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Me too, and it would be nice to have a Bryan/Orton feud after that, but they won't, Orton will win then it will be Cena/Orton in a feud with Cena going over.

I wouldn't doubt that for a second

It's the same thing, over and over, and over, and over with Cena.


It's just painful now. This "Super Cena, for the kids" gimmick makes WWE hard to watch sometimes. It's just so damn predictable.

His promos are all the same, his ring work really isn't that good, and the story lines are pretty much the same with him.

I could go on, but I'm sure everyone's heard all this a million times before

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I wouldn't doubt that for a second

It's the same thing, over and over, and over, and over with Cena.


It's just painful now. This "Super Cena, for the kids" gimmick makes WWE hard to watch sometimes. It's just so damn predictable.

His promos are all the same, his ring work really isn't that good, and the story lines are pretty much the same with him.

I could go on, but I'm sure everyone's heard all this a million times before

Totally agree, I hate how he no sells, I hate how bad he is in the ring, I hate how he can't bump, I hate how he can't tell a story, I hate how bad he is at acting, I hate his terrible corny promos & stupid jokes but most of all I hate how its been the same s*** with this guy for like 7 or 8 years now.

I think thats why I am so hard on the WWE in my hate, because there is so much potential for this product to be really good, but they just do everything booking wise to make it bad it seems.

Oh well, Cena will go on to break the streak then once he does I'm gunna give up on WWE again like I had for so long prior to this.

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So is/was Cena, Sheamus, Orton, The Miz, amongst others. But that didn't stop them from being multiple world champions.

Personally, I think that each of those wrestlers had intriguing personalities at the time of their respected reigns. Barrett doesn't come off as a "hate me" kinda guy. If he gets a push, he can really work hard on becoming an excellent heel like he was back with Nexus. Edited by CaNuCkSLoUiE23
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- Surprised there's not more talk about Brie Bella's "wardrobe malfunction". Almost her entire boob was hanging out :lol: Of course, easy to find on google

- Really love how they are pushing DB. And having a match that long on Raw was great. They don't even have matches that long on PPVs anymore lol. Not that he doesn't deserve it based on ability alone, but one would have to assume the off-camera DB/Cena/Bellas relationship has something to do with his current push.

- No Wyatts on Raw today? Wut...

- Babyface CM Punk just doesn't work anymore

- Agree with the Christian talk a few pages back; extremely underrated and also one of my favorites. I think if they booked him stronger, he would definitely get over. Although they are kind of making fun of the notion right now with the Vince storyline, him being relatively scrawny really hinders his potential. His rivalry with Orton a few years ago on Smackdown where they traded the WHC a few times is probably my favorite over the last handful of years. A bunch of great matches came out of that.

Edited by kanucks25
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glad to hear that I'm not the only one who saw it. I thought I was losing my mind

I fast-forwarded through that whole segment (like I've been doing for all "diva" segments since the DVR was introduced). Only found out 'cause someone texted me the info. Had to go online and check to make sure :bigblush:

She apologized on twitter lol

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The T-Shirt sales have nothing to do with it.

He has like 40-60+% more merchandise on available than anyone else on the roster too.

If you built up Bryan or Punk as the top start in his spot they would sell as just as much, he just has free reign there because he's loyal to them and I think he plays politics (IMO)

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Crap show, jus watched. Christian blows btw lol. Boring wrestler with average mic skills. Opposite of charisma. Easy fast forward every time.


If they used him properly he could be at the top easily. I think WWE is still pissed he jumped to TNA and are still content on burying him. Saying that though, I believe he is a better tam team performer than a stand alone talent.

It's a shame tag team wrestling is a shell of what it once was.

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If they used him properly he could be at the top easily. I think WWE is still pissed he jumped to TNA and are still content on burying him. Saying that though, I believe he is a better tam team performer than a stand alone talent.

It's a shame tag team wrestling is a shell of what it once was.

In WWE, its not great in TNA, not what it once was, but you still get entertaining stuff from guys like Roode, Aries, Kaz & Daniels.

Totally agree though, thats why I don't want Angle to ever go back (and thankfully he never will) they will have him job to Cena and stuff, they have a way of doing that to people.

Myself I would love to Christian get a push, maybe put him as a heel against Daniel Bryan for the WHC title, but its not gunna happen.

Edited by Smashian Kassian
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