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Everything posted by Sapper

  1. Uninspired and dull hockey. Nothing from our stars yet again this 2 year skid is showing zero hope of lessening
  2. We are already into next season mode. It's time to look at our lottery draft 2022 and which position to use our lottery pick on Also do we have current upcoming ufa assets that will be unlikely to re sign and let's move them on to help with the next rebuild Look I'm a die hard canucks fan and will watch and cheer them no matter what. But we need to face reality that this current team is in year 2 now of its tanking with no signs it will end. I'm sure the players here now will improve a bit as the season moves on ... but given that some ufa`s won't want to stay it means we face an on the fly partial rebuild in a couple, of years anyway All I'm saying is if the owners are keeping this coaching staff then let's start that partial rebuild now so we can a head start and maybe in a few years have a playoff ready team
  3. This may be the earliest in many many years that the canucks are in next year mode. This isn't just a phase .. This is 2 years in and 8ts getting worse not better. The canucks have too much skill to be This bad for this long.
  4. This issue of real men brings back a vivid memory of my time in the reg force. One RSM I had ( the meanest SOB I've ever met and 30 years later that still is true ) gave a speech to newly posted into the unit He said the greatest crime in his eyes was a soldier who wasn't man enough to do the time after doing the crime. He warned that if anyone under his command committed an offense that they knew would likely be reported or investigated they had better report themselves before the MP's do so. If not then he had no use for a soldier who wasn't man enough to own his actions The RSM was well respected and actually great guy ... but it had left me tainted if you will in defining what owning one's actions means I might have had some respect if on the day the report was made public if he would have stepped up and said " I own this and resign immediately" Atleast it ensures he won't be employed in the NHL or make it to the HOF during his life time
  5. We will have to agree to disagree I simply can't accept being a blind bye stander in sexual assault allegations ( when your the person in charge ) as just a mistake. It in my view was a decision he made The only mistake I would have agree with would have been back in 2010 if he had been arrested for beating Aldrich for his act .... that I could have easily forgiven his mistake of taking the law into his own hands instead of calling the police This ? Not even in the same ballpark. Real men are more than a bystander. Just my opnion
  6. Mistakes is when you grab a coffee and discover you grabbed tea in error This is not a mistake..... his action had serious consequences which he hid like a coward from until exposed I hope to God people don't think turning a blind eye to sexual assault allegations can be defined as a "mistake"
  7. No ..... real men don't hide like cowards and only when cornered take the easy way out He is not a real man ..... real men would have been furious when it was reported and took immediate actions to make all the players safe This coward is only sorry he got caught for his turning a blind eye ..... if he was even the slightest bit remorseful he would have stopped down before coaching one last game And shame on the nhl and panthers for allowing him his farewell game. He should have been suspended immediately after the report was released pending his meeting. The NHL statement that if he wants to return they would have to review it before approving..... BS ..... if this doesn't warrant a life time ban nothing ever would
  8. This is infuriating. A gutless coward is allowed to coach one last game and then simply step down ???. Bettman wears this 100% ... There are certain offenses that its common to see forced resignations. This is NOT one of those times The coaches implicated as knowing should have been suspended immediately and indefinitely. Giving them time to say goodbyes and getting one last game is wrong on so many levels
  9. I don't believe for a second that he would do it because it's the right thing to do. It will be damage control measures that guide his actions
  10. Smart money would bet on the other 2 members involved stepping down in the next day or 2 Bettman has already released that he is speaking with both of them to set up in person meetings soon That's lawyer speak for "I'll give you a few days to step down before we meet to terminate your employment" I dislike Bettman but as a lawyer he is well aware of the magnitude of today's report and the potential impact to the NHL in the courts Every person involved and named d in the report will be gone ( rightfully so ) from.thr NHL for life I'd like to see the NHL set up an NHL run ombudsperson position that all allegations if this nature are reported to.. Cleary trams are not capable of policing themselves ( some would but it's clear.not all would)
  11. And so long as it's healrh related it should apply equally to any person. Any medical issue is between a doctor and a patient and they questions around the "why" are off limits in my opinion Reason - answering the "why" discloses a diagnoses. Teams are only mandated to disclose injury status and nothing more. The details provided are generally very limited not only to hide it from other teams but to protect the players privacy For any player if abd when an absence is no longer medically supported and a team suspends them ...... that's the only point at which we would have the right to know rhe "why" in my opinion For mental health and addictions just getting someone to open up and seek help is dam near impossible....... if there is any concern over it going public it will keep people from opening up. I agree with the canucks response on.hamonic ...... none of our business at this point
  12. Agreed .... and if part of his journey has him self disclose he would be an excellent role model for seeking help no matter what the health issue is. I just cringe at tge media race to find out the why.
