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Everything posted by Goal:thecup

  1. Canadian Teams Only, get to play for our Lord Stanley's Finger Bowl.
  2. Attention NHL Advertisers and Canucks fans! I got the helmet ad thing figured out for y'all: And it ain't all that bad. See, it's Canadian, eh? And one side is in French, and one side is in English. LOGO is: "Swirling Towel" then, "ROGERS". That is, ass-backwards, or French, as in "Le towel de Rogers". (6 years of French served me well, eh?) Notice the towel is in red, and spinning around like it's in a washing machine: *********************** If you look at the English side, the letters themselves are backwards, but the word and the symbol are in their correct order. That is: ROGERS TOWEL: **************************** Now the towel has been taken out of the washing machine. And made to fly freely as if Roger had returned and was waving it himself: ******************** Now if someone could please change the colour of "ROGER'S" from red to blue, weed-all be ok with that, wouldn't we? GO BO GO! (Bo Horvat) GO HO GO! (Ho-Glander) GO PO GO! (Po-DKolzin) GO BO GO! GO HO GO! GO PO GO! BO! HO! PO! GO BOHOPO GO! GO HOBOPO GO! GO POHOBO GO! Heja Sverige! (Mattias Öhlund taught me that.) I mean: "Yay Canucks!!" When I see "Rogers Arena", I always think it is honoring Neilson anyway: So it should be, "Roger's Arena". And the ad should be, "Roger's Towel":
  3. "Well Louie, what's it gonna be? Play in the AHL, make big money ($4m) riding the bus, and playing in rabid Covid and schizo-polarized rioting and rebelling Murica? Or, stay in Canada, sit on the taxi squad, barely contributing to the team, and pulling $1.12m less before tax?" (Can somebody re-explain to me what the differences will be to the Canucks, and the cap, etc.)
  4. Finally, a GDT with Podkolzin! Thanks Vintage and Roger. Canada is stacked. But Podz is a Bulldozer. Russians are bigger, tougher, and meaner. Russian goalie may be better than Canada's. These are variables that put Russia squarely in the game. Can't wait. And, haven't been able to cheer for Canada yet as Sweden had Costmar and Roosky has The Podz. As long as our latest 1st round pick is still in it, and Kaptaining his team, even assistant-coaching (per Larionov), I am cheering for Russia. (I have had a difficult time cheering for Team Canada since they started playing for the name on the back of their sweaters. - I remember them playing a relegation team and they were shouting "Who are you?" while pointing to the back of their sweaters. They're a great team, and not the same kids, but the entitlement continues, and that is not typically Canadian, imo.) If Canada wins though, I'll cheer for them as all Nux prospects will have been eliminated at that point.
  5. Right on! I did a search of CBC Archives ( https://www.cbc.ca/archives/categories/arts-entertainment/television/ ) looking for the video of Messier going after Linden (again) while he was already down on the ice. True to form, CBC has a list of categories and when you go down the list to sports then hockey, there is only one NHL team listed; you guessed it, Tarranna! This brings up another area where CBC always favoured TO and Montreal over the Canucks, and one of the worst was the psycophantic Ron 'Hitman' MacLean* (*hit job on Burroughs). That slimy liar just loved Muck Messier and doted on him and (I think) started that great leader BS, and pushed for the most-poorly named trophy in the history of sports. Can't believe MacLean still has a job, scumbag.
