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Everything posted by Sapper

  1. The Canucks really are limited in how aggressive they can actually be this off season. deciding who if anyone to buy out isn’t an aggressive move ... just cap management. Outside of our core players few if any of our other players have market value beyond lateral swaps. In my view the only tradable assets we have that would return a proven commodity is podz or this years first. Our cap space will limit which ufa’s we can go after. Clearly what’s on the table for he best return is ether Podz or this years first. One of those is the best trade piece we have and just for me personally I believe we have enough young offensive talent and see Podz fitting in well. If we some how end up moving up in the draft and grabbing one of the few stud defence men then I would prefer they keep the pick .... if not move this years first for a top 4 dman would be on my wish list. the spare parts UFA’s are important as is landing on who the backup goalie is next season ..... but the most glaring issue is another top 4 dman and I’m hoping that’s the focus this off season
  2. Somehow the prospect of Edmonton being sweeped in the first round lessens the sting of the canucks season Our consolation prize is a lottery draft pick .... Oilers get a thanks for making the playoff ribbon lol
  3. I wouldn’t want to see anyone go roughrider on the staff and have a truck load of manure dumped on their lawn .... as a rider fan even the most angry of fans agreed that crossed a line lol but your correct that impact at the cash registers that costs money or impacts brand ( advertisers leaving ) is the only thing that ever impacts most sport team owners and in many cases the harshest critics are the biggest fans ..... think hockey moms who scream loudly at their kids to play harder but will scream the loudest if anyone touches them people getting too hung up on thinking criticism weakens the team, stuff like flying that banner , dumping loads of manure or news media being that voice have impact, players may not even know this forum exists ..... they do however watch the news
  4. The fans flying the fire Benning banner was too much and crossed a line for anyone claiming to be a fan But I think it needs to be made clear that Canuck players and team ownership are not on this forum and not one player looses sleep over what a fan posts here. Canuck management are not making decisions based on posters here and nor are they planning team decisions or recruiting staff on this forum. posters may be critical , wrong , right , funny or supportive but certainly not destructive or even constructive beyond creating or disrupting forum harmony among ourselves This isn’t meant to criticize your post but simply using it to make the point that this forum has no where near the power or impact on the Canucks team that some posters are implying
  5. The last few pieces left are the drafts ( both regular and expansion ) , free agency and the team decision on moving or buying out any one. the rest has already been decided and Locked in. next season isn’t too far off and if th oilers completely crap the bed again who knows what trade bait opportunities will arise !!! Toronto as well and just like the fire Benning / Green at all costs group ....the other side of the story with the creepy bro love for the owners and Benning \ Green is getting awkward, some of these posts best fit into WWF or Harlequin Bromance novels. I want change but not just change for the sake of change. I want them to identify what they see as being the problem ( it’s not covid .... that was a factor but not the cause ) ... and begin fixing that
  6. Or ....now hear me out ... Do you love the staff that work there and because of them keep going back and push the owners of said restaurant to fix the few pieces that are not working to make it better for you and those staff?
  7. Just saw the clip .... accidental hit for sure but yah .... that did not look good. Looks like he nearly passed out when he tried to get up. Hope he is ok
  8. Reading comprehension fail? Get off your high horse lol. Debating and discussing an issue is one thing .... you want to piss on someone replying to your quote attest let them know your not interested in discussing
  9. No team wins the cup with only parts they draft in the salary cap age. We need a few decent UFA’s who not only want to be here but contribute. That and while we build through the draft we need to keep that group together ( those players need to want to sign bridge deals to help the team ). Teams in the cap age don’t get to draft high picks for 10 years and keep that group together .... as they grow it forces teams to trade some players they would rather keep but in order to afford the top stars some thought decisions are made UFA ‘s are not just support roles and to fill holes. Maybe pre cap but not now in my opinion
  10. My concern is disenfranchised players wanting out. Hope we don’t find us forced to trade any of the core
  11. It is what it is..I just hope we don't see any key players letting it be known they would welcome a trade. Something is clearly broken and I had hoped.they would ateast acknowledge that and provide a road map going forward of how they will address that. I get it for drafting the core of this team Benning gets a pass on some bad Ufa deals ( the good outweighs the bad)..if no changes at all are made.the only thing we can assume is the fault is placed on.the cap crunch from a.fee.bad signings.and until those contracts clear.so we can afford decent Ufa signings .... this is what we have..top 10 this year and likely next year again before it turns around then
  12. I agree changes are needed but disagree that the owners owe anyone an explanation. I’m not a fan of making changes just for the sake of making change. That never goes well in sports All but the blind can clearly see something is broken with this team. Is it a player or players that are the cause ? Maybe a coach or is it the GM? Firing or trading the person/s who are not the problem will do more damage then doing nothing. What I feel the owners owe fans is to acknowledge the obvious ..... something needs fixing and that they are taking steps do fix that before puck drop next season Maybe the owners have been the problem and the fix behind the scene is for gem to stop micromanaging people and let them do their job ? What I do know for sure is something is broken and I strongly doubt anyone in this forum has the expertise to be able to clearly state what the problem is. The solution may be as simple as letting people do their jobs to trading away or for one player ... All I want as a fan is to hear the owners say yup “we are getting to the root of it and will sort it out ASAP” ..... that’s it. Don’t think we get the right to tell any company how to run their own business ..... we just get to judge the outcome
  13. This notion that in order to be a true fan you must 100% support all players , coaches , staff and if not your not a fan .... is complete nonsense all but the absolute blind can deny that there is a serious problem with this team. I don’t know if it’s a locker room issue ( player problem/s) , the coach , the gm or a combination but it’s clear something is broken. As a real fan I simply want them to root out what that problem is and fix it. I don’t want change for the sake of change, I want the owners to pick what they see is the cause and take action to fix that My only concern would be if they do nothing. Doing nothing would set us back years.
