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Should UFA age be raised?

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I was just on TSN's site, and they are getting ready for UFA day.

Then I read "... over 300 unrestricted free agents will hit the market..."

Isn't that almost half of all the players in the NHL? Just seems crazy and bizarre that half the NHL are looking for new teams. In my view, I see that as a problem.

Sure it's great for the players, but trying to manage a team in that environment would be tough.

I know UFA age has gradually decreased over the past few CBA's, but I think it's better, from a stability standpoint, if the UFA age was raised to back where it was, at 31 years.

I just don't think it's right that a rookie can sign his 3 yr entry deal, sign another lengthy contract, and just when he's in his prime, goes to the highest bidder.

What do you guys think?

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They're are over 1000 players in the league...

Secondly, its fine the way it is, 3 years is a good term, good length for developing, or in most cases, if it doesn't work out, cut your ties and let the player walk.

Another reason, if the player has 3 years to get used to the City/Organization to see if he likes it and wants to sign a contract extension.

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They're are over 1000 players in the league...

Secondly, its fine the way it is, 3 years is a good term, good length for developing, or in most cases, if it doesn't work out, cut your ties and let the player walk.

Another reason, if the player has 3 years to get used to the City/Organization to see if he likes it and wants to sign a contract extension.

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