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1 hour ago, Twilight Sparkle said:

i'm probably one of the few who hated that rock segment

I'm with you on that as well.

"llama penises"
"chocolate corn holes"
Steve Urkel reference

I get that The Rock has charisma, but if Cena does that same promo with that exact same dialogue, people are groaning about how childish he is. The Rock tends to get a free pass when 70% of the stuff he comes up with is corny garbage, and I don't understand why he gets that free pass.

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1 hour ago, Mikey2Dope said:

I'm with you on that as well.

"llama penises"
"chocolate corn holes"
Steve Urkel reference

I get that The Rock has charisma, but if Cena does that same promo with that exact same dialogue, people are groaning about how childish he is. The Rock tends to get a free pass when 70% of the stuff he comes up with is corny garbage, and I don't understand why he gets that free pass.

I don't enjoy the Rock, but the way the New Day played off his banter was fun. It may not have been great, but it was the best thing he's probably done since he left the first time 12-13 years ago.

I really hated the Lana part though.

1 hour ago, the last outlaw said:

How did Lesnar impress The Authority to be added to the main event for Fastlane when he wasn't even on Raw. LOL

Their grand plan involved ignoring all of the other winners that they were supposedly evaluating this Raw. They went with the wildcard who wasn't even on the show, and the 2 wrestlers that they hate/hate them, more than anyone on the roster. They didn't set up any objective parameters for them that they qualified, rather that they just decided they liked the cut of their jib today, for some reason.

Lesnar's just there to get beat up by the Wyatt's and get taken out of the match though. 

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17 hours ago, Mikey2Dope said:

I'm with you on that as well.

"llama penises"
"chocolate corn holes"
Steve Urkel reference

I get that The Rock has charisma, but if Cena does that same promo with that exact same dialogue, people are groaning about how childish he is. The Rock tends to get a free pass when 70% of the stuff he comes up with is corny garbage, and I don't understand why he gets that free pass.

Half the stuff in the attitude era was corny as hell (The Rock talking about his strudel, Edge and Christian, Austin and Angle vying for Vince's attention, everything DX has ever done, etc) but not one single fan ever complained about it, because we were young and immature back then. Now that we've grown up, these corny jokes aren't entertaining to the smarky fans who only watch the WWE for the actual wrestling part. 

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Thanks to spoilers from tonight's television tapings at Full Sail, we now know the card for the NXT Takeover: Dallas event scheduled for April 1, 2016, at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center in Dallas, Texas. It is entirely possible this card is better than whatever WWE can come up with for WrestleMania 32 two nights later.

Here it is:

- Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Sami Zayn (Oh my god this is actually happening match)
- Finn Balor vs. Samoa Joe (Men's championship)
- Bayley vs. Asuka (Women's championship)
- Dash & Dawson vs. American Alpha (Tag team championship)
- Austin Aries vs. Baron Corbin

That is an unbelievable card and absolutely worthy of being considered better than whatever WWE is going to come up with for its biggest show of the year. What's even more incredible is the fact that NXT is Triple H's baby and he's created a card that will likely one-up a WrestleMania card he himself is going to headline in a WWE world heavyweight championship match.

Like he once said: "I win ... always."


NXT Takeover Dallas card above.  spoilers obviously  


Thats going to be an unreal event. what a card.

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So it's going to be Undertaker vs. Braun Strowman at WM. What a joke. Waste of Undertaker match. WM is shaping up to be such a terrible show.


Bryan Alvarez reported on today's installment of Wrestling Observer Live that that plans are WWE is possibly going to book Braun Stroman to face The Big Show at the WWE Fastlane event. Bryan then explained that Braun would go on to face The Undertaker at WrestleMania. As noted, The Undertaker was originally planned to face John Cena at the annual event, however those plans were nixed because of Cena's injury.


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52 minutes ago, TheHitman said:

Thinking about going to WWE Abbotsford. 

Went to the last one, wasn't all that impressed. I did buy the cheap seats though.  Perhaps it would be better to sit closer to the ring. Though  I couldn't justify the prices for a house show.


I get more entertainment out of ECCW at The Commodore Ballroom for less than what WWE is charging in Abby.

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First Time Viewer Watches Royal Rumble 2016
Posted by Justin Watry on 01/28/2016 at 07:39 PM

If you like what you read, follow Hardytack on Twitter: 

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Hey Jay! I’ve been a reader for several years. This past weekend, the Royal Rumble, I had a rather interesting experience. Us “Internet fans” often forget that we truly are a minority, and despite how vocal “we” (I use quotations as I personally don’t share a lot of beliefs as the common internet fan, for example, I enjoy John Cena and Roman Reigns) can be forgetful that the casual audience doesn’t over analyze everything and sometimes just...enjoys the product. 

