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The Duck Dynasty Thread

si robertson

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I cannot believe how stupid this show is and why on earth anyone would watch it. TV has officially run out of ideas.

Do people have a facisnation with beards, is it like little people? I don't get it all. So boring.

It's so that we can watch others fish and kill stuff when it's -30 out and there's 5 ft of snow and we can't fish & kill stuff :)

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Hence their belonging to white noise. Anyway, don't troll even though your name certainly indicates you might be here for just that.

Uh, I'm here to voice opionions on topics. I don't troll. I'm like everyone else on here, if there's a topic, read what it says, what everyone else says, and then reply with what I think.

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Uh, I'm here to voice opionions on topics. I don't troll. I'm like everyone else on here, if there's a topic, read what it says, what everyone else says, and then reply with what I think.

Sometimes there are people on here who need to be the internet police. You know them, they are the ones who create a thread and someone else makes a similar one at the same time and they they shout "THERE'S ALREADY A THREAD ON THIS".

Just ignore them. This is white noise, as our everyone's opinions, including my own.

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Have you ever been to TX or Midwest?

Yes many times I worked in San Antonia for a month and lived in Nevada and California for three years. I am quite aware of the stereotypes associated with those in the south and the midwest US.

And if you have spent that kinda time there and in Alberta you would see that the mindset on more than a few issues is eerily similar

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Sometimes there are people on here who need to be the internet police. You know them, they are the ones who create a thread and someone else makes a similar one at the same time and they they shout "THERE'S ALREADY A THREAD ON THIS".

Just ignore them. This is white noise, as our everyone's opinions, including my own.

Oh you mean the I started a thread first people? Those race to start a post game thread people?

Ya. They enjoy that report button.

Kinda glad in a way that they brought him back to the show myself. Not only an insane social media movement but a written and online petition but also high ranking politicians in that wacko country pushing for him to come back.

Again, it was his opinion. The reporter for GQ asked him about his views and opinions on things. The guy answered and people overreacted.

He is entitled to his own beliefs, opinion and afforded his freedom of speech to say it all under the American constitution. Also having read his comments a few times it isn't like he really attacked anyone. He continually states in the bible it says and the bible this religion that. he doesn't go out of the way to attack anyone at all.

Just thin skinned people all over the world.

Like a feminist attacking you for holding the door for her

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What a mess A&E made of the whole situation. First they suspended Phil Robertson for his anti-gay remarks to appease GLAAD and other activist groups. This action then brought out the fans and the right wing groups who yelled and screamed about the treatment Robertson got.

During all this time they ran a Duck Dynasty Marathon on Christmas Eve. Plus they planned to air the new Duck Dynasty Season that is alread filmed, in January. So if they were so upset about the comments why didn't they outright cancel the series. What a bunch of hyprocrites A&E is.

Now with them re-instating Robertson, GLADD is upset.

Of course it all about money. The 14 million viewers they get is the highest for cable tv and approach some of the viewers the big networks get for popular shows.

The funny thing is people who protest against Duck Dyansty probably don't even watch it.

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