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Mafia: The Game [That's A Spicy Meatball] Game Over Please Sign Up


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Ok Kes Enough is enough, You are now banned for the next game I host and if the next game someone else is hosting I will be asking them to keep you out of it.

Do not post in this thread anymore or it will be me going to the Admins telling them that YOU are disrupting this game for 20 some players.

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It’s 9:30! Now is time for Aladeen Brodcast Network’s nightly news report from your Glorious and Perfect Leader: Admiral, General, President-For-Life, High Chancellor and Most Perfect Mafia Host Aladeen!

Your only source for the latest non-zionist Western media influenced News!

and now the results from Execution Idol:


And the Winner of Execution Idol with {7} votes is:Ryp

Now your fate is to be decided like how I decide how to wash the underwear I have been wearing for the past month- with the W-H-E-E-L of DEATH!


Looks like you spun: Guillotine

Sweet! I know we have had this one before but I spent so damn much on this thing I really want to get my money’s worth.

Man I really Love this thing I even named it after my favorite baseball player!


Oh I thought it was pronounced “Cuts”, Anyways, let’s do this!

Aladeen gives the command:


RYP is placed on his back with his head in the Guillotine so he can get to witness it all!


Ryp’s Head hits the ground and starts rolling, the kids in the audience start a quick pickup game of soccer using his head as the ball.


So tonight is the night that the Serial Killer can earn his Serial Suffix.

Can it be true Can we have a SERIAL killer tonight?


That’s right SK were all supporting you!! We know you can do it big guy!!

The report is that the serial killer’s victim was none other than VICanucksfan5551. Apparently he was just finished making sweet soft sensual love to hodor:


before the SK came and killed him. Unfortunately we don’t have any footage of this grisly crime but I did manage to draw it all for you so you would get the idea. Please be warned that this is extremely graphic and is not appropriate for our younger viewers


And on the Lighter side of the News,


The Mafia Continue to seek out and kill the innocent townspeople and it looks like they found their target next target: BurrDaMan, who happened to be away on some kind of business. Apparently reports are in that the Mafia detonated some kind of explosive device in the city BDM was in to make sure they got their intended target.


Well I guess there is no surviving that! Too bad….

But Wait!! Reports are in that the one and only DOCTOR happened upon the scene, and as luck would have it he is the only doctor that specializes in thermal-nuclear explosion injuries:


Apparently the surgery was a complete success and the Doctor Saved BurrDaMan!

It looks as though she will make a complete recovery and as a bonus the doctor gave her a little enhancement:


Amazing Work Doc!!!


Now for our sports report on everyone’s favorite Vigilante. Apparently the Vig has had enough of Ilduce39 taking away the spotlight from our most perfect, beloved, magnanimous, malevolent, glorious, acclaimed, celebrated, eminent, excellent, sublime, splendid, triumphant, impressive, magnificent, majestic, illustrious, benevolent, heroic, resplendent, dazzling, venerable, well-hung dictator…. me!!!

Ilduce was smart though and could sense that someone would eventually come after him so he decided to pack heat and dared, nay defied someone, anyone to come after him. “who can stop me?” he said.

The Vig Replied:


The standoff started and the Vig confidently, enticed Ilduce to make the first move:


Ilduce Obliged:


Good show Vig, Good Show! Whatever happened to that Kilmer guy anyways

And You’re up to date in the World Of Aladeen. And now 12 continuous hours of:


Have an Aladeen Night!

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SK - VICanucksfan5551(TP)

MAFIA - BurrDaMan

DoctorSave - BurrDaMan

VIG - Ilduce39 (Mafia)



King Heffy





Not A Fruit




kumar2013 (TP)

Lemons (TP)

Kesler87 (TB)

Go Faulk Yourself(Unknown)

The Purple Panda (Mafia)


PPCLI (Unknown)

Peaches (TP)


Alchemy Time (TP)

Dral (Mafia)

One One Two (Unknown)



Ilduce39 (Mafia)

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The regime would like to make a posthumous announcement for your beloved Duce that, "the Mafia are the true people of this fair forum and hope they rid the world of filthy, illiterate townspeople once and for all."

The rest of the announcement contains plans for a 80" high solid gold statue with a significant amount of precious metal being needed to properly accentuate his virile bulge.

Go Mafia!

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