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[PGT] Jensen still on fire


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If you think that inspired confidence, I don't think you actually read what I said, or considered the implications of what Hank said.

It's not about pumping anyone's tires. In fact, it's not even about Luo. It's about being honest. It's about not highlighting the fact that this organization scapegoated a goaltender to try to save the jobs of the coach and GM and then dropped the starting position onto the shoulders of a rookie who didn't ask for it and may not have been ready for it. It doesn't matter if you hated Luo and/or are happy he's gone, the fact remains true that the way this situation was handled made this organization look bad and that hurts us when it comes to attracting players.

As I said in my previous post, say the franchise wanted to move on to someone younger, move in a different direction, etc. and leave it at that. Praising Lack is not the same as dissing Luo, but Hank's comments were doing more of the latter. We can (and must!) get behind Lack without stabbing Luo in his, making poor Lack wonder when his back-stab will be coming.

Luongo deserves it, he can mop up Lack's shutout. Luongo should have used his brain before posting tweets making fun of Lack and the team.

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As I said in my previous post, say the franchise wanted to move on to someone younger, move in a different direction, etc. and leave it at that. Praising Lack is not the same as dissing Luo, but Hank's comments were doing more of the latter. We can (and must!) get behind Lack without stabbing Luo in his, making poor Lack wonder when his back-stab will be coming.

You're putting words in Hank's mouth. Why not take his comments at face value- he was simply saying that Lack has played very well (you can argue that the "stats" indicate otherwise but anyone who has been watching the games/following the team knows that Lack stepped in when needed, and won games for the Canucks. Suffice to say, Hank is most likely saying that Lack has shown that he is a good goalie, and a Luo trade could never have happened unless the Canucks had a good goalie in the pipeline like Lack. That's what probably closer to the truth than you speculating that Hank is dissing Luo in an underhanded way.

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What are you talking about? Luongo wasn't a scape goat. He wasn't happy with the situation, made a comment about kesler not going anywhere even if he wanted out, then got benched and he got traded to a team he wanyed to go to.

Luongo deserves it, he can mop up Lack's shutout. Luongo should have used his brain before posting tweets making fun of Lack and the team.

Scapegoated, or just traded because he hurt the delicate feelings of the management here, who had no problems hurting his over and over. Either way, Lack didn't "steal" the starter position. It was given to him. Or, more accurately, thrust upon. And it's time the team and the fans got behind him instead of just dissing Luo. It's classless and counterproductive.

And playboi, Luo didn't make fun of Lack. Just because that's how YOU read it doesn't mean that's what it was. Lack certainly didn't seem to think so when he spent 5 minutes talking to his mentor when they were in Florida before the game, or said that Luo had helped him so much on and off the ice.

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You're putting words in Hank's mouth. Why not take his comments at face value- he was simply saying that Lack has played very well (you can argue that the "stats" indicate otherwise but anyone who has been watching the games/following the team knows that Lack stepped in when needed, and won games for the Canucks. Suffice to say, Hank is most likely saying that Lack has shown that he is a good goalie, and a Luo trade could never have happened unless the Canucks had a good goalie in the pipeline like Lack. That's what probably closer to the truth than you speculating that Hank is dissing Luo in an underhanded way.

Actually, I wasn't putting words in Hank's mouth. If you read my first post I said, "I hope there was some bigger context for that comment and it doesn't mean what it sounds like because otherwise it makes me lose respect for Hank."

Lack has played well and that needs to be said. But saying he "stole" the job implies that someone else didn't and that's not true.

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I hope there was some bigger context for that comment and it doesn't mean what it sounds like because otherwise it makes me lose respect for Hank. Lack did not steal the job from Luo and it doesn't do Lack any favors to pretend otherwise.

Despite some trying to rewrite history, Lack hasn't outplayed Luo. As recently as the end of January Luo's stats were actually slightly better when he had a .920 SV% and Lack had a .919. In fact, the month of January was probably the most comparable between the 2 as, due to Luo's injuries, Lack got 8 starts while Luo had 7. For the month of January, Lack had a .908 SV%, 1 win and 22 goals allowed while Luo (in 1 less start) had a .921 SV%, 3 wins and 18 goals allowed.

