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Status Updates posted by Stick-in-Rink

  1. Had a dream that Luke Schenn got traded back to Toronto and he was crying his eyes out.. Why does my subconscious think of such things?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. allkill326


      Well, it might come true, because before Game 6 of SCF, I dreamt of LA winning 6-1.

    3. Stick-in-Rink


      Bure who?: YES, Exactly! Where have you been all my life?

      AK326: I think all hockey dreams are cursed, last year during the SCF run, I dreamt that the Leafs beat the Canucks in the Finals.. and then a week later the Canucks lost to Boston. WHY ARE THE LEAFS ALWAYS IN MY DREAMS :(

    4. Pears


      I dreamt of Boston winning game 6 9-0 last year. When they went up 4-0 in the first I thought my dream was coming true

  2. Gino: "You wonder why we don't win the Stanley Cup here in Vancouver when the Hall of Fame gets it right before the Vancouver Canucks do."

    1. Xbox


      Yes because thats why the Sedins couldnt score

    2. RunningWild


      Sounds like had another long night at the Roxy.

  3. Did anyone pass by Granville Street today and see the signs on the windows of the Bay that said "June 15" with writing all over it and sign them? I sure did, and then some random guys came up to me and told me Vancouver isn't a beautiful city. :(

    1. diesel_3


      I've been in plenty of arguments with people from EDMONTON who says EDM is nicer than VAN, some people are just delusional.

    2. Stick-in-Rink


      I don't even think I'd bother to divulge in that argument with them.. No one would want to live in Deadmonton.

    3. Mr. Anderson

      Mr. Anderson

      Vancouver isn't that great of a city. I like Victoria better.

  4. Why is it that I never meet guys who are hockey fans.. Instead ones that could care less of hockey are the only ones interested in me..

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. LostViking


      wait till playoffs, look for beards, :P

    3. Mr.DirtyDangles


      Lost Viking has a great idea during reg season pic a few dudes you like keep an eye on'em and in the playoffs the ones that sprout their playoff beards are your targets ...er prospects yeah prospects lol :P

    4. Bruce Boudreau

      Bruce Boudreau

      I like hockey. *bigblush*

  5. The Black Keys concert was fracking epic.. ignoring all the times I was groped.

    1. Armada


      Man, I'm so pissed right now. I was gonna buy tickets thinking it was next week... I missed my favorite band..

    2. Stick-in-Rink


      That sucks.. they're my favourite as well. I guess I shouldn't go on about how amazing it was then..

  6. For the first time in my CDC career, I used all of my posts.. No more ranting for me I guess.

    1. dKs89


      22 away from 100 for me lol

    2. Stick-in-Rink


      You've got a long ways to go.. I feel empty now.

  7. Cool, it's "change your profile picture to a Canucks player right before the play-offs" day

    1. Vigneault's Timeout

      Vigneault's Timeout

      David Puddy: "Gotta support the team"

    2. Stick-in-Rink


      In one way or another.. I guess.

    3. Strawberries


      April.. when everyone is a huge canucks fan

  8. It's all up for grabs now.

  9. I missed the game! Anyone care to summarize why we lost to the Phlegms?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mr.DirtyDangles


      fLAMES battled hard the last half, refs were BRUTAL! Bieksa was targeted out there ! Dont knw if anyone else noticed this ? Not our night :(

    3. Drive-By Body Pierce

      Drive-By Body Pierce

      Lack-luster game for the first two periods, intensified in 3rd and ended up being very entertaining.

    4. NightHawkSniper


      They were afraid to shoot the puck on the pp

  10. Looks like Philly really doesn't want the Canucks to have the Presidents Trophy.. Down 4-0 to NYR after 1st.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. goalie13


      I'm pretty sure that's not the Flyer's strategy.

    3. Xbox


      Flyers just really wanna play Pittsburgh

    4. GodzillaDeuce
  11. Detroit clinching their 21st season play-off spot.. What is rebuild mode?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Chimon


      Jarnkrok - Zetter

      Nyquist - Datsyuk

      Smith - Lidstrom

      Sheahan - Helm

      Tatar - Hudler

      Pulkkinen - Filppula

    3. Stick-in-Rink


      That's what I was implying that Detroit doesn't need rebuild mode. :P

    4. Ilya Mikheyev

      Ilya Mikheyev

      Although I agree with the point Chimon. Smith - Lidstrom is a bit of stretch.

  12. Good god, Landeskog is gorgeous..

  13. According to some "fans", Canucks have Shanahan and Bettman in their back pockets and Daniel deserved the hit for being dirty earlier.. It really does feel like it's us against the world most the time.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Stick-in-Rink


      It's easy to generalize a fanbase, when all the cocky and dim-witted fans speak much louder than the passionate, reasonable ones. That relates to every large fanbase however. But I still can't amass to the lack of respect the Sedins receive, it's certainly frustrating.

    3. Sully2Cool


      Daniel Sedin did not deserve that hit as for Ducncan Keith 5 games Suspension he should have gotten more like a 10 game suspension anybody here agree with me.?

    4. Vigneault's Timeout

      Vigneault's Timeout

      Every fan base is cocky. I think the difference is that our fan base is so spread out (how many Blue jerseys have we seen in road games? Phenomenal amounts!!!) So they just spread the love a little more than other groups ;)

  14. NHL's going to ask Keith to wave right to an in-person meeting instead! He could get more than 5 games.

  15. How can I get a sharpie/pen mark off the crest of my jersey? I don't want to put it in the laundry because it's autographed.

    1. CanucksBen


      I scrub mine with a tooth brush for food stains, but I have an old CCM Sens jersey with a pencil line, its litterally impossible to get off. Your best bet it a tooth brush, and if you have to, add bleach. But dont use the toothbrush in your mouth until the bleach is off lol

  16. It'd be a good idea if CDC could shut down after every loss until the next game starts.

    1. -Vintage Canuck-

      -Vintage Canuck-

      or add more mods, right now i only see one

    2. canuck_trevor16


      more mods to control CT

  17. Best way to drown my sorrows of losing Hodgson?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Stick-in-Rink


      BunBun: Thanks, I really like what Kassian brings, but Hodgson really was the epitome of a Canuck to me, so it feels like daggers being a fangirl of his for so long..

      Goalie13: but lyk kassian iz not kewt!

      SSM: It'll be a grueling 4 months for the wait.

    3. NightHawkSniper


      I heard the drinking game about Raymond works wonders.

    4. Stick-in-Rink


      While combining it with the Garrett drinking game....death

  18. Bryz just can't make a save when it matters.. Giroux for Schneider? (I kid)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sick Hands

      Sick Hands

      Schneider for Simmonds + 1st

    3. Strawberries


      Raymond can fetch us malkin and james neal , raymond for giroux is a insult

    4. Strawberries


      Raymond can fetch us malkin and james neal , raymond for giroux is a insult

  19. It's snowing in the lower mainland! T'is beautiful

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Stick-in-Rink


      Hm.. is it a coincidence that it started snowing on Friday the 13th?

    3. Bruce Boudreau

      Bruce Boudreau

      ^ Ahh 2012. The Mayans were right it is the beginning of the end!!! :P

    4. Sully2Cool


      More Snow on the way begging next week.

  20. Yeah, that's the exact picture I found. I just re-sized it after. But that's the original file.

  21. I hear Lost is a remarkable show, but I've pretty much given up watching T.V. because Canucks games take up the majority of my time already haha.

    Really, a well thought out post from moi? I'll take it. :)

    Just to fit in with everyone else down here, "outstanding sig" !

  22. Lost, the show? I am lost.

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