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The lack of secondary scoring is so glaring...

Lui's Knob

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Should've tried trading for Malkin last year when he wasn't re-signed.

Kesler/Edler for starters. Definitely worth.

Then what if Malkin decided to ditch us after this season?

Definetly wouldn't have been worth it unless we re-signed him.

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It still pisses me off to this day, only young player we've had in a long time with massive upside. I like our prospects right now but as for our actual roster today... It's very stale, I feel no excitement about any of our guys.

Massive upside in 1 zone..you can have him.
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The problem is the Sedins. They always play together. This gives you little line combos.

Put Daniel and Kesler together. Give Henrik the two hardest working players on the team on his wings.

Burrows - Henrik - Hansen

Daniel - Kesler - Higgins

Booth - Santorelli - Kassian

Sestito - Richardson - Weise

Similar to the mold of Pittsburgh. Give your best player (Sid) two weaker linemates that he can elevate, and give your weaker center (Geno) the best winger.

Kunitz = Burrows

Dupuis = Hansen

Neal = Daniel

Higgins/Kassian = Jokinen/Bennett

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The problem is the Sedins. They always play together. This gives you little line combos.

Put Daniel and Kesler together. Give Henrik the two hardest working players on the team on his wings.

Burrows - Henrik - Hansen

Daniel - Kesler - Higgins

Booth - Santorelli - Kassian

Sestito - Richardson - Weise

Similar to the mold of Pittsburgh. Give your best player (Sid) two weaker linemates that he can elevate, and give your weaker center (Geno) the best winger.

Kunitz = Burrows

Dupuis = Hansen

Neal = Daniel

Higgins/Kassian = Jokinen/Bennett

This is where you lost me.

I get your point, but there's a difference between Neal/Crosby & Daniel/Henrik.

The Sedins have chemistry that has really never been seen before in our game. Its a unique situation, that can't really be compared to anyone else in the league IMO.

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I don't understand where people get this idea Booth is bad. He's actually been alright this year.

If anyone is expecting him to get points every game, then your expectations are too high. He's played on the third line so far this year, and even 2nd line players don't get points every game.

If we can get 20+ goals and 40-50 points from Booth, with the style of game he brings, (assuming that he's playing in a middle 6 role) then he's doing fine.

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This is where you lost me.

I got your point, but there's a difference between Neal/Crosby & Daniel/Henrik.

The Sedins have chemistry that has really never been seen before in our game. Its a unique situation, that can't really be compared to anyone else in the league IMO.

Yes, but then what do you when your secondary scoring has done this in the playoffs in the last 2 yrs:

Kesler: 5pts in 9gp

Burrows: 4pts in 9gp

Raymond: 3pts in 9gp

Booth: 1pt in 5gp

Hansen: 1pt in 9gp

Higgins: 0pts in 9gp

Combined for 14 pts in 50gp.

D.Sedin: 5pts in 6gp

H.Sedin: 8pts in 9gp

Combined 13pts in 15gp...

Raymond is now gone, and Santorelli is essentially taken his spot in the top 9. He is zero NHL playoff experience.

They need help. Daniel can help Kesler. Henrik can help those grindy wingers better then Kesler could imagine.

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Yes, but then what do you when your secondary scoring has done this in the playoffs in the last 2 yrs:

Kesler: 5pts in 9gp

Burrows: 4pts in 9gp

Raymond: 3pts in 9gp

Booth: 1pt in 5gp

Hansen: 1pt in 9gp

Higgins: 0pts in 9gp

Combined for 14 pts in 50gp.

D.Sedin: 5pts in 6gp

H.Sedin: 8pts in 9gp

Combined 13pts in 15gp...

Raymond is now gone, and Santorelli is essentially taken his spot in the top 9. He is zero NHL playoff experience.

They need help. Daniel can help Kesler. Henrik can help those grindy wingers better then Kesler could imagine.

Its not like Raymond was a playoff hero anyways, Santorelli in some sense maybe an improvement, or atleast a wash considering he brings some different elements to the table.

I get our offense has dried up, but I don't think seperating the Sedins is gunna add more scoring as whole, I think it would just maybe balance it out more.

What we could do, that might work better, is keep the the Twins together, then move Burrows (who is our next best winger) down with Kesler, they are always a good duo, then put either Hansen or Kassian with the Twins. Since the Twins can produce well with either, that might add a bit more scoring from Kesler's line, then you have your choice of Booth, Higgins, Santorelli or Hansen/Kassian to put on Keslers other wing.

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Its not like Raymond was a playoff hero anyways, Santorelli in some sense maybe an improvement, or atleast a wash considering he brings some different elements to the table.

