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Rate The Last Movie You Saw - 2


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I'll see it. RZ has made some terrific films, with Who Framed Roger Rabbit being one of my all time favs.

Like JGL, and the doc was fantastic.

RZ was great back in the day, he's just been on a big time mediocre streak with me, especially those animated movies. i still like Cast Away tho, haha

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RZ was great back in the day, he's just been on a big time mediocre streak with me, especially those animated movies. i still like Cast Away tho, haha

I'm definitely there with you on his "mediocre streak". I liked Flght, more so than I thought. It was also a lot darker than what Zemekis is usually known for, which was actually a nice change. Otherwise, I hadn't liked a film of his since Forrest Gump.

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Extras: 9.5/10

Re-watched this series again recently. Loses .5 for a few slower/not as funny episodes in season 1, but in some season 2 episodes i laughed harder than i have watching any other tv show. so good.

Still one of the best comedy TV series ever.

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black mass: 7/10

this was better than i expected, but not something to write home about. very well acted, but i found some of the characters to be distractingly odd-looking. what's up with Depp's eyes?

i love mobster stuff, as i always say, so the story is one i was familiar with and enjoy. but at times i kinda just felt like it was an imitation of Goodfellas or something. it could have been better, and more unique - but it definitely could have been worse.

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Sicario - 8.5/10

Way better than the bland ads - I probably wouldn't have watched it but a review likened it to an Apocalypse Now for the cartel wars. Felt apt. Starts very normal and linear. slowly grows more and more hallucinogenic. There's a scene late in the movie in a tunnel shown through night vision that has the neatest visuals I've seen all year. A more obvious comparison is No Country For Old Men, themes of the random chaos of violence.

Helps that I'm a big Benicio fan and this is him at his best.

After Prisoners, Enemy, and now this I'll watch whatever Denis Villeneuve puts out.

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Not a movie, but The Last Man on Earth is probably the best comedy to come around in a long, long time. Thought that the premise would get old and run it's course after 3 episodes last season, but they kept switching things up. Not as predictable as I thought it would be.

Only two episodes so far this season, but already terrific. Happy to see Will Forte and Kristen Schaal tearing it up over the last several years.

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Not a movie, but The Last Man on Earth is probably the best comedy to come around in a long, long time. Thought that the premise would get old and run it's course after 3 episodes last season, but they kept switching things up. Not as predictable as I thought it would be.

Only two episodes so far this season, but already terrific. Happy to see Will Forte and Kristen Schaal tearing it up over the last several years.

Love that show!

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I skipped some of last season, but i was filled in how it went, so i just jumped into the new episodes.

It has been hilarious. The reason i stopped was because it's full of these cringing moments, and i dont mean that in a way that suggests they're bad. It's like watching an entire season of "Scott's Tots" from The Office, if that reference makes sense. Hilarious episode, but I can't sit through re-runs of it. Though Tandy is an ass, and I've learned to stop feeling sympathy for him now, lol.

I thought the debut of The Grinder with Rob Lowe last week was pretty amusing as well. Something that has potential.

Edited by g_bassi13
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I skipped some of last season, but i was filled in how it went, so i just jumped into the new episodes.

It has been hilarious. The reason i stopped was because it's full of these cringing moments, and i dont mean that in a way that suggests they're bad. It's like watching an entire season of "Scott's Tots" from The Office, if that reference makes sense. Hilarious episode, but I can't sit through re-runs of it. Though Tandy is an ass, and I've learned to stop feeling sympathy for him now, lol.

My wife can't stand comedy shows that make you cringe (ie. BBC Office, Curb Your Enthusiasm).

At first, she was the same with The Last Man on Earth. She would just leave the room and leave me to watch it alone. However, minutes later I would hear her busting out laughing over something she heard. She did that a few times in the first season, because it really was tough to watch "Tandy" just lie all the time. But she kept coming back to it. And so far, even though it's only two episodes in, they are really doing a great job with the characters. Forte's character has learned to be more patient and honest, while Schaal has loosened up a ton.

The end of last episode in Malibu and Schaal reaction, priceless!

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sleepaway camp: 7/10

the language in this movie is kinda funny. the way children swear at each other with such gusto made me chuckle a few times. but i was really expecting a bit more shock or camp out of this. don't get me wrong, it's campy, and a very bad movie - but i just wasn't super into it... until that ending. what the hell? lmao

i was regularly kinda dumbstruck at the sheer homosexuality of it, with all the lil knobs poking through short shorts and stuff like that. half 80% naked greased up dudes running around everywhere. but yeah, i guess that explains that.

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sleepaway camp: 7/10

the language in this movie is kinda funny. the way children swear at each other with such gusto made me chuckle a few times. but i was really expecting a bit more shock or camp out of this. don't get me wrong, it's campy, and a very bad movie - but i just wasn't super into it... until that ending. what the hell? lmao

i was regularly kinda dumbstruck at the sheer homosexuality of it, with all the lil knobs poking through short shorts and stuff like that. half 80% naked greased up dudes running around everywhere. but yeah, i guess that explains that.

The anger that the kids show when they swear is kind of scary, especially Ricky. Seems like he has serious anger issues :lol:

The death scenes are absolutely amazing. The way the girl dies in the shower, just standing there the entire time, until hours later when someone finds her and her body falls from the stall. Her dead, lifeless body was standing the entire time :lol:

The guy who dies from the bees, "I'll be right there guys, but first, I gotta take a wicked dump."

And yeah, that ending.

If you haven't seen it yet, I would suggest you watch Re-Animator for your next October film. It's amazing.

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The anger that the kids show when they swear is kind of scary, especially Ricky. Seems like he has serious anger issues :lol:

The death scenes are absolutely amazing. The way the girl dies in the shower, just standing there the entire time, until hours later when someone finds her and her body falls from the stall. Her dead, lifeless body was standing the entire time :lol:

The guy who dies from the bees, "I'll be right there guys, but first, I gotta take a wicked dump."

And yeah, that ending.

If you haven't seen it yet, I would suggest you watch Re-Animator for your next October film. It's amazing.

the bee death was the most ridiculous for me. as if that strong looking guy couldn't just break the door...

or better yet, why couldn't he just crawl under or jump over the stall? what a dummy. he deserved it

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Cooties: 1.5/10 - horror film starring Elijah Wood, Rainn Wilson, and a slew of other people you've seen on popular TV shows in recent years


one of the worst movies I've seen recently.


- the film has no ending, no conclusion, no cliffhanger. it just ends.


- most of the jokes just aren't clever at all


- the sound editing is so distractingly obnoxious. each thud has that deep, intense bass sound like you hear in a movie theater trailer. each "sharp" sound is like a blade being sharpened or something. it's just like someone trying to make every sound crisp as humanly possible, and it all just sounds fake


- how is it possible for an 80 minute movie to feel so long?

Edited by GLASSJAW
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American Ultra 3.5/10

I don't really get the point of it. Was sold to me as a stoner comedy-turned-secret agent action, but it doesn't even seem to be trying to be funny, and the few action scenes were really brief (the department store at the end was a little entertaining). There's a bunch of notable actors popping up in tiny roles, but most of the movie is dragged out emo romance tedium. All I really took from it is Topher Grace (or was it Tobey Macguire? hard to say) is a completely terrible actor, and Jesse Eisenberg has a strange strange face when it's framed by longer hair.

Walton Goggins could have single handedly saved it with a larger role though. Really looking forward to him in the Hateful Eight.

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