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Shawn Thornton Slew Foots Orpik, Proceeds to Punch Him While He's Down UPDATE : 15 GAME SUSPENSION

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I understand to an extent. But it's turned into blind homerism hatred.

- comapring Thornton's incident to Bertuzzi's. Seriously?

- Marchand apperently deserves to have his head cut off with a skate.

- accusing Boston's arena for not having proper medical response during Raymond's incident.

Makes sense right?

1. This is absolutely comparable, and I've outlined why. Let's hear why not, for it's pretty weak to simply dispute something without any reasoning behind it.

2. No one said this, so cut the drama...people just have a hard time showing empathy for a guy who loves to be a dirty sleazy rat...it's called karma, and people understand how that works

3. Yes, that was my blind hatred for the Bruins but I've also gone into discussion on possible scenarios.....how do you address zero Bruins showing any concern and the crowd chanting, loudly, in taunting of a seriously injured player? I just didn't understand why there was no compassion shown...still don't. Did you see the pics with all the worried Bruins gathered around? Anyhow, yes, it was mostly in sarcasm because I hate the Bruins so let's not take it too far here. I hated how that entire incident played out, start to finish, and I'm ok with that.

Let's hear it....

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Orpik's a feline. He should of fought after laying out Ericsson and it would be over. Don't cheap hit stars if you don't want to fight.

Hit looked clean to me and even if it wasn't if a player doesn't want to fight it doesn't give another player the right to knock them to the ground jump on them and sucker punch them twice in the face. I am sorry but nothing justifies what happened to Orpik.

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1. This is absolutely comparable, and I've outlined why. Let's hear why not, for it's pretty weak to simply dispute something without any reasoning behind it.

2. No one said this, so cut the drama...people just have a hard time showing empathy for a guy who loves to be a dirty sleazy rat...it's called karma, and people understand how that works

3. Yes, that was my blind hatred for the Bruins but I've also gone into discussion on possible scenarios.....how do you address zero Bruins showing any concern and the crowd chanting, loudly, in taunting of a seriously injured player? I just didn't understand why there was no compassion shown...still don't. Did you see the pics with all the worried Bruins gathered around? Anyhow, yes, it was mostly in sarcasm because I hate the Bruins so let's not take it too far here. I hated how that entire incident played out, start to finish, and I'm ok with that.

Let's hear it....

I don't recall exactly which post it was in this thread, but basically someone said Marchand deserved to get his head stomped on the ice. Not being dramatic, just saying what I read.

As far as the Bert incident goes, there's no point into getting into an argument. Agree to disagree I spose.

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Are you serious? You know what REALLY bugged me about Raymond's deal (aside from the idiots chanting...may each and every one of them rot in hell)?... that no one was out there with a stretcher to cart him out. That was ridiculous...can the Bruins not afford to have one available? There was no WAY he should have skated off that ice.

You ALWAYS take the precautionary route with this stuff....anything with head/neck/back. You risk further damage if a guy gets off the ice on his own or people help him up in order to do so. A stretcher is a preventative measure and should be used if there is any doubt.

every arena has one...unless the trainer's give the signal then the stretcher is not brought out, they raise their fist up to the EMT's to let them know to bring it out. so unless they see that then they don't bring it out onto the ice. simple as that.

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There is something to this. Anything less than 20 games will prove that the NHL brass run the league as above board as the WWE.

Agreed. This is up there with some of the worst attacks. There is no place in hockey for such a play. Even from the beloved angelic Bruins

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