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Those were absolutely vicious punches and elbows, and Shogun's eye was all bloated up. No doubter, that's for sure.

Jones' next opponent is his training partner Sugar Rashad, which will definitely be interesting. Calling Jones' win right here. That guy is just too tall, too much reach and too good for Rashad, IMO.

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For all the talent on the Card it was pretty Meh.

But Jon Bones Jones was in another class compared to Rua.

I don't think Rishad has a shot in hell at beating this guy.

Jones seems pissed that Rishad wants to fight him, so he's going to kill him.

Silva and Jones would be an awesome super-fight.

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For all the talent on the Card it was pretty Meh.

But Jon Bones Jones was in another class compared to Rua.

I don't think Rishad has a shot in hell at beating this guy.

Jones seems pissed that Rishad wants to fight him, so he's going to kill him.

Silva and Jones would be an awesome super-fight.

Yeah but so would GSP and Silva, and that was total dominance by Jon Jones. That was the toughest guy he has faced so far, and he maybe only got hit around 3-5 times. He is in the class if GSP and Silva.

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Yeah but so would GSP and Silva, and that was total dominance by Jon Jones. That was the toughest guy he has faced so far, and he maybe only got hit around 3-5 times. He is in the class if GSP and Silva.

I just recently became a UFC fan, so haven't been following it as tightly as some others. Was GSP this dominant against a fighter like Rua when he was 23? I mean, this was almost complete domination by Jones. It wasn't even close.

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Silva and Jones would be an awesome super-fight.

i agree

lol shogun should be embarrassed

Jon Jones is that good, Shogun should have done better, but Jones controls most of his fights

Look at this....

Jon Jones:

Height: 6ft 4

Reach: 84.5 In

Rashad Evans:

Height: 5ft 11

Reach: 74.5 In

Look at the reach advantage Jones has

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the size and reach played a HUGE factor in that fight. But wow was Jones impressive. I can't see this guy staying at 205 more then a year and a half. His frame is gonna fill up fast. He has to move up to Heavyweight, because the weight cut to light heavyweight will destroy his body.

I am a huge Shogun fan but man, he looked super sloppy. Or maybe it was a combination of jones looking great and shogun looking bad. He looked gassed after the first and has never beaten in that fashion or remotley close to that fashion before. It looked like he got hurt in the first round. I would not be suprised to here if he broke some ribs from the first take down or one of the crazy elbows bones threw. Did not expect him to see him lay a beating on someone like Shogun. Props to Jones. Props to Shogun for being very gracious in defeat and showing great heart.

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Was GSP this dominant against a fighter like Rua when he was 23? I mean, this was almost complete domination by Jones. It wasn't even close.

After GSP won the Welterweight championship (against Matt Serra), GSP's fights started going to decision alot but before then he Destroyed his opponents (by tko or submission)

Cool video for GSP vs Shields fight


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I just recently became a UFC fan, so haven't been following it as tightly as some others. Was GSP this dominant against a fighter like Rua when he was 23? I mean, this was almost complete domination by Jones. It wasn't even close.

GSP was destroying guys and was dominant, but no Jones dominant. But GSP wasn't facing great guys like jones was at that age. Honestly the only guy in my memory that i can recall that was that dominant at that age was Shogun Rus believe it or not. If notom, one could argue he was even more dominate. Thats the crazy thing about this sport right now. Its in it early stages right now, so every few years, the new guys that come in are so much more skilled and well rounded. For guys that are older, they need to be constantly evolving and trying to keep up with the sport.

Oh yeah, I guess Aldo who is only 24 is just as dominant. But unfortunently lower weight guys dont get the recognition they deserve. But Aldo has pretty much raped everyone he was ever fought in brutal fashion.

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Jones is an absolute freak of nature. It's been a while since we've seena guy who looks like he can legitimately hold the LHW title for some time.

To be honest, five of the seven UFC divisions have champions who look like they can't be touched by their contenders:

FW - Jose Aldo


MW - Anderson Silva

LHW - Bones

HW - Cain Velasquez

However, JDS does pose a serious threat to Cain. We'll have to see how this goes once he finishes Brock in June.