  6. From our very own CDC: nuck nit Canucks First-Line Members 2,226 7,067 posts Location: Here and there Report post Posted June 14, 2014 Messier was famous for using his elbows to inflict damage, but two incidents stand out in my mind involving Mark Messier and his stickwork as an Edmonton Oiler. Messier managed to put both Thomas Gradin and Rich Sutter in the hospital. In the first incident, he whacked Gradin on the top of his head with a two-handed slash. Comments at the time indicated that Gradin might have been killed if not for his helmet. http://www3.telus.net/dmarchak/canacts.htm "You don't know this, but Trevor Linden had cracked ribs and torn rib cartilage for the last four games of the 1994 Stanley Cup Final.You can't imagine what it's like to hear your captain, in a room down the hall, screaming at the top of his lungs as they injected the needle into his rib cage. Knowing him, he probably thought we couldn't hear. He would then walk into our dressing room like nothing had happened. That was inspirational." Cliff Ronning Mark Messier inflicted more pain when he attacked Linden late in Game 6, drawing blood with a high stick before turning back to drive his stick into Linden's ribs. Somehow all of that went unnoticed by the refs and the league, while Linden crawled back to the bench in agonizing pain. http://www.greatesthockeylegends.com/2013/07/1994-vancouver-canucks-forever-canuck.html Canucks fans have every reason to despise Mark Messier. The Mark Messier years in Vancouver were an absolute disaster, and fans have every reason to despise him, Mike Keenan, and John McCaw. Messier was overpaid, created distraction after distraction, controlled the dressing room and his own fate with a sense of entitlement, disrespected long-time players, traditions, and members of the community, and played as lazily as one could imagine as the team's supposed leader, leading them only towards the bottom of the NHL standings. He destroyed the Canucks' hopes in 1994 and injured the captain, then played a role in Linden's removal and mutilated the team from within. If there was any one individual who could be identified as this franchise's greatest evil in the 1990s, it would be him. http://hfboards.hockeysfuture.com/showthread.php?t=1385597
  7. Wrong. It was just the way Messier was. Linden was a class act. Messier was a ass hat.
  8. Wrong. It was different then and we still judged it as disgusting. Equally disgusting was CBC's crush on this creep. And to put the last plop on that pile of $&!#e, they promoted Messier as, "The Greatest Leader in Pro Sports" and started this completely erroneously-named trophy, the Mark Messier Leadership Award From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Mark Messier Leadership Award is a National Hockey League (NHL) award that recognizes an individual as a superior leader within their sport, and as a contributing member of society. The award is given to a player selected by Hockey Hall of Fame center Mark Messier to honor an individual who leads by positive example through on-ice performance, motivation of team members and a dedication to community activities and charitable causes. It was first awarded during 2006–07 NHL season and sponsored by Cold-fX. ***** Please note, Messier does not "lead by positive example (disgusting human being), team members should be ashamed he is on their team, and hasn't done anything for the community or charitable causes. NHL must rename trophy or throw it in the trash. I'd like to see Horvat win it and toss it into the chuck (but only if it is not renamed; then Bo would be a good choice).
  9. He's not capable of serious thinking. Or spelling. (See tattoo) Or keeping his tongue out of other players' nostrils. Disgusting little rat. "EEeess not a hamster; he's a ratta!" - Faulty Towers
  10. Perry looked finished last year and in the playoffs.
  11. I think I coulda used me some of that Chara for less than eight bills..
  12. Not a team player. He's all about the name on the back of his sweater. Seriously, where are all these so-called journalists and experts? We should be getting pix and reports as Nux come back to town, etc. If I wasn't so far away...
  13. Well, it mattered to Hedwig: Hedwig and the Angry Inch (musical) - Wikipedia en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Hedwig_and_the_Angry_Inc... However, the operation is botched, and Hansel's surgically constructed vagina heals closed, leaving Hedwig with a dysfunctional one-inch mound of flesh between her legs, "with a scar running down it like a sideways grimace on an eyeless face" ("Angry Inch").
  14. Don't remember him having the speed required for the new NHL.
  15. Fool. I watched it on the pvr.
  16. Finally got a chance to watch the Czech game and, imo, Podkolzin was very good, easily the best Russian player, and obviously the team leader. Good thing you Negative Nellies who think he had a terrible game don't work for the Canucks.
