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Everything posted by WonderTwinPowers

  1. The kid's 20 years old. His career isn't written in stone yet
  2. Or he was handed those minutes because he was the best player suited for them on the team? ... You can have your suspicions, personally I'll stick with logic.
  3. With Hughes skating, and EP40's hockey IQ the Canucks are going to be able to play a cruel game of keep away on a lot of teams in a couple years
  4. You'd think Horvat's play would have taught people to stop trying to stick a glass ceiling over players and just enjoy the ride. Hopefully EP40 has done that.
  5. Seems like he's got a really good attitude. Can't be easy watching your best buddy, who was drafted a year after you take off in the NHL without feeling a little down on yourself. Hopefully Dahlen keeps working and will be up sooner rather than later
  6. Are you talking about Emilio Pettersen? Because he's from Norway. And also has a different last name lol
  7. Some solid points about EP in the last page or so I see...
  8. Yup. Robin "watch as I throw all my credibility out the window" Lehner made the cut...
  9. He played with the littlethings. The place where offensive players go to die
  10. But if Brashear had a little more meat on his bones, his head wouldn't have bounced off the ice like that!...
  11. Pretty sure he was voted the best prospect of the Eastern AHL teams last season.
  12. Retroactively placed on IR today. First game he's eligible to return to is Wednesday against VGK
  13. Judging by how he plays Defence I'd say pinch harmonics!
  14. I saw the interview where he said he doesn't even remember scoring when he came back. Unreal in a scary way
  15. He's been much better since joining the Athletic. Much less doom and gloom. Mind you the direction of the team has improved as well. It's nice to see some positives from him though
  16. Seems strange how nothing's been reported here if true. Guess we'll find out today. Probably after Matheson hearing
  17. Yup unless the league asks for in person and the player waives and asks for a phone. I'd be surprised if he got more than a game or two. As far as I know Matheson isn't any form of repeat offender or anything. (not saying I'm happy with that.)
  18. And of course. Because the Canucks can't have nice things. Please be okay Petey
  19. Yeah I get that. My point was the 10 years of drafting part. Since Gillis took over in 08 if memory serves. Benning picks would be included in the 10 years. Anyways, small potatoes
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