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Everything posted by Violator

  1. Your router stores all of your information and uploads it
  2. The guy had a really good career in retrospect after being drafted 220th overall 8th in points 6th in goals Mabye he wasnt good in the locker room.
  3. https://dailyhive.com/vancouver/anson-carter-says-race-played-a-factor-in-canucks-contract-negotiations https://www.sportsnet.ca/590/hockey-central-at-noon/anson-carter-100-race-played-role-career/ Added two articles as the daily hive is a bit flakey. Edit:Mods can move this if its not in the right spot.
  4. Hand sanitizer recall. https://dailyhive.com/vancouver/hand-sanitizer-recall If this was a worse outbreak we would be pooched.
  5. I should start doing this i grow alot of stuff as it is so this would be a logical step in the what to grow next.
  6. Nope definitely not(at the ferry right know lots of moubtain bikes boats and campers coming over) Gonna be a busy weekend Good time for a wildcat strike.
  7. With all this social distancing and drinking at home im sure alot of peoples drinking and driving skills are pretty bad.

    1. brilac


      I'm the opposite.  I have not drank since February, and boy do I love champagne! I've been tempted to buy champagne, and then I drink kombucha. 

    2. Violator


      Kombucha is expensive mabye down south its cheaper like everything else.

    3. brilac


      Yeah, I can get it for less than $3.00 for a 16 oz bottle.  I've bought kombucha at Whole Foods in Vancouver for $3 something for a 16 oz / 473 ml bottle. 

  8. You cant blame people you pay taxes all your life then you want a cheaper place to live but come back and spoonge when those services are needed.
  9. Same type of people that sit on ei in another country.
  10. Amazon is a great way to get your products into the public eye. Problem with army and navy it became like every other place that turned it self into a walmart. All the bigger stores that used to be good at one thing are closed and the places that are good at everything are terrible places to shop now.Its all cheap crap thats available on Amazon. If you have any kind of money right know you can make alot of money.
  11. Were doing a slow burn right know.
  12. Its a slow burn which means the way things are will take longer to sort out.
  13. Should have started herd immunity 4 months ago
  14. It seems &^@#ed up that george bush is normal compared to Donald trump who would have thought that in 2008?
  15. All because they unionized in Ontario
  16. Apparently that idiot was having a rally at the same time that wasnt the only truck i saw sadly
  17. Saw a truck like that in vegas last year.
  18. Im working still and were still actively hiring for the current project and the next project is supposed to start in june which will have three times the people.
  19. If you wanna kill alot of of people you can easily do it without guns.If anything guns would slow you down more and be less efficient.
  20. Ill try to play with a few if you this weekend.Me and a buddy had a one two finish on three player warzone.then a third place finish in the next game.
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