This past Sunday I watched the Royal Rumble with my roommate. This was her first wrestling experience...ever. Needless to say, I was very curious to see her reaction to everything. I did my best to give backstory on all the major feuds and matches, but for the most part, she went into it completely blind. 

And her first match ever was the Last Man Standing Match, what a great way to start, huh? I never really realized how much of a wrestlers personality you could see in their matches until I heard her comments. She noticed how arrogant Owens was (which she loved, thought he was entertaining), and also picked up on Ambrose insane style and character. She was so torn on who she wanted to win, and actually bought into all the false finishes. In the end, she preferred Owens so was a bit upset that he lost, but she also loved Ambrose...which will come into effect later. 

Next Up, The New Day. I was very curious for this one. How would she react to the New Days over the top personality, gyrating movements and trombone antics? She LOVED them! She thought they were the most entertaining people on the entire show. She actually found the Usos a bit bland, though I suppose it’s not a very fair comparison against the hottest act in the WWE today. 

Kalisto Vs. Del Rio sadly didn’t hold her attention very much. Though she thought Del Rio was a um...donkeys butt to put it nicely, and thought the ending was really cool. The only really comment she had was “why are two mexicans fighting over the united states title?” Which I thought was slightly funny. 

The divas title match was fascinating. She seemed a bit bored by the match at first, but Charlotte's antics started to get to her. By the end of the match, she HATED Ric and Charlotte and was very angry at how they won the watch. Many swear words were yelled at the TV. This is when it hit me...this is what wrestling fans are supposed to be like. They are supposed to get invested in the story lines. Not know what is going to happen next. Feel anger when the heels do their shenanigans, not cheer them like the “smart fans”. Made me realize...are we truly fans? When we steal that passion from ourselves…? 

Following, she was very confused by the Sasha angle. Didn’t fully understand why she attacked both women, but WAS very satisfied that Charlotte got beat up. 

And now for the Royal Rumble match. In my opinion, this is a great way to introduce a new fan, as you get a small taste of everyone on the roster. Her first comment when she saw Reigns? “Oh, he’s hot.” And that’s a reason why he’s the top guy. She doesn’t think he “can’t talk” or is “a bad worker”, she just think he’s fun to watch. (A quick side story, we watched Wrestlemania 30 today, and she mentioned that Reigns seemed a lot more energetic and charismatic when he was in the shield, i thought that was interesting.) 

I’ll just throw in some highlights now since I’m already rambling. She didn’t care much about Rusev. Or AJ sadly, though I couldn’t expect too much for that I suppose. She really seemed to be interested by kane, noting just how big he is. She didn’t seem to care as much about Big Show or Strowman as far as size goes, but Kane really stood out to her. I guess he does still have a place here. 

She thought Goldust looked cool, and was extremely excited for New Day. She thought Kofi riding Big E’s shoulders and eating the popcorn was hilarious, though I’ll have to show her his other Rumble moments. She laughed at the R-Turth segment, once I explained what was happening. She was VERY upset about LON attacking Reigns, complaining that it wasn’t fair. Again, true emotion. Thankfully her new heroes, Dean Ambrose and Kevin Owens entered to get her back into the match. As excited as I was for Sami Zayn to enter, she didn’t understand the feud obviously, and was very upset when Owens was eliminated. At this point, with Owens gone and Reigns “out”, she was all behind Ambrose. Surprisingly she didn’t really show much emotion or care at all towards Lesnar. I was expecting her to be impressed, but looking back, his performance wasn’t super impressive. (I also wasn’t too impressed with Styles, but that’s a rant for another day.) 

The next big moment was when Reigns returned, in which she audibly got excited! At this point, being informed that Reigns and Ambrose are BFF’s she became very invested in seeing them win. When Triple H entered, she didn’t really seem to understand why it was a big deal. But they managed to tell the story in the ring well, and she wanted to see him lose, badly. When Reigns was eliminated, she was shocked, and immediately thought Ambrose would avenge his friend. I actually, even for a fleeting moment, thought Ambrose might win as well, it’s nice to have some emotion and doubt occasionally. When Ambrose was tossed out, she was visibly angry. 

All I could think was...this is what they want. This is the reaction fans should have. Not complaining because some debuting wrestling nobody knew didn’t win, or a wrestler who isn’t even healthy didn’t compete. She felt emotion, and enjoyed the show. Like a fan should. The next night on Raw, she didn’t complain that Triple H opened the show, she listened, and started hating them even more. Though I’ll leave Raw thoughts for another day. 

