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Mafia: Zodiac - GAME OVER, TOWN WINS - Sign-ups open

Master Radishes

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Since we're having a dedicated Dral theme night, I thought I'd share a conversation of Intoewsable and I a while back recapping our experience with Dral when he was on our mafia team. I think it was his first game and he was bordering on the line of insanity (he was so committed that game) Might be funny to some of you, maybe not. I personally found it hilarious :P


Just blanked out his name for his own security.

Thats a ridiculously accurate portrayal of what happened... I want, at the same time, you banned for posting screen shots, killed for adding nothing substantial to this game, and Denzel Washington cast in the lead roll of the movie about my life

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Seriously took me about 45 minutes to read through all the posts in this thread.... I was gone for like 8 hours, no idea how to play this game but CatPajamas seems like he knows how to play even less than I do, so with that being said.

Vote CatsPajamas

Excellent -unfortunately CatsPJs has been the first to dig his own grave, so lets lynch him- when he comes up mafia, we'll toast to victory or when he comes up TP we'll lynch the bandwagoners... win/win/win

Also - someone should track down whoever gave +1's to this post I'm quoting.... i can barelysee what I'm writing so shotgun not it

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Excellent -unfortunately CatsPJs has been the first to dig his own grave, so lets lynch him- when he comes up mafia, we'll toast to victory or when he comes up TP we'll lynch the bandwagoners... win/win/win

Also - someone should track down whoever gave +1's to this post I'm quoting.... i can barelysee what I'm writing so shotgun not it

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Excellent -unfortunately CatsPJs has been the first to dig his own grave, so lets lynch him- when he comes up mafia, we'll toast to victory or when he comes up TP we'll lynch the bandwagoners... win/win/win

Also - someone should track down whoever gave +1's to this post I'm quoting.... i can barelysee what I'm writing so shotgun not it

Why don't you just go to sleep? And lead us to victory at another time?

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Why don't you just go to sleep? And lead us to victory at another time?

I close my eyes and my world stops spinning... must need another drink...

and to the rest.... someone should track down the +1s given in the thread throughout the thread and do a recap after nightfall... cause both Drouin and 112 should prolly be lynched

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So before I forget.... it would be a good idea if you're a monkey, dog, dragon, rat, goat, rabbit, horse or estsnake.... you should now contact me and at the very least say "hi I'm TP"

Best case scenario you tellme what your sign is and I'll tell you what your ability is - then you can confirm or deny it (would go a long way to confirming others who have already contacted me and refute their descriptions)

I really hope I'm not the best thing this round we have to a spokesman, but if so - then so be it....

Go TP!

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Finally caught up It's still early, but CP's explanation of the PM system seem pretty damn sketchy. That being said, I'm not sure how suspicious PMing should be in this game given we don't know what each of the roles are.

Vote CP (open to change)


spoken like a true mafioso and Bronco's fan/... either way, you should be hung at dawn

seriously tho - *clap clap* please contribute more...

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Since we're having a dedicated Dral theme night, I thought I'd share a conversation of Intoewsable and I a while back recapping our experience with Dral when he was on our mafia team. I think it was his first game and he was bordering on the line of insanity (he was so committed that game) Might be funny to some of you, maybe not. I personally found it hilarious :P


Just blanked out his name for his own security.

LOL blackberry

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Since we're having a dedicated Dral theme night, I thought I'd share a conversation of Intoewsable and I a while back recapping our experience with Dral when he was on our mafia team. I think it was his first game and he was bordering on the line of insanity (he was so committed that game) Might be funny to some of you, maybe not. I personally found it hilarious :P


Just blanked out his name for his own security.

Half of CDC knows my real name at this point anyway, but I appreciate the thought. :lol:

Clicked on the thread expecting 13 pages of solid discussion; got 13 pages of spam and fantasy hockey talk. Lovely.

Unvote; Vote CatsPajamas

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