  17. (from the hockeywriters.com) the latest Russian attraction in Zlodeyev, the prospect who has taken the 2020-21 season by storm and Canucks Nation along with it. As of this writing, he has 4 goals and 12 points in 15 games at the MHL (junior) level with MHK Dynamo Moskva and 4 goals at the VHL (Russia’s equivalent of the AHL) level with Dynamo Krasnogorsk. He’s in a bit of a slump right now with only two points in his last five games, but before that, he was on fire with eight goals in 13 games, so he definitely can score when he puts his mind to it. When you look at how Zlodeyev plays the game, you would be forgiven if you thought he was selected as a first or second-round pick. The 2020 sixth-round pick has all the skills you would want in a top-six center. He can obviously score, but it’s how he scores his goals is what makes him special. All of them are scored within a few feet of the goaltender. He has amazing hand-eye coordination for tips and very quick hands in front of the net, which makes him very hard to contain. He can also win faceoffs, as evidenced by his 54 percent success rate, and play effectively in all situations. Oh yes, he has soft hands and a workman’s-like mentality along the boards as well. Basically, what I am saying is, he should have been drafted much higher. Dmitri Zlodeyev Team Russia Could Dmitri Zlodeyev be the Canucks’ Pavel Datsyuk? (Russia Hockey/FHR.ru) It remains to be seen if he can translate his exceptional two-way game over to North America, but the early signs are very good that the Canucks got a steal of a pick in the later rounds of the draft. Could he become their version of Pavel Datsyuk? Time will tell.
  18. It was incredible. Again, that one chance we couldn't bury cost the series; Vegas was mind-##%-ed by our defensive strategy and Demko. I think it was Boeser late in the second, but I could be wrong (and often am). But, like for 2 1/2 games they couldn't score, and they were getting very tired too. Reminded me a bit of Ali's Rope-A-Dope fight where he just ate so many body punches you couldn't believe he was still standing. Then, dance around, pick your spots and dispose of another contender. If that had gone in, I don't think Lost Wages could have beat us. We let Minny get a taste, then disposed of them handily. St Lou was ready for a cake walk and not for The New Canucks! Vegas was the odds-on favorite before the playoffs, I think. Then, everything they had a bit of success with, Greener counter-punched it. It was so good; so very, very good; almost great. Now we get a chance to see Bo and Petey, Q and Schmidtty, Mills and The Flow pick up where they left off. Go Bo Go!! And I think Hogs is going to make the team, on Bo's line, and fill out the top 6 with talent, tenacity, and a bit of a mean streak if you mess with him. And just before the playoffs, there is still a chance we could add Podz and The Tree. My prediction: 1. The Team of the 2020's, none other than our own Vancouver Canucks. 2. The Tarrana Trots and Mr. Underpants (but out in the first round, AGAIN!) 3. Les Habitants; damn every god ever known if they ever win another Cup. 4. The Cowgirls; our x-pats will keep them in it. Out of the playoffs: 5. The Jets; always had a soft spot for the Jets except when playing us; the old Jets had super goaltending, often 3 and sometimes 4 starters deep; and then new Jets have a lot a talent but will not overcome the loss of top players, the underperformance of top stars like Laine, and the aging out of critical components. 6. The Senate; always a bunch of misfits and castoffs along with the overpaid and underperforming; the hope of the new and recently drafted is not ready yet. 7. The Oil should pack up their dilbit-soaked unies and bury them in the polluted mess left behind by the oil greed hogs who should be made to pay the estimated $260 Billion to clean it up.* They were spoiled by Gretz & Co and should also be barred from ever winning another Cup. *plenty of sources for this cleanup estimate, including their own internal documents, according to Global News: https://globalnews.ca/news/4617664/cleaning-up-albertas-oilpatch-could-cost-260-billion-regulatory-documents-warn/#:~:text=Cleaning up Alberta's oilpatch could cost %24260 billion%2C internal documents warn,-By Mike De&text=Cleaning up the Alberta oilpatch,billion%2C internal regulatory documents warn. https://thenarwhal.ca/ottawa-paying-clean-up-albertas-inactive-wells-oilsands-next/ https://www.nationalgeographic.com/environment/2019/04/alberta-canadas-tar-sands-is-growing-but-indigenous-people-fight-back/ https://www.nationalobserver.com/2019/06/03/investigations/exclusive-alberta-warned-it-could-take-2800-years-clean-oilpatch ****************************************************** WARNING: HEREIN begins a rant against