I get our offense has dried up, but I don't think seperating the Sedins is gunna add more scoring as whole, I think it would just maybe balance it out more.

What we could do, that might work better, is keep the the Twins together, then move Burrows (who is our next best winger) down with Kesler, they are always a good duo, then put either Hansen or Kassian with the Twins. Since the Twins can produce well with either, that might add a bit more scoring from Kesler's line, then you have your choice of Booth, Higgins, Santorelli or Hansen/Kassian to put on the other wing.

There is some chemistry, but I don't buy it - at-least in the offensive end with Kes and Burr. Kesler needs big time help, someone with high end offensive skills. That guy is Daniel Sedin.

Burrows has tons of heart/leadership/clutch/yadadada but on a skill based level, I think Higgins, Hansen and Booth are all close at individual skill-sets.

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The lack of secondary scoring is directly traceable to two bad trades by Gillis. Hodgson, and Grabner. With some tinkering (Bonus,LTIR) both of them would fit under the cap if Booth, Kassian and one other player like Dalpe/Sestito wasn't here. Also, without the Grabner trade we would have one more first round draft pick in the system (given up with Grabner to get Ballard) and we would have one more 2nd round draft pick in the system (given up for Roy which we wouldn't have had to do). Oh, and we'd still have Kevin Connaughton. 2nd line of Grabner Hodgson Santorelli. Currently this year those guys have a combined 16 points. What a shame. We'd have more scoring, more depth and more prospects if only Gilly had been able to put up with Hodgson's whining, hadn't chased Ballard and ignored going after Booth.

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There is some chemistry, but I don't buy it - at-least in the offensive end with Kes and Burr. Kesler needs big time help, someone with high end offensive skills. That guy is Daniel Sedin.

Burrows has tons of heart/leadership/clutch/yadadada but on a skill based level, I think Higgins, Hansen and Booth are all close at individual skill-sets.

I don't know.

To be honest I think Burr is clear cut above those guys offensively, and his offensive talent gets underrated. He's a got a good shot, really smart in the offense zone, great at protect the puck, winning battles in the corner's exc.

Daniel would be better utilized with Henrik, we just either need to get a winger for Kesler. Or go with Burrows there.

Though I think Kassian has the skillset where he could be a good fit with Kesler. And has looked good there in the past IMO, hopefully he gets more opportunity in the next few games with both Kes & the Twins.

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The lack of secondary scoring is directly traceable to two bad trades by Gillis. Hodgson, and Grabner. With some tinkering (Bonus,LTIR) both of them would fit under the cap if Booth, Kassian and one other player like Dalpe/Sestito wasn't here. Also, without the Grabner trade we would have one more first round draft pick in the system (given up with Grabner to get Ballard) and we would have one more 2nd round draft pick in the system (given up for Roy which we wouldn't have had to do). Oh, and we'd still have Kevin Connaughton. 2nd line of Grabner Hodgson Santorelli. Currently this year those guys have a combined 16 points. What a shame. We'd have more scoring, more depth and more prospects if only Gilly had been able to put up with Hodgson's whining, hadn't chased Ballard and ignored going after Booth.

Actually even if we didn't make the Ballard trade, we would have lost Grabner on waivers either way.

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Actually even if we didn't make the Ballard trade, we would have lost Grabner on waivers either way.

If he had a poor training camp with Vancouver, yes.

All speculation.

I've heard he wasn't too thrilled about being traded to Florida, hence the poor training camp.

Maybe in Vancouver he would of played hard. Just came off 20 games in the NHL, registering 11 points, including a hat-trick. Ready to breakout as a rookie. I don't know, just speculation.

Hell, if Gillis is as "smart" as people think he is, he would of kept on the 4th line regardless of his camp.

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Actually even if we didn't make the Ballard trade, we would have lost Grabner on waivers either way.

Uhh..only if he was waived. Could have sent Hodgson down safely for a part of the year and kept Grabner up. NYI kept him up after Florida waived him and he went on to be a Calder nominee. The fact that Florida waived him does not mean Vancouver would have. Point is, Gilly gave up on him too early and missed the player he has developed into. Gilly also bailed on Hodgson too early. Both of those guys still being would solve our secondary scoring problem.

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I think keeping Hodgson and Grabner (I'm not complaining by the way) would've allowed us to stack up the first line:

Sedin - Sedin - Kesler

Burrows - Hodgson - Grabner

Higgins - Schroeder - Hansen

Booth - Richardson - Santorelli

That is a solid forward group, miles better than what we have right now.

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