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Kittens at work

Froggy Fresh

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So at work today a coworker found some kittens (maybe 6?) in a dusty old storage area. They looked to me like they were born not too long ago. They were pretty tiny and were sitting on a small ledge (about 6 inches off the ground). 2 of them fell down in between the ledge and some wood sitting around.

My question is, what should I do about it? Should I just let them be? Or is there someone I can call to make sure they make it to a safer place? We work with chemicals right next door to where they're hanging out so I don't think it's very safe for them. There's also the added danger of forklifts racing around pretty much all the time. We've seen what seems to be their mother running around the area, so I don't think they were abandoned.

Any help would be much appreciated.

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Is it just random kittens or is there a mother as well? If there isn't you should definitely call the SPCA. It's not nearly as big a deal otherwise. I'm just reluctant to recommend handing kittens over to them after seeing the "foster home" our one cat had been in.

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if there's no mother around and you're feeling exceptionally charitable, you should go to your local pet shop and find some bottled formula

they need nutrients

or just call the SPCA (or a similar pet control place) ASAP, please

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