ruining our environment and exasperating attempts to slow global warming/climate change: Oh good, Alfie Newberta has a shiny new Dodge pickup getting muddy in Fort Mac, but the rest of the world is paying the true costs. Pipeline construction workers have jobs, but they're building a direct path to the demise of the Southern Resident 'Killer Whales' (sic)(can't believe that the NEB still calls Orcas, KWs). The NEB, tasked with performing the environmental review of the increased dilbit tanker traffic from the Trans Mountain Pipeline expansion was putting the fox right in our henhouse. When the courts threw out their initial rag of a report, the courts insisted on new consultations with the First Nations; FN leaders said they showed up at meetings, read their statement, and left; they didn't offer any explanations or allow any comments or questions from the people; in case you are in doubt, this is not consultation. The only follow up was with the leaders who sold out. The courts also insisted the NEB do another complete environmental assessment, and they did yet another scam review that included this unbelievably disgusting item: the TM pipeline and increased tanker traffic through the Salish Sea is most likely going to kill off the SRKWs, but 'it will be worth it because there is just so much oil' (read money). Their arguments; then the truth: -We have to open new markets besides the states; the world doesn't want dilbit; if you think the price of oil is low, check out the price of toxic dilbit; nobody wants it. -We have to make money to pay taxes and royalties and keep Canada financially fit; they lose money on every drop because nobody wants it and it costs so much to produce and so much to dilute so it will flow through the pipeline; at this point the cost of the diluting solution is more than the total received upon sale of the 'oil'. Plus the total royalties collected from all oil and gas companies since the fifties is not enough to cover the cleanup bill, which so far, the perpetrators have left behind for others to do and pay for. -We need the jobs; there are no jobs after it is built; ever see anyone working on pipelines that are already built? I was born here and have lived in BC all my life; I love our wildlife and our beautiful environment, and stand up to protect it, as I have been taught by our elders. I do not understand people who are willing to ruin it all so that others can rake irresponsible profits while we all foot the bill; there is nothing in it for us. I hate that oil companies still receive subsidies from our governments; this is beyond shameful and is bordering on criminal. As wee Greta Thunberg demanded, "How dare they?!" How dare 'we' ruin the Earth and leave it in such a state for future generations? Wake up Alberta; BC isn't your enemy, we are trying to show you the light. -The oil companies are fleeing because oil is so cheap they can't make money on expensive Alberta 'oil'. -You have squandered your Heritage Fund; that was such a good idea, but, what happened to forethought? -You are going to need almost 300 Billion Dollars to clean up the mess; not to mention the huge amounts of time that cleanup will take (estimated in thousands of years). -Your aquafers are threatened, some ruined, compromised, etc. -You all seem to like to visit BC, enjoy the forests and lakes and ocean, even buying property, recreational, retirement, etc. -Why would you like to ruin it all? -That dilbit sinks in the ocean, and all Trudeau's BS skimming booms and multimillion dollar tugs can't do anything about it. (Brand new very expensive tugs which sit idle at dock.) -It sinks to the bottom, killing everything around it and it goes on killing for a very long time. -You won't be able to go whale watching, cuz they'll be dead. -Salmon die if a single drop in thousands of gallons of water passes through their gills. -All the bottom feeders like delicious halibut, cod, prawns, scallops and other shellfish, everything, everything dies. -That toxic gunk just sits there, leaching toxic waste into the currents, which carry death with them. -It is not like oil, it does not float, you cannot boom it up, pump it out, or even stick a paper towel in it. -Talk of cleanup as it related to a dilbit spill is outright hogwash. -The damage is permanent. -Leave BC alone. -Your western separation movement starts in Manitoba. -Ours starts in the Rockies. (Oye vey, I'm gonna get it now...)_
  19. Yeah, just rattling your cage. I am nuts about the Nux. I think they're gonna win every faceoff, score every goal, never let one in, win all the fights, all the games, all the trophies, etc. I can't quit; I've got a real problem; and there is only one remedy: Drop the puck! (So we can win The Cup!)
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