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The Workout Thread

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I haven't worked out in 3 years and I'm thinking of going back at it. Any recommendations on what types of workouts I should do? Especially upper body? I know the proper techniques of how to lift weights and what not and I know that it's not all about the upper body considering lower body is important as well. I'm thinking of doing some bench presses, and free weight/dumb bell lifts..

And how many days should I work out during the week? 3 times a week? Should I spread it out and do Mon Wed Fri or Mon Tues Wed? Or just base it on my own schedule?

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Goals for 2014:

1) Currently deadlifting 225 4x7-8 reps, want to get that to 250 by March, 275 by Canada day, and hover near 300 by Christmas.

2) Currently running a 6:08 mile (fastest one to date). Want to get to under 5:50 by the time Tough Mudder comes around.

3) Eating smaller dinners and larger breakfasts. I'm never hungry in the morning and eat little because I have no appetite, but after 5pm the flood gates open and I could eat anything and everything. Wanting to reverse that.

Hope we can all keep each other accountable this year guys.

Ps: Any of you running Tough Mudder this year? I've done it the year before last, and last year. Plan on doing it again this year.

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I haven't worked out in 3 years and I'm thinking of going back at it. Any recommendations on what types of workouts I should do? Especially upper body? I know the proper techniques of how to lift weights and what not and I know that it's not all about the upper body considering lower body is important as well. I'm thinking of doing some bench presses, and free weight/dumb bell lifts..

And how many days should I work out during the week? 3 times a week? Should I spread it out and do Mon Wed Fri or Mon Tues Wed? Or just base it on my own schedule?

I think people would agree, compound lifts are important. Deads, Squats, Bench, Press. Should be worked into your routine and should be the staple of that day.

What's your fitness level at? Whats your daily activity level like?

I'm stopping the brosplit and starting Push/Pull/Legs...... with me I'm not super active, waiting for a job so I go 3 days straight and one day rest then repeat.

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I think people would agree, compound lifts are important. Deads, Squats, Bench, Press. Should be worked into your routine and should be the staple of that day.

What's your fitness level at? Whats your daily activity level like?

I'm stopping the brosplit and starting Push/Pull/Legs...... with me I'm not super active, waiting for a job so I go 3 days straight and one day rest then repeat.

I honestly don't know what my fitness level is like because I haven't been active since the last time I worked out. At most, I'd probably go play a sport or something once every couple months? Daily activities include walking to and from the bus stop to go to school, sit in lecture for a couple hours, and go home and sit some more either doing homework, surfing the net, or watching tv shows/playing games.

There's a local community centre just a couple blocks away from me so I was thinking that if I was actually going to start, I would just jog there as my warm up, sign in, put my stuff in their lockers and go work out right away. Problem for me is I don't know if I want to pay for a 1 month pass right now, or just 10 tickets (as in 10 entries any time you want) just to see how frequent I go. Cost difference is about $7 I believe.

I'm a naturally big guy (not obese) but people have been telling me that if I actually started working out, I'd be even bigger and I'd have more toned muscles due to me being naturally big without actually doing any heavy lifting for a long time.

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I honestly don't know what my fitness level is like because I haven't been active since the last time I worked out. At most, I'd probably go play a sport or something once every couple months? Daily activities include walking to and from the bus stop to go to school, sit in lecture for a couple hours, and go home and sit some more either doing homework, surfing the net, or watching tv shows/playing games.

There's a local community centre just a couple blocks away from me so I was thinking that if I was actually going to start, I would just jog there as my warm up, sign in, put my stuff in their lockers and go work out right away. Problem for me is I don't know if I want to pay for a 1 month pass right now, or just 10 tickets (as in 10 entries any time you want) just to see how frequent I go. Cost difference is about $7 I believe.

I'm a naturally big guy (not obese) but people have been telling me that if I actually started working out, I'd be even bigger and I'd have more toned muscles due to me being naturally big without actually doing any heavy lifting for a long time.

i would do a 5x5 full body routine. Bablylovers starting strength (i recommend) or just regular starting stregnth by ripptoe are proven routines. Google them.
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Honestly, the first couple of times just go do whatever you can, dont overwork yourself right off the bat and slowly ease yourself back into it before you start a routine. Or else I bet you'll be SUPER sore for a week right off the bat.

I say go hard off the bat, get hit with DOMS and take it..... lol you won't get sore like that again if you stay consistent after the first week.

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What's everyone's goals for the 2014 year?

Mine is to get from 12% to 9% as well as adding 15 pounds of muscle.

I am going to go from 8% to 3% and add another 10 pounds of muscle. \

I am a physical specimen.

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I say go hard off the bat, get hit with DOMS and take it..... lol you won't get sore like that again if you stay consistent after the first week.

Do you really want to kill the guy right off the bat? Hahaha. Even taking it easy will get him super sore. So if he does bi and tri one day hard right off the bat, he may struggle or feel the need to take a day off the next day for say chest day. Once he goes through his whole cycle, he'll be out a week or so haha.

So I just think maybe easing in would be good, may be able to hit each muscle twice that way. But hey he's been in the gym before I guess he can decide, not that one of our suggestions is better than the other, just preference of the individual I guess. (Hell he may have a job that requires hard labour).

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Do you really want to kill the guy right off the bat? Hahaha. Even taking it easy will get him super sore. So if he does bi and tri one day hard right off the bat, he may struggle or feel the need to take a day off the next day for say chest day. Once he goes through his whole cycle, he'll be out a week or so haha.

So I just think maybe easing in would be good, may be able to hit each muscle twice that way. But hey he's been in the gym before I guess he can decide, not that one of our suggestions is better than the other, just preference of the individual I guess. (Hell he may have a job that requires hard labour).

Some people enjoy the soreness. easing your way in might not be the way to go for everyone.

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Some people enjoy the soreness. easing your way in might not be the way to go for everyone.

I love feeling a little tightness/sore however theres a huge difference between working out the first time and being crippled by soreness and the average soreness you get from working out.

But doesn't even look like the guy came back to read our advice so whatever haha.

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I love feeling a little tightness/sore however theres a huge difference between working out the first time and being crippled by soreness and the average soreness you get from working out.

But doesn't even look like the guy came back to read our advice so whatever haha.

Lol.... when I first started squatting a month ago, I went hard off the bat..... couldn't sit down on the can without grabbing my counter and slowly lowering myself down...for two days lol.... walking stairs was hell too

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Goals for 2014:

1. Swim 3 times/week

2. Eat more salads

3. Drink less pop

4. Cut down on bread/potatoes

5. Cut down on milk intake

Over the last 3 weeks, I have been swimming between 3-5 times a week, eating salads everyday, no pop, and have had no bread and potatoes. Have been eating ridiculously healthy (haven't had any sweets, salty, etc). So far I have lost 13 pounds. If I had to say it out loud, my goal is to lose another 25, but really, I could care less if I reach that or not. I really just want to eat and live healthier.

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try 5 days for me after doing the lions. oh the stretch marks. ick.

Lions peak? Oh god. Did it in July. Promised myself I would never do it again. Went back three more times that same summer. Besides being extremely challenging and long, which is to be expected, there's two things I didn't like about it. 1) All the damn freaking bugs that are constantly in your face the entire way up and down. And 2) there's two parts during the hike where you think it's over and you've reached the top, but nope, there's still more! I remember we got up pretty high and thought it was over, and this group was like nope keep going up that way. And we continue hiking through Snow (In july) to get to the actual peaks.

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