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Everything posted by Baka

  1. C'mon you can see dat bulge from space.
  2. I must have the worst luck when it comes to Microsoft. My 3rd Xbox 360 is having critical errors and is on the verge of death. I don't even abuse my products I set them up specifically to thrive xD
  3. Mastered English grammar in 1 night.
  4. I don't care about the commercial but does anyone know what the music is in this clip? It is not Bittersweet Symphany. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zrPXUxD0LCo
  5. Excellent. Now excuse me while I use this fine classy art work to get laid and anoint Saniel as my wingman.
  6. I best put my request in before he gets to booked up. Saniel can I get a picture of a girl with shoulder length black hair named Ashley shooting a zombie with a sniper?
  7. My guess is her father was a Mooninite.
  8. I cried when Bambi's mom died.

  9. Anyone area in the Surrey hook up?

    1. JimLahey


      Don't mock me.

  10. It had literally nothing in common with Smallville other than the few things you simply can't change haha.
  11. I didn't realize this was basically a FPS MMO style game with RPG elements with the fireteam meet ups being random and such. The commentators really were terrible and didn't give much. I am much mpre hyped now.
  12. In the post show they mentioned they were a bit disappointed that it seemed to play like any other shooter without anything unique showing in gameplay which is how I kind of felt but it did still look good. I will be getting it I love sci fi games.
  13. Keep in mind they are talking about all sales in general not just people who are buying them for themselves. Gaming consoles especially new released ones are great for marketing and will be often used as prizes in stores/arcades/bars/schools/etc. As well as by radio stations, small businesses, numerous companies offer prizes off sites like twitter for them. Some companies also simply offer them as entertainment they often have a few up at places like Dave and Busters sometimes in fast food restaurants like McDonalds.. events that have parents with kids sometimes get them to keep the kids busy. Some jobs that have downtime allow the workers to buy them for example a friend of mine is a firefighter and they all chipped in to buy a PS3 and 360 at the firehouse. And of course not to mention a surprising amount of people manage to stupidly break their consoles. I still think it's unlikely they will hit that billion mark but I don't think it's all that farfetched.
  14. I like to flood the tub, turn on the shower, and pretend I am on a submarine that was just struck by a torpedo.

    1. Tearloch7


      do you wear a snorkle? .. pretend it is your periscope? ..

    2. Plum


      I almost drowned.

    3. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      your from the USA?.....do you know julie rollins?