  14. Still a canucks fan but this team is just awful. Playing terrible hockey
  15. Jake has played his last game in a cancuks jersey no matter how this ends. This is now about if Jake has any trade value or can be kept as expansion draft fodder.
  16. I’m glad the Canucks didn’t trade away key future pieces in a delusional attempt to make the play offs this year - so we have that but it is now clear that a few players Canucks fans thought had some value in fact have no takers full stop - I didn’t see anyone taking on virtaneen , sutter , or any of our cap dumps. Although the gaudette trade makes zero sense I am still happy that the core remains intact - and it should surprise no one that no other team has interest in our castaways.
  17. The only sense of this I could.make ( and.i will leave it to the locker room.experts ) is if gaudette going in as an rfa.wpuld need to be re signed in order to be exposed in the expan draft and the player we got In return being under contract fills a needed player being exposed If so this is just litterly a player dump with an expansion draft exposure eligible player in return. Still don't see the new player on the canucks next year
  18. This makes zero sense. It doesn't make the canucks a better team - give us a prospect st a position we need , provide cap relief or make us younger. We would have been better doing nothing ..... or atleast getting a d man to work on
  19. Play demko all the way out thus season.....win or.lose he needs the run and Holtby is done other than a few games if needed And review our assets and those players not part of the future - trade them now before we lose them for nothing or worse stunt their development further to the point they have no trade value. Better effort the last 2 games but its time to accept they won't be changing the coaching so it's time to make the other minor changes to the roster now and let.this group have some games coming together as a team so we don't fund ourselves sharting the bed for the first 25 games of the season next year
  20. Pointless speculation ..... Canucks will not make changes so what you see will be the team for the season. we have few assists other teams would have any interest in at the trade deadline ( from the group not considered untouchable ). those with playoff value we would trade have to much of a cap hit for any serious tire kickers. we are already well into next year territory as this season is too far gone for us to come back. let’s focus on our lottery pick and playing the kids full out from here. Players like juolevi , demko , Hoglander should be top line .... starting the rest of the year. virtaneen and Miller should switch lines for now .... not because he deserves it but if we have any hope of trading him the kids gotta play top line. the season is over .... let’s focus on meaningful minutes and top line experience to speed up the player development of some of the kids. At least then the season isn’t a total loss
  21. It is possible to be a canucks fan and be critical of this year's turn backwards. For me it's the mediocrity that becomes systemic and creates an atmosphere where adding to the team becomes much more.challenging. I can handle the team losing if they are fun to watch and tough to play against. That has been reversed for many games to date this year- tough to watch and fun to play against. We want a team FA want to play for and players want to stay with even if it means less money. Creating a winning team means much more than just wins and losses and I think ( atleast from my perspective) is what's missing at the moment and needs fixing asap. No one expects the canucks to win a cup in the next year or 2 but I want to see them get back to other goalies hating to face our kids who are lighting them up and knowing win or lose they gonna be hurting after the game
  22. I can't recall more boring canucks hockey in the last 35 years. Love the canucks but this version is seriously broken. Clearly they wont change the coach at this point - can't bring myself to cheer another team and too boring watching these team at the moment
  23. Either fire the coach now or blow this team up and move a few stars. We are fast becoming a team players don’t want to play on and need to rip that bandaid off ...... we are already in next year mode. Players have zero emotion and drive at this point
  24. Me thinks fire the gm tonight and once they have someone in the job let them fire the coach and bring in their preferred staff. This season is over
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