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Mafia: The Game [Cosi Grossi Testicoli] Game Over - Please Sign Up!


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Meh. Sheriff might be right but my posts were sincere. I really didn't care much at all this game. Pretty sure mafia even forgot about me. Oh well maybe I'll try again much later if it's still going.

quiet you! *SMACK*

you get your last words AFTER the lynching!

Seriously tho dude, we all need a break every now and then. I really hope you come back recharged and give it you all because it makes the game so much better for everyone. I look forward to going up against a fully functional, anatomical, supernatural MB44

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Another nightfall and tonights the night I make my biggest move.

I'm the Doppelganger :)

If I die before I make my kill, that's alright! I've done as much as I can for the TP, while playing mind games with those Mafioso.

If I live here and the Doc dies, just incase, my kill is otherwise.

Otherwise, if you're not Mafia/SK, I apologize, and will see that we (Taking a page from ilduce) build a statue in your honour, along with renaming the local hospital to "St. Otherwise General".

If you are Mafia, I'm sad to inform that your death will be slow and gruesome.

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Lynch - Mikeyboy44(Mafia)

Serial Killer - One One Two (TP)

Mafia - Dral (Unknown)

Vigilante - Did Not Act

Doppelganger - Otherwise (Mafia)




Not A Fruit

King Heffy



The Purple Panda

One one two








Ryp (TP)

Alchemy Time (Mafia)

Ilduce39 (Unknown)

Hordor (Mafia)


BurrDaMan (Mafia)


Peaches (Unknown)



One One Two (TP)

Dral (Unknown)

Otherwise (Mafia)

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This is the vigs last words(Dral)..pretty obvious he is vig now lol

DoppelGanger is Junko - he used his investigation and save on me, so its possible he's lying and is actually mafia. He said he was going to come out right before nightfall. He's hitting up otherwise tonight - so if the doc and me die, and the kill goes somewhere else, lynch him

My VK is going on Toews; too suspicious - I think mafia myself because he doesn't post in our convos or on the boards for like 10-15 mins after nightfall... like he has a more important convo going on. Which means either KP or the sheriff is playing us as well - the MB44 seems like the perfect scape goat to legitimize the sheriff.

mau5trap and NAF are my top suspects for remaining mafia, and Kryten for SK. Contacting PPCLI for a 'suicide mission' is good TP team work, but a better strat for the SK to blend in.

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Meh. Sheriff might be right but my posts were sincere. I really didn't care much at all this game. Pretty sure mafia even forgot about me. Oh well maybe I'll try again much later if it's still going.

Go if you must but do come back sooner rather than later. You are a solid player, one I have enjoyed being TP and Mafia with. You will always be welcome in my books.

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You really think I would employ the same SK strategy two games in a row Kesler? First off, it is highly unlikely for me to be SK two games in a row in the first place (admittedly not impossible, just unlikely) and ask PPCLI about how I went about contacting him in the first place. I basically asked to be a decoy willing to take a kill for the team. The real SK is laying low.

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You really think I would employ the same SK strategy two games in a row Kesler? First off, it is highly unlikely for me to be SK two games in a row in the first place (admittedly not impossible, just unlikely) and ask PPCLI about how I went about contacting him in the first place. I basically asked to be a decoy willing to take a kill for the team. The real SK is laying low.

Sorry I forgot quotes

That is dral's last word

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