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Music of 2013


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I overplayed VW soooo much in its first few weeks, definitely need a break from it, but yeah, it may even be better than Nick Cave and the National for me.

I also very highly rate the latest Iceage, Deerhunter, Kurt Vile, Baths, My Bloody Valentine, The Knife, and--yes--even the new Phoenix has grown on me biiig time.

But I totally agree, D-Money, Tame Impala still has them all beat by the pretty big margin

Tame Impala was something special. Probably my favourite album of the last 5 years. It was completely new to me too, because I hadn't heard Innerspeaker before either. I'm glad it came last year, because the rest of 2012 was terrible.

I really admire the new Deerhunter because of how bold and brash it is, but I haven't been able to make it through more than a few songs at a time before losing interest. Maybe it will grow on me.

Has anybody heard the new These New Puritans yet?

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Rifflandia has big names, like last year, but they just happen to be a lot of names that i don't like.

hate Edward Sharpe, never really got into DFA, am not interested in Big Boi's post-Outkast work, don't like Matt & Kim, Stars, Wintersleep, etc. etc.

wheras last year i felt like it catered to what i like, with the flaming lips and the antlers and stuff.

further down in the line-up, a lot of bands i'm friends with made it, which is rad, but i could see them for like $5 at bars in vancouver so naaah

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edward sharpe has a few good songs IMO, but i couldnt care less less about matt and kim or DFA

what do you guys think about the new Pixies song?

i didnt like it for like 60 seconds, then it really kicks in and i sort of love it

maybe not LOVE it, but for a band that hasnt really done much in a decade, its good

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I loved Hidden, and even enjoyed parts of their debut. But the new one is just silly.

I didn't mind the first couple songs on the new Queens of The Stone Age album, but lost interest pretty quick. Not my thing anymore. Probably would have loved it 15 years ago though.

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not 2013, but i decided to re-listen to that DIIV album a few times and i think it's really, really great. at first i was really annoyed by it (sounds derivative on the surface), but now I "get it" -- sounds like Wild Nothing meets Grateful Dead, sort of

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Did he die, Eyedea? I had one of their albums maybe 10 years ago or so, dude was incredibly fast although I found his lyrics somewhat silly.

I might have mentioned this already a few pages back but I forget and it's worth mentioning again re:hip hop, Killer Mike and EL-P released a free album a little while back. Can't get enough of these two, I hope they continue to collaborate:


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British psych-jazz collective The Heliocentrics have a new album out and it.is.fantastic. Best listened to in its entirety with headphones on and a spliff in hand, but here's a sample

Daughn Gibson's new album is pretty f'd too, in a different direction, like Kurt Vile meets Mark Lanegan with hints of Donovan and Smog:

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