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I really enjoyed the Evolution/Shield match. I'll probably go back & watch it again at some point.

The Triple Threat match was pretty good. Especially once Swagger got eliminated it got alot better.

The Bryan/Kane match I thought was slow & boring to start but picked up, and ended in with an awesome spot , overall a good match. (though the flaming table spot wasn't as cool as I thought it would be when I first saw Kane grab the gas & the lighter, but it was a flaming table spot so no complaints)

The rest sucked. Especially that Cena/Wyatt match. It was boring, and Cena sucks. The most overprotected wrestler of all time. This feud is stupid with "Wyatt's message" and has done nothing for Wyatt. Hopefully they end it, but since Cena lost (not clean like I said) they are going to have atleast one more match. (With Cena winning obviously)

Edited by Smashian Kassian
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jbl is great. he's a more pg version of how jerry was back in the day-- but no one can touch jerry lawler

Oh yea for sure but working with what he has. Hell the King is a more PG version of the King. It has been way to long since I heard the word puppies on WWE. lol

Edited by RO8!!
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Omg this Daniel Bryan - Kane Segment in the parking lot is turn off the TV bad.

Like geeze I hope the rest of raw wasn't that bad, that was just garbage, I've seen better acting at a 7th grade play

Edited by Spotted Zebra
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Omg this Daniel Bryan - Kane Segment in the parking lot is turn off the TV bad.

Like geeze I hope the rest of raw wasn't that bad, that was just garbage, I've seen better acting at. 7th grade play

Remember the parking lot segment between Shane O'Mac and Kane? That was 100x better than this BS.

Brie's "terrified" screaming just makes it even more cringeworthy.

Edited by CaNuCkSLoUiE23
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Remember the parking lot segment between Shane O'Mac and Kane? That was 100x better than this BS.

Brie's "terrified" screaming just makes it even more cringeworthy.

I had to laugh at him popping the good and saying there was a wire missing or something like that!

But ya her screaming was just... Ugh!

Edited by Spotted Zebra
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Am I the only one that wants Cesaro to go back to the Real Americans? He just seems so out of place with Paul Heyman. Plus, the "We the People" thing is gold.

I'd like to see Cesaro stay with Heyman, but actually get a push and be built up as a mainevent talent.

Omg this Daniel Bryan - Kane Segment in the parking lot is turn off the TV bad.

Like geeze I hope the rest of raw wasn't that bad, that was just garbage, I've seen better acting at a 7th grade play

And, as it pertains to Cena, I've seen better wrestling from kids on a trampoline. :bigblush:

Nah, but yeah, Brie's acting was horrible. Not exactly the 2nd coming of Jennifer Aniston.

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Omg this Daniel Bryan - Kane Segment in the parking lot is turn off the TV bad.

Like geeze I hope the rest of raw wasn't that bad, that was just garbage, I've seen better acting at a 7th grade play

That was soooo painful to watch. Both Brie and Bryan looked ridiculous there.

Remember the parking lot segment between Shane O'Mac and Kane? That was 100x better than this BS.

Brie's "terrified" screaming just makes it even more cringeworthy.

I miss WWE like this:

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