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JR commented on the incident calling the fan "Real Idiot".

It takes a real idiot to get physically involved in a pro wrestling match as a fan and I use that term loosely did in Victoria, B.C. with Roman Reigns over the weekend. I think the guy should have been jailed and not just banned for life from WWE events as how is that going to be legislated? The ignorant person is lucky this happened in this era and not in a previous generation or his penalty would have been handled on site, in the back of the arena, for better or for worse. Cowboy Bill Watts enjoyed being the judge, jury and executioner when unruly, often times inebriated fans got physical with the talents. These fans got assaulted, Im not condoning this, and then they still went to jail.

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Spoiler on NXT Title Match at Take Over

During tonight's WWE NXT TV tapings, Kevin Owens came out to the ring with the NXT Title belt in his match against Neville, which could be an indication that he defeats current NXT Champion Finn Balor in their "Takeover: Brooklyn" Ladder match. This episode is scheduled to air on the August 26th or September 2nd episode.

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Roman Reigns is teasing The Rock at SummerSlam

I could see Rock making the save on Roman and Ambrose after a new Wyatt family member interferes. Or if Ambrose turns on Roman.

It also could be Sting who makes save since he will be at SummerSlam Fan Axxess. He could also show up post match Lesnar/Taker.

Reigns on whether we'll see The Rock at SummerSlam:"I wanna tell you, but I don't want to give anything away."

Edited by the last outlaw
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Roman Reigns is teasing The Rock at SummerSlam

I could see Rock making the save on Roman and Ambrose after a new Wyatt family member interferes. Or if Ambrose turns on Roman.

It also could be Sting who makes save since he will be at SummerSlam Fan Axxess. He could also show up post match Lesnar/Taker.

Would Rather not have the rock come out and save Roman again.... seriously would rather not even know they are related... Rock>>>>>>>>>>>> Roman.

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Roman Reigns is teasing The Rock at SummerSlam

I could see Rock making the save on Roman and Ambrose after a new Wyatt family member interferes. Or if Ambrose turns on Roman.

It also could be Sting who makes save since he will be at SummerSlam Fan Axxess. He could also show up post match Lesnar/Taker.

Ambrose turns on Reigns and the Rock comes out and they both start beating on Ambrose. Stone Colds music hit and he stuns The Rock and Reigns.

Stone Cold and Ambrose celebrate with beers. One can dream...

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Ziggler is scheduled to return this week on Raw and Kane won't be returning until the week after the post SummerSlam Raw.

Does anyone even care if Kane comes back? The whole corporate Kane crap has really killed any liking I had for him. Don't even think I want the old Kane back.

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Since when is Sheldon Souray bangin' Kelly Kelly?

Former WWE Diva Kelly Kelly revealed to Fashion & Style that should would be getting married in January to hockey player Sheldon Souray of the Anaheim Ducks. Here's what she said:

“The date is January 30th and it’s a destination wedding. The planning so far has been so great and easy maybe a little too easy… I just haven’t let myself get stressed about it I’ve just had fun with it. My wedding planner has been amazing. We actually just sent out the save the dates so I’m just taking things a day at a time and following a schedule of things that need to be done by a certain time and letting myself enjoy the process!
“My fiancé has been helpful where the guys want to help which is picking the cake and finding his and the groomsmen tuxes. He’s great though when I bring him ideas he gives me his opinion and that helps out a lot because I want him to have the wedding of his dreams also!”

You can check out the full interview here.
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Once again Paul proves he is one of the greatest in the business.


Could have waited a little longer to interrupt that, and I don't really see why burying Lesnar works there.

Heyman needs to be allowed to talk more. He is money.

Someone has to be the heel.

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I dunno, I think Summerslam's final card looks pretty good. I mean Takeover will be better on account of the talent from NXT just putting on great matches, but I think Summerslam has had a good build to most of its matches. The only one that you can really accuse of being underdeveloped is the Title match between Rollins and Cena, and even Rollins did a good job carrying what he could while Cena was out. Though my feelings on that are also fuelled by my thinking this match shouldn't be happening in the first place, especially not as a title vs. title event.

The bad

Orton vs Sheamus

The only match I don't look forward to, I'm assuming in unison with most everyone out there, is Orton vs Sheamus. But there's always going to be at least one match like that on any given card, and it's going to probably involve Sheamus. I read somewhere on the interwebs that it is something like their 14th PPV match in 5 years or some such ridiculous number. No one needs to see this match again.

Rollins vs Cena

The only result that really concerns me on the whole card is Cena winning. I really hope he doesn't. If every Raw for the next while will begin with a promo of him and two championships, I'll probably tune out again for the next while, lol. I assume it won't be a clean finish either way. It will be a good match, but when one of the potential results can bring down so much else with it, it's hard to get invested. It is the only match without months of build to top things off.

