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Sting is scheduled for Raw, according to pwinsider.

]We've heard from several sources in the last hour that Sting, who had returned home after signing on Saturday for WWE, flew back to NYC this evening. It would appear he is scheduled for tomorrow's RAW taping. Brock Lesnar is slated for tomorrow's Raw as well. The Undertaker is also scheduled to be at tomorrow's taping but whether he will appear on camera remains to be seen. Still, the stage is set for an interesting post-Summerslam Raw tomorrow.
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It was obvious the finish to Lesnar/Undertaker wasn't going to be clean, but what they went with was stupid. I wonder how the "who rang the bell" will play out and if it goes anywhere would say Kane is behind it. Helps out his brother and gets payback on Lesnar for taking him out.

Jon Stewart costing and screwing Cena is WWE's version of David Arquette becoming world champion. I said and expected there would be a screwjob ending but not a celebrity getting involved.

Not alot of positives to say about SummerSlam. Stephen Amell was pretty good, alot better then most celebrities. Nice to see Owens finally get a much needed win.

Not a great show overall, the finish to the big matches all fell flat with me.

Loved Taker Lesnar up until the end - the ONLY way they can salvage the story line is if they somehow end up having the Undertaker return to ministry form.


Put him back on the throne, let him grow his hair out, long stringy and grey, let him control a new Ministry and continue to let him cut promos and wrestle once in a Blue Moon.

Have him bring back Kane, reborn as the demon - long hair, mask, hell fire and brimstone, and start to book Kane the way he should be for one last run, and then use Kane the way they've used Undertaker; bringing him back for special events.

There are a huge number of roster members who could use the boost from working with The Deadman. The Wyatts would be obvious choices, Bo Dallas, El Matadores could be repackaged with an extra edge from Taker ala APA. Another obvious choice would be The Ascension, Paige would fit in from a divas perspective - although you could also end up using Emma, Dana Brooke, or somebody else..


They need to turn Taker into a Sith Lord ala Palpatine.


Edited by Nail3738
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It was obvious the finish to Lesnar/Undertaker wasn't going to be clean, but what they went with was stupid. I wonder how the "who rang the bell" will play out and if it goes anywhere would say Kane is behind it. Helps out his brother and gets payback on Lesnar for taking him out.

Jon Stewart costing and screwing Cena is WWE's version of David Arquette becoming world champion. I said and expected there would be a screwjob ending but not a celebrity getting involved.

Not alot of positives to say about SummerSlam. Stephen Amell was pretty good, alot better then most celebrities. Nice to see Owens finally get a much needed win.

I wouldn't go that far. Celebrities have gotten involved numerous times over the years in matches. None have come close to getting the strap put on them. The fact that Arquette won the belt, but then didn't vacate it but defended it was gross and spoke to WCW's downfall.

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What a garbage Summerslam.

There were 4 matches I'd put above *** (Fatal 4 Way Tag Match, Owens/Cesaro, Ambrose/Reigns vs Harper/Wyatt & Lesner/Taker) and one match I'd put at **** (Cena/Rollins).

It just sucks that Cena/Rollin and Taker/Lesnar had crap endings. The wrestling was fine though.

Having said that, it really is mindblowing that NXT is produced by the same company that puts out Raw & Smackdown. NXT is booked near perfect and the women's wrestling is treated with respect. That Bayley/Banks match is one the best matches I've seen in ages, including mens wrestling. Hell the Owens/Balor match was just a notch below. What a fantastic double main event.

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I didn't understand Jon Stewart screwing over Cena.

I don't follow WWE religiously so maybe I missed some sort of beef being developed at a Raw or Smackdown episode. The whole show he was worried about Brock Lesnar and wanted to meet Brock Lesnar and thought the Undertaker was scary, and then they have him interfere in that match.

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I didn't understand Jon Stewart screwing over Cena.

I don't follow WWE religiously so maybe I missed some sort of beef being developed at a Raw or Smackdown episode. The whole show he was worried about Brock Lesnar and wanted to meet Brock Lesnar and thought the Undertaker was scary, and then they have him interfere in that match.

Haha don't worry man, nobody understood that. Stewart/Rollins had a little summer feud going on which seemed just to be a "for fun" thing because Stewart was going to be a guest host.

His intereference last night was just a sad, sad effort by Vinny Mac to get press coverage on all the gossip shows & ESPN this week.

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I didn't understand Jon Stewart screwing over Cena.

I don't follow WWE religiously so maybe I missed some sort of beef being developed at a Raw or Smackdown episode. The whole show he was worried about Brock Lesnar and wanted to meet Brock Lesnar and thought the Undertaker was scary, and then they have him interfere in that match.

Some people on Reddit and throwing around the idea that Stewart did it because he doesn't want to see Flair's record broken. Just how we was upset about the streak ending.

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Some people on Reddit and throwing around the idea that Stewart did it because he doesn't want to see Flair's record broken. Just how we was upset about the streak ending.

The sad thing to me is that they didn't could see the obvious thing to do: have Flair cost Cena the match. Would have made much more sense and would have been pretty cool.

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I wouldn't go that far. Celebrities have gotten involved numerous times over the years in matches. None have come close to getting the strap put on them. The fact that Arquette won the belt, but then didn't vacate it but defended it was gross and spoke to WCW's downfall.

that and the arquette thing was just a lame promo thing for that movie. RIP wcw lol

stewart's much higher profile than arquette was and he's not around to promote anything, at least that i know-- daily show is dun, he's free to do whatever he wants

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There were 4 matches I'd put above *** (Fatal 4 Way Tag Match, Owens/Cesaro, Ambrose/Reigns vs Harper/Wyatt & Lesner/Taker) and one match I'd put at **** (Cena/Rollins).

It just sucks that Cena/Rollin and Taker/Lesnar had crap endings. The wrestling was fine though.

Having said that, it really is mindblowing that NXT is produced by the same company that puts out Raw & Smackdown. NXT is booked near perfect and the women's wrestling is treated with respect. That Bayley/Banks match is one the best matches I've seen in ages, including mens wrestling. Hell the Owens/Balor match was just a notch below. What a fantastic double main event.

I couldnt possibly agree with that statement anymore.

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