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Everything posted by wshdrvvn

  1. absolutely. Hamhuis played with a lot more grit than he does today when he was in junior.
  2. my personal favorite from todays game vs the jets. i like the way he plays a lot!
  3. I've never gone as far as actually saying something, but it does annoy me when people spell his name "guance".
  4. you just wanted to say tits kessel
  5. This came up in the McCann thread so I figured I'd move the discussion over here. He's been taking a few faceoffs in the pre-season so it would appear they have tried him as a center. But, the number of faceoffs he's taken has fallen off quite a bit. My take is that they intend to play him on the wing with Roy as his center. Which also supports having a top line of: Paquin-Boudreau - Roy - Zhukenov
  6. You got that right. Why not just enjoy following their junior career? To me that's how you have to approach following prospects. Just enjoy the hockey they are playing right now. It's so rare for a guy to truly raise his profile during his junior career to get NHL consideration. I get excited keeping up with zhukenov this summer because he seems to be acquitting himself well in NA junior hockey. But it's just that; NA JUNIOR hockey. No need to heap expectations, positive or negative, on him now. There is no reason to call him the next datsyuk, or say he won't amount to anything because he's a baby face at 18 years old. Let him progress like any prospect is what I'm saying.
  7. 3 assists in his first pre-season game, and A-B's first preseason win, 6-0 over Rimouski. Sounds like someone's moving the puck around...
  8. Just looking at the info they've provided from these pre-season games, Zhukenov, Paquin-Boudreau, and Roy are carrying the power play. Pretty cool considering those two have much more hype around them and Zhuk seems to be right in there with them contributing. Hopefully it's a sign of early chemistry they'll take into the season! I try to stay level headed and not read into pre-season production; but what I'm getting excited about is that it would seem he's going to be a first line, first unit power play guy this season. **Edit** I should say it seems he'll at least be a top 6 forward and on the first unit power play.
  9. Season starts October 9th. Looks like I'll be going to 2 games in February when UND is in Omaha. It'll be right before the end of the season so I'm hoping there is some story lines going into the games. Can't wait!
  10. Eichel is a monster. He's going to be a big name in the league very soon.
  11. ahhh ok, looks like I followed Dazzle's lead there. Don't worry though, I'm down with Phil too!
  12. isn't that K-ci and jojo? aaand I hope that you! feel the same way toooooooo
  13. Ha! I figured I'd leave that part out. but to add to the stat line from the game, he was just under 50% on faceoffs (6/13) and went first for his team in the shootout, though he didn't manage to convert. Not that I know of.
  14. The Q started their preseason already. Zhuk scored a goal in their first game last Thursday!
  15. I highly doubt he's making millions at this point. but if he steps up big this year and gets an extension for good money, I wouldn't blame him for taking it at all. I still think his ultimate goal is the NHL, but he's being realistic with his development and with his finances.
  16. Updated line up guess:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. thejazz97













    3. Tom Sestito

      Tom Sestito

      still think RK starts opening night

    4. Mr.DirtyDangles
  17. He would get more minutes in the dub but that can be a double edged sword. It can have an effect on a player to where they are taking shifts off and coasting because they can get away with it in junior. It's not an absolute, but certainly possible. To clarify, I'm just playing devils advocate here. I'm of the opinion he still has plenty to learn in junior hockey as well.
  18. Not sure what the exact cut off is, but his birthday is December 8th so he's probably right at the cut off.
  19. not enough time to search it but I believe he was captain of the u17 team?
  20. He kind of reminds me of Mason Raymond. Going off of the very little material we have, obviously.
  21. You'd think these media guys would know better than to say stuff like that. The 2015 draft is barely a week old.
  22. My guess for the opening line up barring any more movement:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BananaMash


      Prab Rai is an hero.

    3. Salmonberries



      That's old school!

    4. wshdrvvn


      I think it could work. I think they would protect Vey from his lack of physicality.

  23. Adam Polasek more recently. The idea of him playing in the CHL seemed like the best way to go but playing professionally is still a strong option. Hopefully he earns more minutes this coming season.
  24. Nah, I'm with Tas here. He looks like he could star in the Point Break reboot.
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