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Burrows? Do We Really Need Him?

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Burr is the greatest. Pure heart and soul player. Where do you think the Canucks would be if MG had followed through on his threat to trade Burr at the trade deadline in 08-09?. Nobody ever talks about that, but I think it was one of the worst moves MG has made, trying to bully Burr into a 4 year deal for only 2mill per year. What if Burr had said that is too low, it is basically insulting and then gone to another team. I am quite sure that losing Burr especially at that point when he was just exploding with the twins would have had terrible consequences on the dressing room. Burr is a glue guy and is part of the main core. I think MG should have paid the only 500,000 per year extra that Burr was asking for instead of risking losing a player like him who cannot be replaced. He is one of a kind. Pretty much 100% of the people in the NHL world realize that he is bieng way under paid. They also realize that even if he doesn't play with the Twins he is one of the best top six forwards in the league, just ask MG or AV about his hockey sense or skill not to mention a unparelled work ethic.I just hope he repays Burrs loyalty by keeping him a Canuck for the rest of his Career, like Burr wants. I am sure Burr would not be greedy and if MG offered him a fair contract extension once this one was up, Burr would take it. He has allready given MG a contract for peanuts that takes him through his prime years. It is the least MG can do for a player who has been so loyal, and actually kept his word about taking less money.(unlike some other players)

It's because he exploded AFTER the deadline. Nobody expected him to become the player he is today, probably not even MG. They both thought it was a good deal, and it just turned out to be a steal.

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It was made on Oct.3, 2008

The next 248 pages prove that most of us share your sentiments :)

Wouldn't mind a few goals from Burr tonight!

Darn I was totally planning on reading the 248 pages too, but then I got distracted.

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Try and find the pages from the day that he scored the series winning goal vs. St.Louis

Holy cow I thought this thread was gonna explode!

Definitely looking for that laugh.gif

By the way, your group is win

EDIT: Found it, and this is what I see



Edited by sizzleby
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