It was only because of the 4 games the Canucks played in February that those numbers changed. In February before the Olympic break, Luo and the team had 3 not great games (remember, pucks deflecting in off Dmen and Elder actually kicking one into his own net?) and Lack had 1 good game. As a result, going into the Olympic Break, Lack had a .922 SV% & 8 wins in 18 starts & 22 GPI while Luo had a .917 SV% & 19 wins in 42 starts. (Both had been pulled in a game the team was playing badly in. Luo left 2 games due to injury.) Those numbers aren't a backup "stealing" the starter position. And a reasonable team certainly doesn't throw out their starter because of bad stretch of 6 games, half of which came during the coach's suspension during which even he admitted the team had "forgotten how to defend."

And that's what scares me about Hank saying that. Either he, as the captain, believes it's okay to lie and crap on a guy Joe Thorton called a "world-class goalie" just 2 days ago, or it means the team actually believes it. Either way, it only darkens the black eye this organization has already gotten through all of this, proving that we have zero loyalty even to franchise players. Who would want to sign with an organization that treats players like this?!

And of course, worse still is that Lack's in the middle of all of this. He's not dumb. He knows what happened. And if they insist on persisting with the lie that he stole the position, they're doing far more damage than good because they're telling him that as soon as someone else with fewer than half the number of starts has slightly better stats following a bad period for the entire team during which he was dealing with things like a coach's suspension and the team forgetting how to defend, he'll be ousted too. That's no way to maintain his confidence.

This team needs to try to salvage a little professionalism and respectability out of all of this. Say you wanted to get younger, to move on, to honor Luo's standing trade request, whatever, but don't pretend that Luo wasn't playing well enough to keep. Wish him all the best and leave it at that. You can (and need to!) get behind your new goalie without dissing your old one. And until/unless this team learns that, no one is going to want to sign here.

If you think that inspired confidence, I don't think you actually read what I said, or considered the implications of what Hank said.

It's not about pumping anyone's tires. In fact, it's not even about Luo. It's about being honest. It's about not highlighting the fact that this organization scapegoated a goaltender to try to save the jobs of the coach and GM and then dropped the starting position onto the shoulders of a rookie who didn't ask for it and may not have been ready for it. It doesn't matter if you hated Luo and/or are happy he's gone, the fact remains true that the way this situation was handled made this organization look bad and that hurts us when it comes to attracting players.

As I said in my previous post, say the franchise wanted to move on to someone younger, move in a different direction, etc. and leave it at that. Praising Lack is not the same as dissing Luo, but Hank's comments were doing more of the latter. We can (and must!) get behind Lack without stabbing Luo in his, making poor Lack wonder when his back-stab will be coming.

You are getting carried away here. Apparently there's a Luo-fever going around.

Praising Lack for taking the #1 job is neither "lying" nor "crapping on Luo" - it is praising the second outstanding young goaltender to come in here and command the starting role.

Hank's comments had nothing to do with "more of the latter". That is just your very sensitive and out-of-context take on it.

Lastly, Joe Thornton is a douche. Who cares what Joe Thornton thinks? It's ironic that you hang on the words of the p-rick who trolls our Captain with juvenile finger-in-the-face tactics.

Kudos to Hank for praising our goaltender.

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Scapegoated, or just traded because he hurt the delicate feelings of the management here, who had no problems hurting his over and over.

Or just obliging him after Luongo once again, either intently or by thoughtless loose lips, decided to feed the drama trolls with his Kesler is 'stuck here' comments....

"We all know how this script ends".

Poor Luo. Lost the #1 job to an outstanding young goaltender again. But that has nothing to do with AV and JT's decisions....they were just trying to mistreat disrespect His Highness.

Ironicallly Luo didn't know how the script ended....with Poor Luo getting what he wanted - a ticket to the one place he wanted to go.

Big bad mean Mike Gillis sure mistreated him there.

Does that stop Luo from turning around and twitter-trolling the goaltenders here?

