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Mafia: Valentine's Day - GAME OVER: TOWN WINS!

Master Radishes

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I'd like to hear from Lucy about this... how did you confirm it ?

although I'm going to say the 2 quick votes on you are definitely suspicious, and BM is acting pretty suspicious anyways - could be they are just on another mafia team as you.

I like being suspicious. Especially when Im TP and know you will be proven wrong

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Unvote 112 not sure who to vote at the moment. But I'm going with majority so we don't have a split vote.

Vote Dral.

lol and I was just about to suggest you'd be a good first round lynch candidate as you're not a very helpful TP anyways...

edit: pretty sure you're vote just made it 4 for me, 4 for Kesler

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One one two - 3 (D.Doughty, Caboose, Big Mike)

Kesler87 - 2 (LTCanucksfanatic,Dral)

Drouin - 1 (One one two)

Dral - 3 (King Heffy, g_bassi13, Alchemy Time)

Peaches- 1 (Go Faulk Yourself)

PPCLI – 2 ( OTTS, Kesler87)


Interesting that PPCLI has 2 votes on him with no explanation at all ?

Also Dral with 3 still I thought people just wanted to get him talking?

I gave my explanation. It's round one and my gut is telling me that ppcli is a mafia. What's the reason for your vote ?

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Justifying my vote, I'll be changing it before nights end likely, but people need to get into the game. Pretty useless TP if you're not here.

Ugh - hopefully it's just the first round, but yeah if we don't get some actual contribution from players who usually do this will end up in a steam roll win for the TP.

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MR might've created a simpler game (or so he says) but the quirks with each special role are quite specific. Kesler PMed me with a description paraphrasing exactly what I received from MR and the details aren't things you could just BS about.

So I'm inclined to believe that like myself he's also a bodyguard.

Well Kes is probably telling the truth about being a body guard, but that doesn't mean one or both of you aren't mafia... body guards generally get hired out to the rich and famous, and Capone/Bugs are both...

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