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Mafia: The Game [That's A Spicy Meatball] Game Over Please Sign Up


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It’s 9:30! Now is time for Aladeen Brodcast Network’s nightly news report from your Glorious and Perfect Leader: Admiral, General, President-For-Life, High Chancellor and Most Perfect Mafia Host Aladeen!

Your only source for the latest non-zionist Western media influenced News!

and now the results from Execution Idol:


And the Winner of Execution Idol with {A few} votes is:OurTimeToShine

What a landslide, you must feel so popular.

Now your fate is to be decided like how I decide where to order chinese take-out food from - with the W-H-E-E-L of DEATH!


Looks like you spun: Death By Aids!!

Alright!! Well first we will have to make sure you are HIV Aladeen!

Aladeen unzipps his pants. Quickly his executioner runs of over and says:

“Glorious and Perfect Leader, Aids can take many years to kill a man, infact he may live a near normal lifespan.”

Aladeen: “I see, that is most disturbing. I guess we will have to do something else then. What haven’t we done in awhile?”

Executioner: “Um we haven’t shot someone out of a cannon in a few hours!”

Aladeen: “Excellent, I suppose he will not be needing to be made HIV Aladeen then?”

Executioner: “Well no Glorious one, but if you wish we can delay for a few minutes.”

Few seconds of silence

Aladeen: “No no, we are in a bit of a hurry. Prepare him for the cannon!”

Executioner: “Very good glorious leader.”

OurTimeToShine is shoved into the barrel of the cannon head first. His screams are muffled within the massive gun.

Aladeen gives the command then does up his pants:




This masked Killer has allegedly found their first victim last night (I suppose you need a few more before you get the serial added to your name.)

Creeping into JE14’s home the Killer crept his way up the stairs where he heard the moans of ecstasy coming from the bedroom. He slowly opened the door ready to protect a couple of teens from having unsafe sexual intercourse. Instead he found JE14 all alone drinking beer and with pictures of me, Aladeen, all over the place.

Of course the Killer allowed JE14 to Aladeen over the pictures of Aladeen before:


Well if you have to go you might as well go with the my image as the last thing you see. What a Lucky Victim!

Beaking News, this just in, it seems the world famous and only Doctor in the world who can save someone from 92 machete stab wounds happened to be on the scene and SAVED JE14

OOOOH SK soooooo close, that must be so dissapointing but you know what has two thumbs and is almost proud of you?


And on the Lighter side of the News,


Tonight there was another Mafia hit in the streets of our most inbred hick town in the great republic of Wadiya. It seems that PPCLI was in deep with the mafia. Owing them a lot of money for his bum bleaching addiction, the mafia decided it was time to make an example out of poor PPCLI. One of our traffic cameras caught all the action. Have a Look:


Apparently it was heard that one of the mafia said “have a nice night bleeeach!”

And Finally, the people of Wydia’s hero, the maskd Vigilante has been once again called upon to put an end to the torment of our inbred, illiterate hicks by the villainous mafia.


The Vigilante has answered

Tonight Peaches was off to his favorite watering hole and when I say watering hole I am talking about his bathroom that is literally a hole outside of his house. As he went to have a big peach dump in his favorite watering hole the Vigilante was waiting there with a gatling gun and riddled peaches with so many bullets that the watering hole was overflowing with Peach Juice.


And You’re up to date in the World Of Aladeen. Now I’m off to kick Osama out of my guest house, he has been hiding there for way way too long.

Have an Aladeen Night!

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LYNCH - OurTimeToShine(Mafia)

SK - JE14

Doctor Save - JE14

MAFIA -PPCLI (unknown)

VIG - Peaches (TP)



King Heffy









Alchemy Time

Not A Fruit



One one two



kumar2013 (TP)

Lemons (TP)

Kesler87 (TB)

Go Faulk Yourself(Unknown)

The Purple Panda (Mafia)


PPCLI (unknown)

Peaches (TP)

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