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"Canucks Brass Must Resist Panic" By Elliotte Friedman


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#5 is particularly damning.

For Tortorella to play the Sedins 21 + minutes in a compressed Olympics schedule just shows how short-sighted and desperate for wins NOW he is, at the expense of the bigger picture. Someone should tell him that the season isn't like the Super Bowl. You have to view it, and plan for it, long-term.

As for the other rumours, unless Friedmann has legit insider news, his speculation isn't any better than those saying Aquillini IS interfering.

A hockey season is like a training cycle for an advanced lifter. The goal is to apply the correct stress to induce a positive result, and the line between too much, just right, and not enough is razor thin.

When the correct stress is applied, positive adaptations occur and long term progress is made. In contrast, too much stress (an extra minute or two per game, accumulated over 40+ games) causes a severe regression that is very hard to recover from and F's you up for a LONG time. Likewise, too small of a stress (playing Hank 15:00 a night) will also cause a regression, but not nearly as detrimental as the one caused by too much stress.

To a person on the outside, playing the Sedins an extra two minutes per night shouldn't be a big deal. In reality, it IS a big deal because they have clearly shown that ~20 minutes per night is the 'just right' dosage of ice time where they are still effective and capable of playing at a high level the next day.

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I dont really care what you get bro..the eastern writers slag us more than our own do which is alot...just tired of some eastern writer/on air person chiming in on whats right or wrong with our team is all.

I guess they have their opinions..but I dont really care.

Clearly you do - why else post and argue about it?

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This is very misleading. The stats from last year don't tell the full storysince it was a lockout year and we only played western conference teams.

First of all, in goals for we are 19th but if you add four more goals to our total we end up being 9th in the entire league. Second of all our powerplay was largely reliant on salo being the quarterback similar to Markov in Montreal; without them the PP sucks. Last season was the first season with the PP not having Salo. In 2011 we had Ehrhoff in Salo's spot while he was injured. In 2012 salo took over and filled in quite nicely. In 2013 and 2014 no one filled that spot.

That chart seems to show a steady decline but with the above information you realize it mostly this year.

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Gillis chose to jettison Salo for the extra million he was asking.

Gillis chose to jettison Ehrhoff.

Gillis chose to not replace these PP leaders on the back end.I conclude he was not even capable of recognising their value to the team's success.

Gillis chose every move that took this team to it's inevitable conclusion.

This chart is misleading as the mismanagement of assets is worse than the numbers on the screen suggest.

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Gillis chose to jettison Salo for the extra million he was asking.

Gillis chose to jettison Ehrhoff.

Gillis chose to not replace these PP leaders on the back end.I conclude he was not even capable of recognising their value to the team's success.

Gillis chose every move that took this team to it's inevitable conclusion.

This chart is misleading as a lot the mismanagement of assets is worse than the numbers on the screen suggest.

Gillis made an offer to Salo but he wanted a longer deal.

Gillis made an offer to Ehrhoff (same as Bieksa got) but Ehrhoff wanted much much more

Gillis did replace the players but the sudden decline of the Sedin's made that irrelevant as they were the backbone of the powerplay

Gillis is on the hook, yes, but we are getting bigger and younger as this is playing out

It would be worse mismanagement to saddle the team with a contract like Ehrhoff wanted and got. We could have traded him before it was up but we wouldn't have had him for the 2011 run.

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Gillis made an offer to Salo but he wanted a longer deal.

Gillis made an offer to Ehrhoff (same as Bieksa got) but Ehrhoff wanted much much more

Gillis did replace the players but the sudden decline of the Sedin's made that irrelevant as they were the backbone of the powerplay

Gillis is on the hook, yes, but we are getting bigger and younger as this is playing out

It would be worse mismanagement to saddle the team with a contract like Ehrhoff wanted and got. We could have traded him before it was up but we wouldn't have had him for the 2011 run.

Henrik put up 7 points in 7 games after the christmas break he is still capable of putting points but he got injured after and the way torts is using him hasn't made anything better.

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Gotta love me some Elliotte Friedman, completely agree. Any major changes to this organization should happen this summer and rightfully so. The playoffs look like a dream right now and a new coach this year would not make much sense.

Analyse the state of the organization after the season has ended. If Gillis is fired before next season it should happen before the draft in my opinion. Give the new guy in charge a fresh start with a draft and free agency to work with.

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Henrik put up 7 points in 7 games after the christmas break he is still capable of putting points but he got injured after and the way torts is using him hasn't made anything better.

If you think I am here to trash on the Sedin's you are mistaken. I believe they'll have a comeback year after the get healthy again. I do disagree about misuse , though. The Sedin's know as you age you better start becoming a two way player if you want to hang around in this league and they are doing just that. I think they can still be a very important part in a cup run with a new strong first line to take the pressure off as they mentor or youth.

Gillis made the right move with them

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Gillis chose to jettison Salo for the extra million he was asking.

Gillis chose to jettison Ehrhoff.

Gillis chose to not replace these PP leaders on the back end.I conclude he was not even capable of recognising their value to the team's success.

Gillis chose every move that took this team to it's inevitable conclusion.

This chart is misleading as the mismanagement of assets is worse than the numbers on the screen suggest.

It wasn't money it was contract length with Salo. Ehrhoff chose not to sign.

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I agree with the part about not panicking. Let Torts finish this season. If he managed to get the team into the playoffs...great. However, if the team bomb then we will get a higher draft position which will help the team have a better shot at drafting a decent prospect for the retool/rebuild. Also, you could extend this idea beyond to next season. If Gillis and Torts is as bad people think they are (which isn't necessarily what I believe), why bother making a personnel change when they could get us McDavid and others in what is supposedly a better draft year? A new GM/Coach could improve the club so much and we will miss our shot at getting those kind of players. Only problem is I don't know how much pain the fanbase is willing to accept. If it cannot be tolerated, then Gillis option of trading for a high end prospect plus other players from another club would be the route to go.

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Ok I can go with not panic. But let's look at next year's line up:












Three spots open for UFA's and rookies. (Kesler traded, Booth bought out, the others not re signed).








Two spots open for Corrado and a UFA


Markstrom and Lack

So how do you feel about that? I think that they won't be that bad but not on par with any of the elite teams. So we will be in the process of rebuilding. Until we add an entire legitimate first line to replace the Sedins and Burr (who are no longer good enough) we won't be back in contention.

So no need to panic I agree. But no need to rejoice either.

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