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Burrows? Do We Really Need Him?

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Lol, some of the comments in this thread are pretty funny. :lol:

On topic, I think Burrows should stay with the twins and to find a perfect linemate for Kesler. Burrows can always alternate between the 2 lines anyways. He can play on any line, actually.

It's amazing what you can find in somebody who was undrafted to the NHL.

He's a great 1st liner, a great 2nd liner, a great 3rd line forechecker, and a great 4th liner that can create energy with hits.

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Why do all canuck fans have this mental block that the Sedins and Burr need to be together?! Burr is great on any of the top 3 lines. Burr + Kes = 0 GA. and theyre great offensively together too. He could even play well with Lapierre if AV wanted him to.

And the Sedins need Burrows? They can play with anyone. they dont even need each other. Henrik proved that 2 years ago when Daniel broke his foot. Why cant we just accept that they are great players and stop putting up imaginary limitations in our heads. They play well together because they are the two best offensive forwards the canucks have, and being familiar with each other's game helps, but they could quickly learn to work with others and would still be awesome.

I'd say put Burr with Kes. Sedins with Strum, Samuelson, Hasen, new guy. And on the PP, split up the sedins and play Henrik, Burr, Higgins, samuelson, edler, then change for Daniel, Kes, Hansen, bieksa, salo. 2 awesome pp units. Could even try those as the top two forward lines (D instead of samuelson, and shift D around to get desired pairings).

Sounds wierd I know, but all i'm saying is canucks need to think outside of the box and realize that their players are not as limited as they think they are. spread out the talent to bring 2 #1 lines instead of having a clear #1 and #2. Pitsburgh dont play crosby and malkin together. Washington dont play Ovi and Semin together. Det. dont play Datsyk and Zeterberg together (I dont think, i haven't had much recent opportunity to watch them play).

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Hello people.

Burrows looks really good playing with the Sedins. Burrows looks really good playing with Kesler.

Personally, I'd like to see him play besides Kesler but feel that the Sedins really need him.

Where would you like to see him go? Do we have anyone else, other than Samuelsson, that

may fit in? I kinda wish Oreskovitch had better hands.

I used to be of the opinion that it would be ideal for the twins to play with a right-handed shot, preferably a sniper. However, since the Samuelsson signing, I have modified that idea somewhat.

While Burr was out with injury in the early part of last season, Sammy was a regular fixture on the top line and I was surprised at how many feeds from Hank and Danny were wrong-handing him. It became apparent to me that the twins have been conditioned to play with another lefty and barring a miraculous trade for a Nash or Tavares, Burrows should probably stay where he is.

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Burrows and the Sedins obviously have some amazing chemistry, but at the same time most legitimate top six forwards have looked good with the Sedins also. I believe the Sedins need an intimidating power forward playing with them to regulate the abuse they deal with in the playoffs. If they had that kind of presence, they would be able to play their game without having to worry(sort of like Bertuzzi and Naslund). Burrows is then freed up to be that legitimate top six winger Keslers been needing.

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wow it must be sad that everyone is better with the Sedins, yet we put you on the ice you still would look/sound an idiot.

Wow, are you ever a loser. It's hard to believe there are morons like you out there. Please do as I say....

Approach your bathroom mirror, and then let loose a huge slap in your own face. Make sure it's good and hard

and it leaves a good welt. Do it for all of us that are sick of your provoking behavior.

Oh, and for the record, even I would be a 20 goal scorer if I played with the twins. I think if you put a post or anything there it would score

20 goal as well. They are pretty much that good. As for you......you are as dumb as a puck.

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Everyone is always saying get a power forward. I don't see anyone who is out on the free agent market is going to fill that need.

Why are you only taking the free agent market into consideration. What about RFA's that are going through arbitration. Or trades?

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yes i would take burrows in our team any day, he works his ass off every day to be in the team its just dumb so called fans like you who have nothing else to do then talk crap do something better with your life before picking on a player who has done a lot for your team. you are an straight up idiot.

Woah.....clearly you haven't read the thread that he is talking about....don't call other people idiots if you don't know what you're talking about. It's "fans like you" who give the Canucks a bad name.

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