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Shawn Thornton Slew Foots Orpik, Proceeds to Punch Him While He's Down UPDATE : 15 GAME SUSPENSION

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First of all, if we're gonna start throwing out Matt Cookes name to show how the Pens are dirty, lets just remember the Canucks were the ones who drafted him; nevermind it being irrelevant.

Secondly, Neal did make a suspendable play. On Marchand, whose done suspendable plays on a game basis, and who went around acting like himself as soon as he was back on the ice, I share no sympathy.

Thornton is 36. Either get suspended and retire, or get suspended, and have someone force you into retirement. I hope for the latter.

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Edit: Thornton seems legitimately upset and apologetic about his actions and their outcome. That doesn't change the fact that he needs to be punished severely, but at least he isn't a psychopath.

He's probably only upset because he knows he goofed big time

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what james neal did was way worse, he kneed marchand in the head

its just the outcome which is making everyone freak out

I don't know, yanking someone to the ground who isn't even facing you and punching them in the head once they're down isn't much better

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I don't know, yanking someone to the ground who isn't even facing you and punching them in the head once they're down isn't much better

A knee to the back of the head could paralyze someone.

A sucker punch to the head would give you a concussion, a few cuts and a broken bone, at worst.

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A knee to the back of the head could paralyze someone.

A sucker punch to the head would give you a concussion, a few cuts and a broken bone, at worst.

Noone is saying Neal's knee is acceptable. They are both wrong. If you want to play "Could" if his helmet was loose and he got slewfooted he "could" of smashed the back of his head on the ice and on top of that gets punches to the face.

I could care less what happens to Marchand after what he did to Salo. "Could" of been much worse for Salo

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Leg trip to side control and some ground and pound? Nothing to see here.

Other than the fact that Orpik is a big fat baby.

For a big, tough defencemen, Orpik sure does get knocked out easily.

I mean, those punches didn't seem that hard.

If you think the punches don't look too bad you can let the goon take you down and have a few whacks while you can't defend yourself and aren't expecting it...

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If you think the punches don't look too bad you can let the goon take you down and have a few whacks while you can't defend yourself and aren't expecting it...

Grasping at straws, here.

Come on, you have to admit those were weak sauce jabs. Not to mention, Thornton had his gloves on.

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No, he didn't.

Thornton slewfoot'd him and Orpik fell on his rear, and then Thornton came on top of him and started throwing jabs.

And so you think that at no point in the process of jumping on Orpik and throwing punches while Orpik was pinned on the ice did Orpik's head hit the ice? What do you think knocked him out there champ?

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Kassian got 5 games for careless use of his stick.

John Scoot got 7 games for telling Kessel he was going to go with him and took 2 chops off his leg while holding 2 Leafs at arms length

Dale Hunter got 20 games for hitting Turgeon after he scored a goal.

This by far is worse then the Hunter hit. Give him 25 or 30 games and I don't care if it is his first time beinig suspended.

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