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Thanks Torres


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Just wait for the hippies and sofites to flame you. However, I agree.

You never want to see anyone get hurt, but it certainly feels good to see Chicago's top player out because they took ours out.

Karma is a...

What a coincidence that he hits Seabrook in Game 3 last year in the first round, and damages another Chicago player a year later.

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What exactly does the Hossa injury do for Vancouver?

For one you shouldn't cheer any player getting injured (even someone like Avery). Another thing is that this really makes the rest of us Canucks supporters look petty when other teams fans come here to lurk or post...and when it comes to looking bad, we really don't need any more help with that.

On top of all that, Hossa is probably the classiest Hawk that is currently wearing the jersey..why cheer for yet another charecter guy getting taken out?

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To all of you feeling bad for the Blackhawks, do you think they felt bad about what their crappy team did to Daniel Sedin?

Did you see how furious Quenville was when his player went down from a cheapshot? Only care about your team, no one else. That's the way it should be.

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What exactly does the Hossa injury do for Vancouver?

For one you shouldn't cheer any player getting injured (even someone like Avery). Another thing is that this really makes the rest of us Canucks supporters look petty when other teams fans come here to lurk or post...and when it comes to looking bad, we really don't need any more help with that.

On top of all that, Hossa is probably the classiest Hawk that is currently wearing the jersey..why cheer for yet another charecter guy getting taken out?

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I must say that Chicago is the right place for Hossa to be, an unclassy organization.

This man is as selfish as they get, left from team to team to team just to win a Cup? Yes, you gotta admire his desire to win, but c'mon, show some loyalty.

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I must say that Chicago is the right place for Hossa to be, an unclassy organization.

This man is as selfish as they get, left from team to team to team just to win a Cup? Yes, you gotta admire his desire to win, but c'mon, show some loyalty.

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