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Everything posted by coryberg

  1. Yep. Paid a crazy price and then sat him for the rest of the season and playoffs
  2. Let's hypothetically say that you are correct in your assumption that the leafs are 1 top 4 shutdown D away. What do they trade to get said player? These players dont come cheap and the leafs just tied up their first for the next 2 years. Their prospect cupboards are getting empty so most likely they would have to lose a good player up front to add the the back end. If they decide to go the UFA route a top 4 shutdown starts at about 4.5 and could go as high as 7. No cap space for that. Even if you somehow found a top 4 shutdown D with a dirt cheap contract and doesnt require you to lose a good price up front your top 4 dmen would be Reilly, Muzzin and mystery man. You only have 3 top 4 D. That is a step back from last year when you had Hainsey and Gardiner.
  3. To make matters worse Dubas publicly gave his word that he wouldn't trade Nylander. Not only did he cave to crazy demands salary wise but he also gave a NTC to a player that legally couldn't be given one. The other GMs must have been choked!
  4. The Ballard trade was at the draft. We held off until pick 25 came up. When our guy was off the board we gave the Panthers the great honor of taking Quinton Howden.
  5. I was pretty upset that Carolina got that first from Toronto for buying out Marleau instead of us. But the fact that Jim wasn't interested is proof to me that he intends to use that cap space on something else. He says he would like to add a dman and is still interested in adding another top 6 forward. With the cap going down I think this is the perfect storm for us and our cap space. We missed the playoffs by 9 points last year. Add a couple 20 goal scorers and a solid DMan and we are in.
  6. Just did a little digging into his time on ice history and saw that throughout Miller's career he has averaged 14:50 a game. During his 2 best seasons he was over 16 minutes per game. -In 2016-17 he had 56 points when he cracked the 16 minute mark at 16:22 toi -In 2017-18 he had 58 points at 17:01 toi (Including the 19 games with Tampa bay where he played 18:01 and had 18 points in 19 games)  In 2018-19 Cooper bumped him down to the 3rd and he had 47points in a below career average 14:40. JT most likely will receive 18 minutes a night in Vancouver, if you equate points to time on ice and extrapolate 14:40 to 18:00 you would see his total from last season at 58 points. We aren't getting a wild card or taking a risk here this player is consistent, physical, durable and at 58 points he would have been our 3rd leading point getter just behind Pettersson and Horvat. If the pick becomes a lottery pick I'm sure it will be #14 or 15. This team is on the rise and even more so with a player like JT and a mystery box coming on D. The chances of the pick being a top 5 are minuscule. If by some insane bad luck that happens we MIGHT lose this trade, either way I think it was a good gamble to take.
  7. Let me dumb this down to your level. You say it's even odds for us to make the playoffs or miss them. So flip a coin, then flip it again. The odds of you losing once are 50%.... the odds of losing twice in a row are 25%. Therefor the odds of you winning at least once is 75%. 75% odds are "easily" better.
  8. Same as last year? So you think we make a trade to get Guddy back and re-sign MDZ? Highly unlikely! Is that one addition Quinn hughes? No? Maybe you think he is Utica bound? Even more unlikely. You aren't thinking JB will get us a UFA or trade for another D? That is very unlikely. You don't think OJ will make strides and force himself onto the roster at some point this year? I wouldn't bet against it.
  9. I feel like I'm talking to Donald Trump here. Just making up facts as you go. I can't take you seriously.
  10. You say that Jim hasn't even tried to add a 1st round pick. That he hasn't even entertained the idea.  Do you really believe that to be true? Please say yes
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