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Mafia: Zodiac - GAME OVER, TOWN WINS - Sign-ups open

Master Radishes

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Football is for Americans/Rednecks

False. It is for the awesome.

Seahawks D is running the game. In particular the Broncos O-line has been awful. The Seahawks D-line has been crushing that O-line all day. Manning hasn't had much of a chance to throw anything.

Now time to change the channel before Bruno Mars destroys my ears.

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There is some mighty shameless bandwagoning of CPJ going on here. While it is possible CPJ is mafia as his defence is incredibly weak, the lack of people concerned about the bandwagoning is pretty sketchy. The "wow so many pages, but CPJ looked guilty so vote CPJ" group are prime mafia suspects IMO.

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There is some mighty shameless bandwagoning of CPJ going on here. While it is possible CPJ is mafia as his defence is incredibly weak, the lack of people concerned about the bandwagoning is pretty sketchy. The "wow so many pages, but CPJ looked guilty so vote CPJ" group are prime mafia suspects IMO.

He admitted to being Mafia iirc.

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His confession didn't seem 100% to you:

Yeah, I'm half expecting him to show up as TP.

But I'd rather not have him alive and working against us.

Can you actually provide a quote where he confesses because I didn't see anything definitive (apparently you didn't either).

And I'm sure nobody has discounted the possibility of Mafioso voting for him.

I'm sure they haven't, but I find it interesting that you would be the person to respond in defence of the persons who made posts of that nature. CPJ's vote is pretty much locked in but I am going to Vote 112 just to have it on record in case I die.

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His confession didn't seem 100% to you:

Even if he's not Mafia he's still hurting the TP by screwing around.

Can you actually provide a quote where he confesses because I didn't see anything definitive (apparently you didn't either).


I sent this to Cats

"One of your mafia teammates gave you up as mafia to a group of us

Provide me with a list of all the mafia and I will do my best to keep you alive"

And he gave me 2 ppl

PPCLI and 112

"thats it. only three. im guessing 112 gave me up because like a dick he just voted me off the island."

He never bothered to refute this and even went on to try and bring me down with him.

I'm sure they haven't, but I find it interesting that you would be the person to respond in defence of the persons who made posts of that nature. CPJ's vote is pretty much locked in but I am going to Vote 112 just to have it on record in case I die.

I don't see why that's interesting.

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