And god daaaaamn Jim Miller is climbing that LW ladder, eh?? What an impressive performance tonight. Seven straight for him. Defs in line for a title shot soon. Maybe he gets the winner of Guida/Pettis??

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NEWARK, N.J. -- Crime fighter by day, light-heavyweight champion by night.

Jon (Bones) Jones did it all Saturday, chasing down a thief in nearby Paterson before mugging Mauricio (Shogun) Rua in the cage for his light-heavyweight belt in the main event of UFC 128 at Newark's Prudential Center.

"The only thing left to do is deliver a baby on his way out of here or something," joked UFC president Dana White. "I don't know what else this guy can do."

Asked about the incident, an animated Jones spent more than five minutes of his post-fight news conference detailing what happened.

The 23-year-old mixed martial arts fighter explained that before each bout he likes to spend time at a beautiful spot, be it a mountain or stream. "I like to associate nature with different levels of energy," he explained.

One of his co-managers has family in New Jersey and suggested a place in Paterson with a bridge and waterfall. So Jones and coaches Greg Jackson and Mike Winkeljohn headed there.

It was beautiful, Jones said, albeit in a "real ghetto area."

So bad that their driver warned them about muggings. And right on cue, they noticed an elderly Spanish couple screaming and running towards them, yelling that a man had smashed their car window and grabbed their belongings.

Winkeljohn and Jackson both started in pursuit of the thief. Jones said he was stunned at first, then took after them.

Soon the six-foot-four, 205-pound fighter was overtaking his older coaches, much to their horror with a championship fight just hours away.

"I'm like 'No, Coach, trust me man, I'll be OK.' So then I put the jets on, I went T.O. (Terrell Owens) on them."

He soon caught up with the man, who was getting winded.

"The guy looks back and then he trips over his own foot," Jones said. "At the time he tripped over his own foot, I got so scared because I didn't know what I was going to do when I caught him. So I actually started barking like 'Aargh, I'm going to get you, argh."'

The man tried to stand up and Jones kicked his leg out.

"So he's down on the floor and I'm thinking like I hope I don't get stabbed right now. I'm just looking at him like should I ground and pound him? And Greg Jackson just comes out of nowhere and jumps on the guy's back and starts speaking Spanish."

Winkeljohn then piled on.

Jones sat on the thief's legs and noticed that people in the neighbourhood were coming out of their homes and everyone was speaking Spanish.

Suddenly Jones was wondering what he had got himself into.

"Then a guy walked up to us and he's like 'Yo man, that could have been my mamma's car.' And once he said that I was like 'Yes, they're on our side."

Jones and his coaches held onto the man until the police arrived.

"So the policeman gets out of his car and he's like 'What are you doing here? Aren't you fighting tonight?"' Jones recalled.

The woman who had been robbed told Jones: "God's going to be with you tonight. You're going to do good."

Jones and his coaches then meditated as planned.

"We all felt like super heroes and we just had the best meditation session ever," Jones said. "And I just felt really good after that, I was like "I've got to win this fight. I've got the hard work, dedication and now I've got karma on my side.'

"It was crazy, it was good."

White also enjoyed the story, pointing out to those against sanctioning MMA in New York state that "we have an economic impact on your city ... and we fight crime too.

"How can you keep us out of here. Are you crazy?"

I like him even more, wow. Kinda like the E. Eskimo who did a similar deed.

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I called it when the card was made; Jones ko's Shogun......Jones is just a beast! One of the best if not, the best all around fighter i the UFC!

Lesnar's going to regain his title.....mark my words, he has the heart of a champion, and the body of a beast!

GSP is just a pimp wink.gif


maybe the heart of a wwe champion. The guy can't take a punch. He's a freakin joke.

As for Jones being he best all around fighter, thats not even remotley true at all.

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maybe the heart of a wwe champion. The guy can't take a punch. He's a freakin joke.

As for Jones being he best all around fighter, thats not even remotley true at all.

he can't take a punch, a joke? C'mon man, why you hating......Did you see him beat Shane Carwin? He took a load of punches alright biggrin.gif

And Jones......how isn't that true? When anyones see's him standing, its like damn, but when they try taking him down and he still dominates them on the ground too, then its like mellow.gif

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