The Meh

Miz vs Big Show vs Ryback

Maybe anything involving the Big Show at this point in his career should just be categorized along with the other two matches above, and it doesn't help that the Intercontinental title is involved. The title is so irrelevant, that it probably brings any match its involved in down a couple of notches nowadays, if anything. But Ryback to his credit is over with the crowd, and his chants ring through the arena. I like The Miz personally, but the lead up has just been him getting KO'd by these larger guys, lol. If Miz steals the title as a comic heel, it could at least lead to some interesting mic segments.

Wyatt Family vs Regins and Ambrose

I don't particularly care much for the Wyatt's tag match either, as I'm still not down with Roman Reigns, but there's enough there that I won't be tuning out during it, like the Orton/Sheamus match. They've given enough reason to believe there's a reason they're fighting, and the people involved are varied enough that the match probably won't be stale.

Rusev vs Ziggler

Rusev vs. Ziggler is more simply just Rusev vs. Lana. Despite being sour on how they initially took Rusev after he was buried by Cena for 3 PPV's in a row (as a hobbled crazy person), they've actually willed the guy back to looking strong leading up to Summerslam. I don't think Ziggler really adds anything here, but there have been some decent promos cut over the whole time leading up to the match. These two always tend to put on good fights, so it will work out in the ring. I'm actually excited for the match, but the way the characters were handled at various points has to make me judge it down a few notches if I'm being objective.

The Good

Divas Triple Threat 9 Person Tag-match

The Divas match aside from being overbooked has a lot of talent, and they've been properly given everyone involved enough screen time to make their presence worthwhile, and the glow of the debut of the 3 NXT wrestlers hasn't gone away yet. It's just good to see the division in general looking more serious.

Fatal 4-way Tag Titles Match

If the divas match was borderline overbooked, the tag title match was definitely so, especially when really a rivalry between the Primetime players and the New Day could have had them carry their own match. The other guys will probably at least put up some solid spots while one of those two teams takes the titles home either way. That, plus giving New Day a chance to whine about the overbooking has been entertaining in its own manner. New Day is just awesome.

Owens vs Cesaro

This is what is almost certainly going to be the best fought match of the night, and these two guys have a reason to hate each other. Would be really damn nice if this was for the US title and the WWE didn't just do what they always do with Cena, but it feels like a real fight all the same. It's without anything on the line any more, but by at least placing Cesaro into the mix last month it makes sense that they haven't stopped feuding. I'm expecting a couple of maneuvres that I've never seen before.

Stephen Amell and Neville vs Stardust and Barrett

I said it earlier, but as a celebrity fight, to get a guy who is as athletic as he is, and just engrossed and in love with the business as Amell is, it's nice. Like I don't even watch The Arrow, but I still think they're lucky to have him. The build between him and Stardust was very long brewed, where they let it stew to the point where all they needed was one appearance before the match made sense. Cody Rhodes is absolutely golden on the mic, and though I initially gave up on the Stardust gimmick after they denied the right for it to culminate in a Golddust feud, he managed to convince me again by just doing what he does, and doing it well. They had his feud with Neville running concurrently, and that Red Arrow teaming up with the Green Arrow is an obvious but nice touch. With that little promo this Raw even Barrett's inclusion makes sense somehow, lol.

Lesnar vs Undertaker

I hope that Lesnar wins and continues his dominance, but I don't think a result one way or the other would bother me too much at this point. The match itself doesn't have to be, and probably won't be, a wrestling clinic, but I don't think many people care at this point. The hype around the fight wrote itself, being a rematch. It causes such a natural reaction that its reason for being, and the reasons to watch it don't need to even be elaborated.

Jon Stewart Hosting

I have no idea how the WWE wrangled him into working with them as his first gig following his retirement from the Daily Show, other than to say that he obviously really likes wrestling and being a part of the show. The guy is a legend, his previous work on Raw earlier in the year was good, and he could probably help convince most people that what they're watching was great, even if it wasn't.

I guess I'm a little optimistic despite the Owens Cena fight draining most of my excitement last month. There's been enough good done in spite of it in that time. Lesnar and Heyman have killed it every appearance. The Divas have been a bright spot. Maybe 4 hours of Summerslam will even make sense, lol.

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Orton beats Sheamus

Ziggler beats Rusev

Owens beats Cesaro

Rollins beats Cena double champ?

Lesnar beats Undertaker

Ryback beats Miz and Big Show

Wyatt family beats Reigns and Ambrose

New Day wins the Fatal Four Way

Amell and Neville beat Stardust and King Barret

Sasha Banks wins the Divas match and it will be awesome.

My early predictions

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