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WHL rocks

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Everything posted by WHL rocks

  1. What really happened It was a tough game hard game What's with sobby eyes
  2. Podz plays hard. Uses his body.. Opposite team pissed off.. I'm happy.. Need more Podz on our team..
  3. No I don't think so I watched caps game then oilers then canucks Don't recall LAK being on schedule Might be wrong I'm suffering thru a concussion.. I might have forgot ...
  4. Omg. Careful!! Last thing you need is a broken bone.. it sucks, trust me i been dealing with it for a month now...
  5. I'm all for Kane to Canucks trade. Main reason is he will be cheap to acquire and I think it has a good chance of working out for us... But there are personality issues. Kane can say he's never done this or never done that.. maybe he's one of those people who don't understand he's rubbing people the wrong way. Or he's one of those people who just doesn't get it that his personality is an issue. But it is an issue. It has been an issue his entire career.. I think the reason it could work is that he's close to 30 yrs old now so he is maturing as a man and his next team is his last chance in the NHL. I think he will be motivated to fit in under the radar and coming home being close to his family could help.. Another thing is SJS really encouraged the personal image over the team. The players from Thornton on down wanted players to have a personality and a free will type of atmosphere.. I remember that from when Kane first went to SJS and he was talking about it and so were other SJS players. They were saying SJS vibe is different. Everyone is chill. You do you. Have your own personality and every one is cool like that.. Most teams have more of a team first approach and certain rules and guidelines to follow as a team mate.
  6. He would be great as AGM in charge of scouting and drafting.. I've been saying that for years. Too late though. He's not going to accept that role.
  7. Podz with 16:47 TOI that's 4th on Canucks forwards after EP40 Miller Horvat
  8. I remember the time when I was young I knew most refs names. Less refs and they had names on the back of jerseys like players do... Now I can't remember any...
  9. I think someone on some good psychedelics... lol
  10. So many people I know are going thru omicron.. it's affecting everyone. Two of my closest friends and their entire families ( wives kids) have it right now. I was talking to ICBC adjuster today and she said HALF her Co workers are sick with it working from home. Pro athletes are young , super healthy, in great fitness, financially very comfortable and they have better healthcare and resources available to them than 99% of Canadians. They'll be fine.
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