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Powerplay defence.

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assuming we start next season with this defensive core, who plays on 1st and 2nd unit.

defence (in no order)

hamhuis bieksa

edler garrison

ballard alberts

tanev connauton

Of course it make sense to have edler garrison on the first unit but thats alot of shot and not much passing...but assuming edler and garrison play together as a 1 2 or a 3 4 they could develop some unquestionable chemistry.


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for regular 5 on 5

1-2 should be hamhuis and bieksa

3-4 edler and garrison

5-6 tanev and ballard

the rest are depth players.

for power play? if i'm the coach, i would go

1st unit edler / hamhuis

2nd unit garrison / bieksa

we'll see what happens.

stoked for jason garrison signing :-) but salo and rome will be missed.

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I agree with you about the passing situation... it seems like there would be a lot of shots with Edler and Garrison on the same unit. However, if you take a look at the Canucks recent powerplays, there's been too much passing. The passing seems to be perfect but the unit never takes quality shots resulting in no powerplay goals. I agree Vancouver's powerplay has been number 1 lately but it started to get less efficient by the end of the season. Maybe taking more shots is a good thing... beside we have two expert passers (Sedins) on the line... and Kesler usually deflects pucks into the net. When Kesler isn't near the net he usually passes out to defencemen unless he's winding up for a slapshot. In my opinion, I think our first unit should be:

Daniel Sedin - Henrik Sedin - Ryan Kesler

Alex Edler - Jason Garrison

And our 2nd unit:

David Booth - Alex Burrows - Chris Higgins

Dan Hamhuis - Kevin Bieksa

We can usually switch up Bieksa with *Ballard, *Tanev.. anyone else if needed and the same with the offensive pairings in the 2nd unit. I think we need hamhuis there just in case for defence!

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Edler and Garrison would be the first unit PP defence, and the second unit would probably be Hamhuis + either Bieksa or a Forward like Burrows

and with our defense the way it is now, I see Sauve being the 7-8 defenseman before Connauton because of the more developed defensive game

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Edler and Garrison will be great together. Both have booming shots and great passing.

Leaving Hamhuis and Bieksa off the PP. Let them save their energy for the PK and even strength. They won't get as many points as last year, but that's fine

Give Ballard a chance on the PP, he needs to at least be tried there, as he is a creative player

Tanev was a great PP QB on the Wolves, maybe he can translate his game to the NHL.

***If Connauton makes the team (doubtful, but possible), 2nd PP D should be Connauton-Tanev (dominant on the PP for the Wolves)

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I agree with you about the passing situation... it seems like there would be a lot of shots with Edler and Garrison on the same unit. However, if you take a look at the Canucks recent powerplays, there's been too much passing. The passing seems to be perfect but the unit never takes quality shots resulting in no powerplay goals. I agree Vancouver's powerplay has been number 1 lately but it started to get less efficient by the end of the season. Maybe taking more shots is a good thing... beside we have two expert passers (Sedins) on the line... and Kesler usually deflects pucks into the net. When Kesler isn't near the net he usually passes out to defencemen unless he's winding up for a slapshot. In my opinion, I think our first unit should be:

Daniel Sedin - Henrik Sedin - Ryan Kesler

Alex Edler - Jason Garrison

And our 2nd unit:

David Booth - Alex Burrows - Chris Higgins

Dan Hamhuis - Kevin Bieksa

We can usually switch up Bieksa with *Ballard, *Tanev.. anyone else if needed and the same with the offensive pairings in the 2nd unit. I think we need hamhuis there just in case for defence!

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I've been saying it this whole time, but try Kesler on the point, He's got a heck of a slapper like Stammer, and you've seen him wire it into the net on one-timers.

Sedin - Sedin - Burrows

Kesler - Garrison (fits better because Edler often coughs up the puck and Kesler isn't a natural D-man)

Booth - Higgins - Hansen

Edler - Bieksa/Hamhuis

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I love how Kesler factors so heavily into everyone's projected line ups when he won't be with the team for a good portion of the season. IMO, I hope he doesn't join the team until maybe Feb of next year so he has time to A: recuperate from surgery properly this time, and B: get back in shape before joining the team. If he gets 3-4 months of play prior to playoffs, he should hit midseason form just as playoffs get underway, and that's when we need him most.

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