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Bring Back "Squatch Mode" Line


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AKA Two and a Half Squatches.

This line was BEASTLY in the first period of the first game in Anaheim on November 10, 2013.

They dictated the play every time they were on the ice, against an allegedly superior skilled and sized team. The puck was in the offensive zone most of the period, and when it wasn't, it was retreived, and brought back with authority. Sestito and Kassian were flying. Kesler was his usual self. And most importantly, ANAHEIM DIDN'T KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH THEMSELVES.

And then Kassian took a Sestito skate to the face.

Q: In a division as big and as physical as The Pacific, why has this line not been revisited?

It was literally the most entertaining hockey of the season, one period or not.

Kassian and Sestito can both dish Kesler the puck, and can both create alot of room on the ice for him. They routinely rub out guys on the boards that makes me cringe for the opposition. Tom in particular.

Kesler is the most effective 3rd line center in the NHL. He thrives in a two way role, and often wilts when only put in an offensive one.

At least for the rest of this season, build around this line combination. See if the team can get its backbone with these guys leading the way.

Reunite Squatch Mode!

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