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-THE OFFICIAL-*******Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2*******-THREAD-


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Boy, I'm bad at this. :P

I can't tell if I'm getting better, though. Sometimes my K/D starts rising but then i get owned for 6 games in a row, then I have a decent one, then 4 bad ones... just random it seems like (or I suck and have random fluky ones eventually).

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Yeah, getting nuke doesn't seem to be -too- hard. You just need enough people in the game with you to kill. It looks like once you get to 7-9 and get an airstrike, then get either the chopper or the AC, you're almost guaranteed to break close to 20 or something. I've gotten up to 13 with noob stuff since I hadn't unlocked much at the time. I figure once I find a gun I really like, set up the right perks like cold-blooded and ninja, and use a silencer on whatever weapon I like, I'll just be tearing through people. If you didn't notice, I like the sneaky way of things.

Right now 'm just unlocking all the perks for fun and the "pro" parts. Marathon and lightweight take forever. Throwing knives are also awesome. Kind of disappointed. Only at a 1.44 k/d ratio. Mostly because I've been messing around and trying to get use to the maps. I'm sure it'll improve once I finish unlocking stuff like I said.

I'm pretty sure 1.5 is still good, but it looks like the leaderboards are really messed up. Some people have 65k kills and under 1000 deaths, with a ratio of 66.4? Or 123.2. With streaks over over 1000. Is that seriously even possible?

I loveee being a ghost. Silencer on both primary and seconday weapons. Throwing knife. Scavenger, Cold-Blooded and Ninja. It's going to take me forever to get Cold-blooded pro though. If you utilize the class well you can get a lot of kills and no deaths quite often. Ugh I hate having to start a new profile because I don't have these perks anymore.

On a side note those people have probably hacked the leaderboards

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Boy, I'm bad at this. :P

I can't tell if I'm getting better, though. Sometimes my K/D starts rising but then i get owned for 6 games in a row, then I have a decent one, then 4 bad ones... just random it seems like (or I suck and have random fluky ones eventually).

I'm in the same boat. I end up with like and 8-3-9 record most games and feel good about it....top guy on the team is like 27-2-4.

I think it's because I play this game hammered. But when i'm sober I'm too scared to move around much. Damn snipers.

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What gun do most of you use? I'm still starting out so I can only have the first 3 or 4 of each type unlocked. I used to see a lot of Scar-H guns on the floor so that's what I'm trying now.

EDIT: Terminal is my favorite map. Only one that I can stay above .500 :lol: Last time I had 7 killstreak and would had a lot more but my ammo ran out for both guns... I went all around the map checking for guns on the floor but couldn't find any. What am I supposed to do in this situation?

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What gun do most of you use? I'm still starting out so I can only have the first 3 or 4 of each type unlocked. I used to see a lot of Scar-H guns on the floor so that's what I'm trying now.

EDIT: Terminal is my favorite map. Only one that I can stay above .500 :lol: Last time I had 7 killstreak and would had a lot more but my ammo ran out for both guns... I went all around the map checking for guns on the floor but couldn't find any. What am I supposed to do in this situation?

Scavenger is an amazing perk that lets you restock ammo off of dead bodies. A little blue bag pops up by some corpses and you can pick up ammo, grenades, and other stuff from them. I do however think it might be nerfed a bit, because I think it's only a matter of time before people have a massive whinefest about unlimited noob launchers. (That's the grenade launcher from the rifles).

I can't really decide between the scar and the FAMAS one with the 3 bullets. I have my heart set on the ACR for whatever reason, but I haven't unlocked it yet. If you do ever run out of ammo, you're basically screwed. Best to try and camp a corner and knife someone and take their gun, or scavenge around looking for one. Scavenger is a good pick for one of your perks too. You can get by without it but.. it's pretty hard to do much without that extra ammo. And yes, sometimes when you play, you can be very unlucky. I went 24-6 in one match and the very next round with the same people, no matter what I did I died. Lost every gun battle, ambushed people but my bullets either missed or just hit lame areas and I'd die despite the first shot. I got to 0-5 and then tried to camp to not lose the match for my team, but ended up dying while camping too. I ended at about 3-10. My kill/death ratio is going down the crapper from all the time spent trying to unlock stuff. I died a LOT trying to get 100 kills with a pistol. I'm only at around 1.3 now. I was at 1.5 and headed towards 2.0 before I started to unlock. Oh well.

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Favorite Weapon: FAMAS so far (haven't unlocked them all)

Favorite Perks: Scavenger / Coldblooded / Ninja

Favorite Map: Wasteland

Favorite Game: TDM / MTDM / HQ

BTW, I suck. I'm only level 35 and I have a K/D ratio of .7 (used to be down to .5 at one point). Getting better though, got my first MVP last night too.

Word of advice: "Run and Gun" does not work.

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That's not what he was saying though... He was saying that he got his pavelows from killstreaks, not packages.

This is what sucks calling your kill streak rewards kill streaks.

I didn't evne know what we we're talking about lol

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That's not what he was saying though... He was saying that he got his pavelows from killstreaks, not packages.

i'm surprised someone actually got it.

the 9 kill streak, pave low, DOES NOT come in a package

IT COULD if you use the care package, but i get mine from killstreaks.

going to try to get nuke today in HQ for a bit

i just stay back and snipe, did my best yesterday in scrapyard.. stupid me decides to go out of cover as soon as i got my harrier

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Primary Gun-UMP45w/Silencerw/Urban Camo

Secondary-Ranger Akimbo

Perk1-Scavenger Pro/Marathon

Perk2-Stopping Power Pro

Perk3-Steady Aim Pro

Primary Gun-InterventionW/FMJw/Digital Camo

Secondary-Ranger Akimbo or AA12

Perk1-Sleight of Hand Pro

Perk2-Stopping Power Pro

Perk3-Steady Aim Pro

Killstreaks-7-Harrier Strike 11-Chopper Gunner 25-Tactical Nuke

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Primary Gun-UMP45w/Silencerw/Urban Camo

Secondary-Ranger Akimbo

Perk1-Scavenger Pro/Marathon

Perk2-Stopping Power Pro

Perk3-Steady Aim Pro

Primary Gun-InterventionW/FMJw/Digital Camo

Secondary-Ranger Akimbo or AA12

Perk1-Sleight of Hand Pro

Perk2-Stopping Power Pro

Perk3-Steady Aim Pro

Killstreaks-7-Harrier Strike 11-Chopper Gunner 25-Tactical Nuke

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