  13. I hope his camp doesn't make a statement as quite frankly it's none of anyone's business as to what the issue is. I'm glad he is receiving help and wish well and privacy as he makes that journey.
  14. You simply need to look at who over the next 3 years is up for renewal ands it's clear that between 2 -3 of our core assets we deem nottouchable today will be gone by the end of next season. We can only have so many contracts paying the top averages in the salary cap world If players sign cap friendly deals a team can use the savings to build up the team around them. If not we get into the situation of a few stars with next 5o no supporting cast .... forever rolling the dice on reclamation projects. Don't get me wrong as I want both Pete and Quinn to remain canucks but it's clear at this point that the cost of doing so will have us back in a rebuild mode in 3 years as we trade away key players for picks and rookies for cap reasons It is what it is and the next 2 to 3 years must be treated as our window of opportunity and go all in. Getting back to the cup even if we don't win would go a long way to having players want to be here and want to leave enough $$$ to ensure all the parts remain intact
  15. At this point the entire argument is moot. Various levels of vaccine / negative tests are happening North American wide ( globally actually). Each day brings a new list in Canada of new occupations that have mandated vaccines and as the numbers rise that trend will continue. No amount of social networking doctors and researchers are going to change that and given that nearly 80 % of our population meets those requirements now it's unlikely the remaining have enough clought to force anyone to change directions It's time to accept that for a few months if you want to do things non essential in public you will require the vaccine. If you choose...which is your right .... to say no then accept the consequences of that choice and enjoy games at home on the telly and using skip the dishes for your restaurant food. The only other viable.option is complete shutdown and business can't survive that. Everyone needs to do their part For vaccinated shop local, choose a few new restaurants and local mom and pop stores. Go to games For those who can't or do not wish to be vaccinated.... don't go where you know your not permitted to go off on the poor employee simply doing their job. Feel free to call your politicians. Shop local stores that deliver and continue to do your part Cheer your team and use ticket money to purchase nice new gear from the team store. It's not that hard
  16. The anti vax crowd absolutely has rights and freedom of choice. They are free to refuse and exercise their rights to watch games at home where they can do as they please. what they do NOT have the right to do at this point is put the responsibility of consequences for their choices on others. The minute they go unvaxxed into public they are stripping our rights from us forgiving us to risk being the consequences of their choices. I do believe the very very few with legitimate medically supported reasons for not being vaccinated should be excluded however for everyone else it’s not about personal choice and those who choose no should be the ones facing the natural consequences of their decisions and not everyone else. they scream about their freedoms and trample the majorities as if you and I never had any. Good on the Canucks for going this route if they follow through. And for the record I don’t have a problem with anti vaxxers who are isolating and not putting others at risk .. that’s your right and your exercising it responsibly.
  17. That was last year while under contract - As an RFA waiting to get a deal done they will listen more so -
  18. I don’t see this as a bad thing ( his comments ) He wants to win as do all the other players. Problem is some of the moves by Canucks brass the last few years have been counter to that objective as seen in some of the results. We as fans can scream as loud as we want and Canucks brass won’t change who they sign or any staff to meet that demand. Pety on the other hand …. They will listen He did not say he doesn’t want to be here. What he said is clear that he wants to be a Canucks but also on a winning team that competes regularly. Happy to see Pety making “make and keep the Canucks contenders” part of his negotiations.
  19. Saskatoon has had their heartbreak with the NHL before.Early 80’s the blues were rumoured to be moved to Saskatoon….. poor bill hunter and it never came to pass saskatoon so ticked off the nhl they sadly will never get Ann he team at any price
  20. The hit to the head was going to occur goal or no goal. And the hit was rightfully so a major. Had the canadian player not have been injured a 5 and or fine would suffice With the injury tge severity should dictate the discipline ..... but it won't. My bet is 5k fine is all
  21. Please elaborate on how that is a hockey play.? Clean record or not that was clearly an act of frustration and intentional. I don't belive he intended to do the actual harm just like Bertuzzi didn't intend on the injury to Moore. It's fine to argue this is a first offense and that you feel it's not as dirty as reeves hit but I am really keen to understand how you give it merit as a hockey play
  22. This is Bettmens new NHL ...... expect more of this ..... not less
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