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OMG Earthquake?


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This whole nuclear thing is pretty confusing to me. I keep hearing that the reactors are failing or something like that not sure if it's just the same info from earlier on in the day. Since I keep hearing about it I'm assuming things aren't too good at the plant but who knows all the conflicting reports don't help.

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^From that article:

Yaroslov Shtrombakh, a Russian nuclear expert, said it was unlikely that the Japanese plant would suffer a meltdown like the one in 1986 at Chornobyl, when a reactor exploded and sent a cloud of radiation over much of Europe. That reactor, unlike the reactor at Fukushima, was not housed in a sealed container.

The Japanese are very competent with their engineering designs... I trust that it won't be a disaster like the Soviet one.

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^From that article:

Yaroslov Shtrombakh, a Russian nuclear expert, said it was unlikely that the Japanese plant would suffer a meltdown like the one in 1986 at Chornobyl, when a reactor exploded and sent a cloud of radiation over much of Europe. That reactor, unlike the reactor at Fukushima, was not housed in a sealed container.

The Japanese are very competent with their engineering designs... I trust that it won't be a disaster like the Soviet one.

Sort of like the US with Three Mile Island?

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Food, water and fuel are running out in the centre of Sendai, the BBC's Rachel Harvey reports from the city. Long lines of people wait outside any shop that opens its doors. Even longer lines of vehicles block the roads leading to petrol stations.


Good god, even in a crisis like this, they're calm and composed.

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The situation at the damaged Fukushima plant is still developing but Malcolm Grimston, an expert on the nuclear industry from Imperial College London, argues that the Japanese authorities should be proud of their foresight. "Given the circumstances, I think this is an extraordinary tribute to those scientists and engineers and designers who built these plants in the 1960s. I'm enormously impressed at the way in which these reactors have withstood the largest earthquake ever in Japan and one of the 10 largest that we've ever recorded on earth".


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Sort of like the US with Three Mile Island?

That was 1970's technology with many Homer Simpsons in the control room who couldn't figure out that a coolant valve was stuck.

The Japanese reactor is an old one, but they're being open with their info, and I'm sure lots of smart people are taking measurements and troubleshooting right now. The reactor is likely scrap metal now since they're using sea water to cool it, but at least it won't violently explode like Chernobyl.

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Food, water and fuel are running out in the centre of Sendai, the BBC's Rachel Harvey reports from the city. Long lines of people wait outside any shop that opens its doors. Even longer lines of vehicles block the roads leading to petrol stations.


Good god, even in a crisis like this, they're calm and composed.

i am so impressed with the Japanese for how they have reacted to this crisis

they should be given mad props for operating intelligently rather than turning into animals and stealing and fighting for food

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i am so impressed with the Japanese for how they have reacted to this crisis

they should be given mad props for operating intelligently rather than turning into animals and stealing and fighting for food

I know.. I'm a bit flabbergasted by it. Imagine waiting in line waiting for stores to open when the country has been devastated like it's been. We can't even be patient here in much less urgent situations.

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Japanese TV is reporting a 70 percent chance of 7 plus earthquake in the next 3 days. Noone knows where.

Power will be cut for 3 hours on a rotation around Kanto

Hope you've found somewhere safe to stay!!

That girl on Youtube who predicted the quake also said it would also hit on March 15. That's pretty freaky. :blink:

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So ridiculous to see all these tragedies happening. you know whats the weird thing, take the date of when the twin towers went down 9-11-01, and add it to the date that the earthquake happend in japan, 3-10-11 and you get 12-21-2012. Quite scary considering thats the date the world is suppose to end.

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So ridiculous to see all these tragedies happening. you know whats the weird thing, take the date of when the twin towers went down 9-11-01, and add it to the date that the earthquake happend in japan, 3-10-11 and you get 12-21-2012. Quite scary considering thats the date the world is suppose to end.

add 1-12-10 for haiti and it becomes the new 2012? and katrina? 2010 chile?

Edited by Terran
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So ridiculous to see all these tragedies happening. you know whats the weird thing, take the date of when the twin towers went down 9-11-01, and add it to the date that the earthquake happend in japan, 3-10-11 and you get 12-21-2012. Quite scary considering thats the date the world is suppose to end.

Haha, adding random dates together FTW

if you add 5/22/1987 to 1/1/1 thats the day I was born


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David Samworth, Nagoya, Japan writes: "I am disappointed to read of foreign businesspeople who are readying to flee the country at the first sight of trouble; if you come to Japan to make your livelihood then that comes with a responsibility to your hosts to help in their time of need - and if ever there was one, this is now."


Good example of Japanese etiquette... Or what the etiquette should be. I hope if an earthquake hits Van our imports won't flee either... With our immigration numbers we'd be quite alone :mellow:

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