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Ndp Win Both Bc By-Elections Tonight


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As expected, the NDP has won both BC By-Elections tonight. Joe Trasolini won the Port Moody-Coquitlam with more than 50% of the popular vote. Gwen O'Mahony won more than 40% of the popular vote in Chilliwack-Hope. The Liberals finish 2nd in both ridings. The BC Conservatives finished 3rd in both ridings.

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In true BC Liberal style they are blaming everyone but themselves for the loss. Just like the true narcacists they are - they are simplyl not capable of comprehending that people are not happy with them. In Chilliwack the total votes cast for candidates other then the NDP where greater then 50% - instead of accepting that the majority of the voters chose NOT to vote Liberal they blame a split on the right. They have some kind of magic ball that told them that if the Conservatives had not run they would have gotten all their votes on top of theirs.

The BC Liberals simply refuse to accept that voters are mad at them - and their policies. Just like the HST disaster they will blame everyone and everything but themselves. The magic number is 6 liberals to cross the floor to the Conservatives and the Libs will loose the House Majority. Not sure which will happen first - a BC Liberal Leadership review to pick a new leader or the house falling on a vote of confidence after they see folks cross parties. In any event their inability to accept that voters are not happy with their direction is going to see the BC Liberals go the way of the socreds.

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In Chilliwack-Hope, the split in the right wing vote help elect the NDP first ever win in that riding. The NDP candidate had about 42%, the Liberals, 32%, the Conservatives 25%. It does not take a genius to add up the numbers together of the Tories and Libs to see why the NDP won.

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As much as the NDP suck at governing, I guess them getting elected is a cycle that needs to happen once every couple of decades, to keep the right wing parties honest. The right wing parties just need to clean house, regroup and reorganize quickly enough, so that we can elect them (whatever name they go by, ie. SoCred, Liberal, Conservative...) again after one NDP term instead of two before too much damage is done.

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As much as the NDP suck at governing, I guess them getting elected is a cycle that needs to happen once every couple of decades, to keep the right wing parties honest. The right wing parties just need to clean house, regroup and reorganize quickly enough, so that we can elect them (whatever name they go by, ie. SoCred, Liberal, Conservative...) again after one NDP term instead of two before too much damage is done.

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