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Down by the River

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Down by the River last won the day on September 11 2017

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About Down by the River

  • Birthday July 6

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Canucks Franchise Player (12/14)



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  1. Used to wonder how people on here dealt with life given all their strawman logic and chicken little syndrome. Then I realized they probably use CDC to avoid dealing with real life.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Down by the River

      Down by the River

      ^ Its okay. I'm over-generalizing. Its mostly just a select few who constantly appear in the conversation.

    3. jdatb


      ehhh. a lot of people on here just don't seem to understand the internet properly. I wouldn't be surprised if some of my most disliked members are fairly likable and normal IRL.

    4. TimberWolf


      I think I am more liked online than in the real world....

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