What I learned that day, is the “IWC” truly is the minority, and experiencing wrestling with a casual fan can help you rediscover the feelings you had when you first started watching. After spending so long on dirt sheets, I’ll never be able to remove the mindset and have the naive nature that a casual fan has when watching, but I’m definitely going to stop watching with such a harsh judging eye, and actually enjoy the show the way it’s meant to be. And hopefully...I’m not the only one. 

Thanks for reading, Jay as well as anyone else! Have a good day! 


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2 minutes ago, JV77 said:


 Love his theme!

It's my new favourite theme. Definitely the best chorus/hook of any of them.

5 hours ago, TheHitman said:

Thinking about going to WWE Abbotsford. 

Like Grapefruits said, the asking price is quite insane. I don't want to drop $60+ each for half decent seats. I'd be tempted, if I knew AJ Styles and a few others were there, but that these are RAW prices for a house show. If they manage that all this all the time, and sell them out at the prices that they do, why don't they just throw a RAW here in Vancouver every once in a while?. It's been what, 13 years now? You'd think even a Smackdown here would do better than the paltry 4-5,000 they're pulling on some of those showings.

I know how expensive it is to operate in Vancouver, but the benefits would outweigh the costs for certain. That's outside of it seeming that for TV taped shows they really like dead quite crowds though, because most Canadian cities don't stop booing the guys the WWE wants them to cheer for, and vice versa.

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8 hours ago, g_bassi13 said:

It's my new favourite theme. Definitely the best chorus/hook of any of them.

Like Grapefruits said, the asking price is quite insane. I don't want to drop $60+ each for half decent seats. I'd be tempted, if I knew AJ Styles and a few others were there, but that these are RAW prices for a house show. If they manage that all this all the time, and sell them out at the prices that they do, why don't they just throw a RAW here in Vancouver every once in a while?. It's been what, 13 years now? You'd think even a Smackdown here would do better than the paltry 4-5,000 they're pulling on some of those showings.

I know how expensive it is to operate in Vancouver, but the benefits would outweigh the costs for certain. That's outside of it seeming that for TV taped shows they really like dead quite crowds though, because most Canadian cities don't stop booing the guys the WWE wants them to cheer for, and vice versa.

The asking price isn't that insane really, when put next to a concert or Canucks game. 

Prices range from $100 down to $20....that's pretty decent for a 2.5 hour show. Sure its a house show but those are often more fun as the wrestlers don't have a strict script to follow and often interact more with the crowd. 

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5 minutes ago, madchild1978 said:

The asking price isn't that insane really, when put next to a concert or Canucks game. 

Prices range from $100 down to $20....that's pretty decent for a 2.5 hour show. Sure its a house show but those are often more fun as the wrestlers don't have a strict script to follow and often interact more with the crowd. 

The seats are $60 for anything half decent. Even before they went on re-sale.

Canucks games are far cheaper at the moment. Various indie wrestling shows around Vancouver, including the Ballroom Brawl at the Commodore, like Grapefruits mentioned, are cheaper. 

It's not a massive hole in the wallet, but it's enough to shy away from it, especially if you need to take a family of four there, or anything of the like.

I wouldn't mind going, for sure. Seems like it could be fun. But it feels like paying premium prices for a not so premium version of the show. It's a split squad to start with, and after injuries and certain withheld stars, it's not going to be like what a typical Raw would be. But it's that same Raw price.

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I'm going to the WWE Network special in Toronto (Road to Wrestlemania it's called) on March 12th. Got tickets for $50. First show since I'm going to since Smackdown I think it was here in like 2011 or something.

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On January 29, 2016 at 10:38 AM, g_bassi13 said:

The seats are $60 for anything half decent. Even before they went on re-sale.

Canucks games are far cheaper at the moment. Various indie wrestling shows around Vancouver, including the Ballroom Brawl at the Commodore, like Grapefruits mentioned, are cheaper. 

It's not a massive hole in the wallet, but it's enough to shy away from it, especially if you need to take a family of four there, or anything of the like.

I wouldn't mind going, for sure. Seems like it could be fun. But it feels like paying premium prices for a not so premium version of the show. It's a split squad to start with, and after injuries and certain withheld stars, it's not going to be like what a typical Raw would be. But it's that same Raw price.

Thinking about getting $20 tickets

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6 hours ago, TheHitman said:

Thinking about getting $20 tickets

You're looking at almost $32 bucks all in.  Went to the last show in Abby I think. Maybe the one before.  From those seats the view kinda sucks. So did the show.  Only way I'd pay for WWE again is if Raw or Smackdown came back to town.

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