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Mafia: The Game [Cosi Grossi Testicoli] Game Over - Please Sign Up!


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Okay so the mafia didn't target me so I guess I was unable to prove I'm the doctor that being said this round proved that I am in contact with the Vig at the least.

No other Doctor has stepped out, so it's probably safe to assume you're telling the truth. I'd advise the Sheriff to hold off until a bit later to contact you though.

(If there's a Doctor out there not named PPCLI, now would be a good time to reveal yourself.)

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You're going to have to do better than that. I honestly don't think I have (at least not in this current crop of games. Maybe in the old days when I was stupider)/

Unvote1 Green Demon; Vote1 OTTS

lol ok. you did, we even talked about it in PM later, it was the game I was SK.

Vote2 VIC

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AT, any particular reason why you viewed my profile?

I was trying to click on to this thread, you were the most recent poster, and I accidentally clicked your name.

Vote2 VIC

I had a feeling that AT was mafia, and this little exchange has me convinced that VIC is mafia too. It feels like VIC was harmlessly trying to accuse AT of something meaningless just to show the rest of us that they aren't affiliated, but really they are. It may be weak reasoning, but I'm feeling it.

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my thoughts might not be enough to sink VIC, but I think hes been acting kind of weird and would be doing more to help out the TP if he weren't Mafia, we'll see how things play out...

Considering the vig told PPCLI who his kill was going to be tonight and it ended up being mafia, I'm pretty sure we can trust PPCLI, otherwise the MK would probably have gone to the vig instead of duce - so I don't think we need to wait for the sheriff to contact him.

Another bonus for tonight - looks like the Lackey still isn't in touch with the Mafia!

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These were spread out with messages about other stuff taking up the bulk of the conversation on Skype and text. Gap indicates that we talked about something else before resuming

Her: "I'm TP"

Me: "Same"

Her: "That's what you said last time I played"

Me: ":)"

Her: "What's up with PPCLI?"

Me: "He's the doc. He announced it in the thread"

Her: "Why would he be asked to be killed?"

Me: "To prove his role

If the vig tries to kill him and he's saved, then it confirms that he's the doctor"

Her: "Yeah I know but if he really is the doctor then it sucks for TP specials

What a waste

They only get one save from the doppelganger"

Me: "Often people believe the doc without actually vig killing them. It's a bit of a game of chicken for both sides because if the mafia and vig both target them, they're dead, but if only one does, they're safe and confirmed"

Her: "Dral seems paranoid"

Me: "That's Dral. He also has a bit of an inflated sense of his abilities after conning Kesler last game

He's very entusiastic

I talked to him a fair amount after he died last game on my orders"

Her: "Why? Is he allowed to discuss the game after dying?"

Me: "We didn't discuss anything that would affect the game until we both died"

Her: "Then what was there to discuss?"

Me: "Just stuff that players who had already died had done to players who were already dead

Mainly about him and Kesler"

Her: "I don't know who to vote for"

Me: "You don't have to vote yet. First nightfall isn't until tomorrow and most of the votes right now are just jokes"

Her: "No wonder

I was worried tonight's the first nightfall"

Me: "Nah. Don't worry about voting yet unless you're actually suspicious of someone"

Me: "Get your ass in gear for mafia. People are getting suspicious that you're not contributing"

Her: "Oh crap. I've been studying"

Her: "What's up with PPLC or whoever?"

Me: "He's the doctor. We discussed it yesterday :P

Her: "No is he for real?"

Me: "He must be. No one else has stepped up"

Her: "JE's acting strange. What is he up to?"

Me: "Being JE. He figures if he acts really randomly each game, it's tough to tell what role he is"

Her: "Why would Drouin tell him that"

Me: "I doubt he did. JE is probably lying"

Her: "Do people believe JE or just rolling their eyes?"

Me: "Rolling their eyes"

Her: "Who are you voing for?"

Me: "I haven't decided yet. Not a lot of good options"

And that was the last message a few hours before she died

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