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Letter from Mike Gillis to Canucks STH


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He left out the part......

I also am terribly wrong and sorry for trading a you fast gifted hockey player for a cross eyed galoot named Zack Kassian. Although as i stated in my mission statement we are trying to get faster, stronger, blah blah blah, I made a major mistake by giving away exactly what I said we are looking for.....for a CROSS EYED GALOOT NAMED KASSIAN. I know I know he won't score more than ten goals a year but he WILL lose more games to suspension than he will get goals. Again i say sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, what was I thinking, sorry sorry, I am an idiot, he is cross eyed...sorry again, one more sorry, sorry, sorry," Mike idiot Gillis

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He basically admitted to trading Luongo for WAY under value, just to get rid of him... What a terrible manager! I hope he's gone at the end of this season, he has DESTROYED our entire organization!

Meh, do you think a guy like Mike Gillis who knows that much about hockey contracts was the mastermind behind that stupid signing? he was shooting down the same kind of contracts for the top fowards on the team (Sedins) months before why would he be dumb enough to offer a goalie a 12yr contract? When it comes to the whole goalie f-up in Vancouver Gillis gets a get out of jail free card, that whole mistake is on ownership it's so obvious. It's the same deal with the coach hiring, why on earth would Gillis give Torts a 5 year contract? he wouldn't, no GM in the league is that stupid.

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Grabner, Hodgson, Ehrhoff... Younger, faster, stronger... What a load of kook aid. Drink it up..

Honestly still the same old blah blah blah. Grabner was lazy useless player who did not wake up until he was waived from florida hodges on was and is slow and ehrhoff signed for 50 million ten year contract . All smart moves in a cap world. Note. Hodgson's new contract with the sabres over paid and would not fit under our cap.

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Grabner, Hodgson, Ehrhoff... Younger, faster, stronger... What a load of kook aid. Drink it up..

Not sure where you got stronger out of that, but here's why they're gone:

  • Grabner: underperformed at every training camp he attended - including Florida's -and was destined for waivers.
  • Hodgson: showed some skills while here but clearly he or more likely his camp wanted more than he could get.
  • Ehrhoff: Offered a contract but declined it. If he wanted to stay, he would have stayed.

But anyone who's remotely followed the team should understand these things (and others) by now.

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He left out the part......

I also am terribly wrong and sorry for trading a you fast gifted hockey player for a cross eyed galoot named Zack Kassian. Although as i stated in my mission statement we are trying to get faster, stronger, blah blah blah, I made a major mistake by giving away exactly what I said we are looking for.....for a CROSS EYED GALOOT NAMED KASSIAN. I know I know he won't score more than ten goals a year but he WILL lose more games to suspension than he will get goals. Again i say sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, what was I thinking, sorry sorry, I am an idiot, he is cross eyed...sorry again, one more sorry, sorry, sorry," Mike idiot Gillis

Fast? Yeah you know a lot.

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I mean all respect to the owners when I say your plan has backfired, you should have kept burke, whoever got their feelings hurt by Burke should have been fired, not the other way around. This was the only time this team was on the right track. Once we started with the Nonis' and Gillis' is when it all went back to same ole same ole. This team is destined for mediocrity for decades. Thanks Gillis and Nonis for nothing. I pray we find someone with the cajones like Burke to get this team to the upper echelons. We once brushed shoulders with the great teams. Now we are bottom feeders once again. When we can beat the red wings in a season head to head meetings is when we are back on track.

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Got a "limited edition" hard cover book from the canucks today thanking me for my support and letting me know my renewal package was on its way via email....haha. Also got an email from the Seahawks saying season ticket pricing going up 3 to 11%......hey at least they are being honest and heck we won the Super Bowl. They know how to treat us fans properly.

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He left out the part......

I also am terribly wrong and sorry for trading a you fast gifted hockey player for a cross eyed galoot named Zack Kassian. Although as i stated in my mission statement we are trying to get faster, stronger, blah blah blah, I made a major mistake by giving away exactly what I said we are looking for.....for a CROSS EYED GALOOT NAMED KASSIAN. I know I know he won't score more than ten goals a year but he WILL lose more games to suspension than he will get goals. Again i say sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, what was I thinking, sorry sorry, I am an idiot, he is cross eyed...sorry again, one more sorry, sorry, sorry," Mike idiot Gillis

Thanks. That made me laugh. Hodgson, fast. That makes me laugh.

If you'd written this on your own behalf, you'd have gotten one part right.

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