  15. I understand what you are saying now. It's still incorrect but I get it haha. If you stand inches from someone you will see the details down to the pours like in that rendering. If you move back 10 feet you will no longer be able to see the pours and fine details but that person still looks far more realistic than say the picture I posted from Beyond: Two Souls. It isn't because your eye can see in a resolution far superior, that's just the base of it. What makes life look real is those details relfected through realistic motions and lighting added to that extreme detail. Something that many people overlook. A character that has that much detail will maintain a life like imagine when zoomed in and out on. The base of the model even at a distance will maintain more life like movements from expressions and lip movemen as well as holding a realistic bouncing of light and skin tones. I really don't know why you referenced TV resolution. If TV resolution can handle real life and advanced CGI I don't understand why you'd think it can't handle videogame graphics which is by far the lesser detailed of the 3. For reference this is Halo 4's CGI at 720p which clearly wasn't suffering from a lack of resolution. PS4 was basically saying they now have the power to bring top of the line CGI like graphics into actual gameplay. If you still think differently that is fine. I still think it's silly that you are still arguing that a company whose entire theme is maintaining and advancing graphics beyond any other gaming company for games that are modeled to look and play like movies is just going to call it quits and not bother being the extra work into pushing gaming graphics to the next level. But if you feel otherwise still all I can say is keep a look out for the PS4 game Quantic Dreams will be releasing and if they in fact decided to not put the extra effort in and don't have the best graphics of any game to date you can feel free to send me my crow.
  16. What you just said made absolutely no sense. You are blantantly announcing without any sources or even logical back up that no developer will ever take the time to produce a game that features graphics of that detail. The video animation shown at the PS4 reveal of the old man's head was produced by the company Quantic Dream. Now in my previous post I listed 3 games that specifically prided themselves on visual detail, two of those games being Heavy Rain and Beyond: Two Souls. Both of those games are PS3 only games developed by none other than Quantic Dream. Quantic Dream has also already announced that they are working on a PS4 title. So despite all of the above you still feel you are qualified to announce that the PS4 won't have any games developed that ephasize graphics of that nature? 4 As far as your NES to Wii U reference goes I can't see whatever the NES picture is but that comparison is rediculous as it is. It's like comparing a stone to a modern day tire they are so far apart and uses such different componants they aren't comparable. The PS3 and 360 are inferior to PC gaming because they can't produce enough power to match PC with graphics or general in game action. My reference in graphics jump is plausible because the PS4 has 50% more graphic power than the Xbox and both systems feature power that is in the ballpark of todays average to lower average gaming PC's. My point of posting that was to say PS4 can handle those graphics which you agreed with.
  17. Why do you say that? I mean obviously most games won't look like that but considering how much power the PS4 (and even the Xbox One) has and not to mention that video was on the PS4. If it wasn't possible how else would they be able to showcase it off the system? Keep in mind what was accomplished with those far weaker systems in games oriented on realistic faces such as Heavy Rain, LA Noire, and Beyond: Two Souls. It certainly isn't impossible for that to appear in games like that. If PS3 can handle this why can't PS4 handle that?
  18. No way the starting price will be $900. PS4 is projected to start between $400-$500 and we already saw how PS3 suffered from charging a larger tag than the 360. Plus consoles make as much money on extra content it would not benefit them to launch the price into the gaming PC ballpark and make PS4 the economical choice.
  19. I won't speak for everyone... But I had no problem with them not showing off new games. I had a problem with them showing off all the advancements they made in reference to TV. I wanted to see the advancements they made to the console as a gaming system. PS4 touched upon how the system makes the gaming experience better. Xbox basically just said we can find your perfect match based on your achievements then talked about how watching football would be super cool totes awesome and glossed over the new rules and regulations they will be enforcings saving some until after the show.
  20. I am not saying Xbox won't sell millions that is an obvious statement. Put it this way... What you are implying is that just because a system changes to favor 1 crowd it's not going to lose a previous crowd it had. This is not true. Recreational gamers are the favored market while hardcore gamers are the ones being isolated. If PS4 appeals to the hardcore gamer why would you think that previously loyal hardcore Xbox gamers won't jump to PS4? If anything the facts are in front of you. This reveal is drawing a much more negative response from hardcore gamers and many of these people are already saying they will go PS4. Can you really speak for people who are saying the exact opposite? This has never worked in the gaming industry. Many franchises have tried to simplify some advanced aspects of games to suit the recreational gamer for the sake of sales and while sales may still benefit some of the games fell into early graves and in some cases simply lost the hardcore gamers. For example Halo 4 saw this despite praise for the campaign the multiplayer was critisized for it's overly user friendly game style allowing ordanance calls and magnetic bullets. Despite it's tremendous sales many of the hardcore gamers left for the other shooters and within a couple months Halo's multiplayer's population dropped by a larger percentage than any other game being played. It's like Chrysler marching out a minivan but putting a powerful engine in it and giving the sleak curves and indents of a sports car and expecting this to appeal to both families and people into muscle and sports cars. In addition keep this in mind. Hardcore gamers hate playing with younger kids. Going into games with people who don't understand it and then dealing with kids who scream over the headsets. On numerous games message boards this is always one of the most complained about things when dealing with randoms and Xbox is just asking for more of it. Yes it may sell. but hardcore gamers don't care what the crowd is doing they go for what offers them what they want and I don't think it's mass hysteria the majority of hardcore gamers are irritated with Xbox now. It should also be noted that when the 360 went on sale against the PS3 it was still riding the now faded Halo craze and the PS3 was grossly overpriced. This year the grounds are much different. For the record I also have an Xbox and a PS3 I actually play my Xbox more than my PS3 and I may even get the Xbox One down the road after the price drops just because I am that much of a gamer. But I don't see how anyone can sit here and say that Xbox just outshined what PS4 offered from a pure gaming standpoint.
  21. I hope you enjoy it. But most people wanted to see advancements in gaming and they marketed a glorified DVR. Personally a Halo TV series and more advanced features for movies and TV aren't what I want from my console (plus it's not like PS4 won't have any of this). As far as exlcusive games go they didn't give much info on these games if at all and Xbox has released some very crumby exlusive games in the past while many consider playstation to have a more rounded set of exlusives. What I saw was a industry push a product marketed for recreational family type gamers.
  22. I have both a PS3 and Xbox, always prefered Xbox. After watching this... I think I am leaning towards getting a PS4. Xbox hardly even talked about gaming.They basically just marketed Xbox as a fancy cable box.
  23. The Canucks need more sex. That's the Blackhawks leaked secret to success.

    1. Grapefruits


      what happens in the locker room should stay in the locker room, if ya know what I mean

    2. King Heffy

      King Heffy

      I thought AV and Ebbett had that covered.

    3. Heretic


      Is that why Ballard doesn't get to play? He refuses?

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