11. Couple people on my Facebook are down in mexico.few others are just finding out about whats going on in the last week.
  12. Eb games was trying to justify its self as an essential service and for staff to ignore police requests to close its doors.
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tre Mac

      Tre Mac

      I'd sleep with a couple of cousins for gas prices like that - Dam Kentucky thats some cheap gas



    3. coastal.view


      yeah but have you seen the prices for hand sanitizer there ?

      move valuable then gold

    4. Violator


      Ohh yeah.kentuky doesnt seem like a bad place otherwise

  13. They wouldn't close kits beach this is why people move to vancouver being outdoors and buying small spaces.
  14. How is italy getting hit so hard
  15. This is what i heard from a guy i work with who lives downtown vancouver. Someone came to his apartment and tested him.
  16. Dont see anything solid about liquor stores closing.to much lost tax revenue if they close.
  17. Someone i work with it happened to him
  18. After reading an article about the surge in marijuana sales.I am convinced that this is all a ploy by the marijuana industry to increase sales and a way for justin trudeau to say he was right about the industry.
  19. They should just get shuttles.but most people dont like carpooling takes away your freedom.
  20. Ok thanks just a little confused thought it meant between alberta and bc or something similar.
  21. I think it was season 4 for me.season two was my favorite
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