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Mafia: Valentine's Day - GAME OVER: TOWN WINS!

Master Radishes

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Whoa there's been a lot of development since I last came here.


I am studying as we speak so please someone, for the sake of my future success in academia, summarize what just happened. I am confused. There is a silencing role, 112 is silenced (why? and what is silencing, is the vote nullified as well?) and somehow KH, BM and Doughty are suspicious of being mafia. Can someone explain what makes them suspect?

According to GFY'S source one of KH or BM is Mafia and Caboose's source is saying D.Doughty is Mafia

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So GFY is just drunk.... 112 said he SUSPECTS BM and KH because they both talked about there potentially being a silencing role before 112 was silenced... there's a possibility BM was just lucky and is TP, or maybe they are both mafia - it's all speculation at this point.

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Vote ppcli tbh come on guys

why ppcli over others? if we vote ppcli and he is TP we've learned nothing but if we vote doughty and he is TP we at least learn caboose or his informant is lying. If we vote BM and he was telling the truth then it's possible kh is mafia but personally I want to hear from 112 before killing either of them so that's my logic for my vote.

What is the logic behind ppcli is there more info than his posts are kind of sketchy?

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Also RE BM and the silencing role he's being truthful last game we were discussing possible roles in the game and I mentioned that MR might throw in a silencing role to make things interesting.

ok good to know that reinforces my vote.
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Caboose, if your source is a sheriff be careful, because a sheriff has contacted me as well.

Obvious conclusion to be drawn here is that one of us is in contact with the paranoid sheriff or naive sheriff.

Our best option here is to wait and see what Doughty's death tells us.

Likely that the mafia will want to keep both spokesmen alive in this case due to the confusion it could cause.

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Obvious conclusion to be drawn here is that one of us is in contact with the paranoid sheriff or naive sheriff.

Our best option here is to wait and see what Doughty's death tells us.

Likely that the mafia will want to keep both spokesmen alive in this case due to the confusion it could cause.

Either that or a fake sheriff. Mine isn't paranoid or psycho at the very least because I came up clean with the investigation.

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I'd like to request a doctor save in case the mafia don't want to risk one of us being in contact with the real sheriff.

Saving VICanucks would also be a good course of action as he has thrust himself into the spotlight.

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