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Everything posted by kodos

  1. A friend of mine just passed away. Probably won't be around for a bit. Take it easy, CDC.

  2. Come to think of it, I haven't even read a review of the new one. A few friends have brought it up, though. Definitely heard a Flaming Lips comparison. Flaming Lips meets Animal Collective not so much. Sounds interesting haha.
  3. I tuned out this band after their first record, which I thought was pretty good. Their second was supposed to be a wreck, but I've heard good things about the new one. What's it like?
  4. Blue Jasmine. 7/10, would be lower if it weren't for Cate Blanchett's performance. Pretty disappointed with Louis C.K. (not that he had a ton to work with), pretty impressed with Dice.
  5. http://tough-age.bandcamp.com/ Conflicted about this band, really love "The Heart of Juliet Jones".
  6. "Mrazek earns a 14 save shutout"

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. kj29


      What a performance. Wayyy better than Luongo's performance tonite. LU < Mrazek

    3. kj29
    4. nux4lyfe


      This explains it all :


  7. going to need therapy after my hangover today

  8. Damn, I took way too long to listen to this Real Estate album

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. kodos


      Days. Easy is one of my favourite songs in a while. Re-listened to the Suburbs today, too. Better than I remembered.



      I love Real Estate. Days is really great. "Wonder Years" is probably my favourite. It's got a really nostalgic and happy feel to it.

    4. kodos


      Yeah, I like it lots. Also digging Yuck's album a lot right now. Kind of skipped it when it first came out.

  9. oh my god i thought mangoes got banned for a second

    1. Baka


      I find it funny that Tiger admitted to being him and he is still here haha. What a boss

    2. Drouin


      saw mangoes and banned.. :(

    3. kodos


      seriously there has to be some sort of conspiracy involving the mods. that's the only way i can see him not getting banned.

  10. he brightened up our lives for a fleeting moment like a shooting star burning a swath through the black, black night. rip saniel.
  11. I liked Funeral. Otherwise, huge meh for Arcade Fire. I ought to give them another shot and listen to the new record, but they never really did it for me.
  12. The biggest winner of the NYI-BUF trade was my fantasy team

    1. Peaches


      Yet I'm still first by 300 points lol

    2. kodos


      My head-to-head league haha, I'm first in that one

  13. Is there any way for me to get into the NHL?
  14. blah blah blah blah blah

    1. nux4lyfe


      to which disgraceful CDC user does that comment belong to?

  15. So, now that Clarkson is back should I pick him up over Voracek?

  16. 71 points first year in the AHL. I'm pretty sure that's the first time my guy has cracked 10 points in any league..
  17. 2 games for the Sharks this year. +2. Watch out, world.
  18. come onnnnn dodgers

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