#prayforEddie and "Thing4" will be just fine thanks.

Enjoy your trip back home. Carry on with your moping and playing victim act.

The Luongo crybabies on this site are giving the Hodgson crew a run for their money.

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One thing I am noticing in the GDT's and PGT's is a contingent of posters who think they are the "real fans" for sticking around and posting. While I don't doubt that some fairweather fans have left due to losing I also don't doubt that some are like me and just sick of all the arguments about tanking and pissing and moaning about how much we suck. (no I don't mean being critical, I just mean spam posting "Lol, we suck")

Personally I don't really feel watching a game with others that want us to lose and hate our players/coaches/management etc makes the experience better. So I think they (like myself) are not turning off the games but turning off the website.

The games are still fun but GDT's? Not so much

There are a certain group of us who have been fans so long we were actually 'trained' on horrible Canuck teams with ghastly flying V uniforms. To make a comparison, its like being Coyotes or Jets fans today. Mediocre teams not good enough honestly compete in the playoffs and not bad enough to land a Mc David or MacKinnon.

So we can come here now and accept a losing team because we found ways to still enjoy the team in spite of the fact they are not competitive. However, for myself, I just pray we do not sit in the middle and go nowhere. We need to tank for honest to goodness franchise players.

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I am listening to Dan Russell tonight, he is hoping that Burrows' hand is fractured. What the hell is wrong with that guy?

They are also giving Eddie Lack a hard time for having 'too easy' of a night.

I swear that guy and his cohorts spew venom any chance they get.

I've been tuning Dan Russell out ever since he started taking double-doses of extreme bitter-pills at CKNW, after TEAM 1040 became the Canucks' new flag station...& Russell lost the play-by-play gig to Shorty. Shorty took that op & ran with it,...clearly the better choice, by far.

Sadly, Mr. Russell then began souring all of his co-horts at 'NW Sports on the 'Nucks, too. More mail has been generated opposing his rantings...that any positive feed-back...for being a collosal hater. HIS show has now moved on & to where, I really don't care. But - he DID manage to discover a new niche for himself....as the Anti-Canucks' standard bearer....for all of those Leafs, 'Lamers & Oil fans, out there in our midst.

Someday,... when Seattle actually gets an NHL franchise...Dan will be there too, trying to weasel himself into that organization,...so that he can continue to hate on the 'Nucks in perpetuity,...as a mouth-piece for their newest divisional rival. Wait for that.

Now back to the main topic.

Jensen's playing great...he's been a great finisher for Hank's amazing passes...like Danny used to be. And unlike Danny....Nicklas has got the confidence to shoot the puck, right now. Lack is a great young goalie...& I have a lot of faith in Rollie the goalie coach to keep both Eddy & Jacob Markstrom on a very steady & even-keeled learning curve....so that they will both improve upon the good things that we have seen from these 2 already.

The 'Nucks better give Roland his due.. 'cuz Melanson seems to be 1 of the more important re-signings that Gillis should be making this off-season.

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If you think that inspired confidence, I don't think you actually read what I said, or considered the implications of what Hank said.

It's not about pumping anyone's tires. In fact, it's not even about Luo. It's about being honest. It's about not highlighting the fact that this organization scapegoated a goaltender to try to save the jobs of the coach and GM and then dropped the starting position onto the shoulders of a rookie who didn't ask for it and may not have been ready for it. It doesn't matter if you hated Luo and/or are happy he's gone, the fact remains true that the way this situation was handled made this organization look bad and that hurts us when it comes to attracting players.

As I said in my previous post, say the franchise wanted to move on to someone younger, move in a different direction, etc. and leave it at that. Praising Lack is not the same as dissing Luo, but Hank's comments were doing more of the latter. We can (and must!) get behind Lack without stabbing Luo in his, making poor Lack wonder when his back-stab will be coming.

The same Lou who had a tweet-off when we were getting our butts kicked? Haha

If that hank comment was a kick at Lu, who cares. If Lu can dish it out, he can damn well take it back.

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You are getting carried away here. Apparently there's a Luo-fever going around.

Praising Lack for taking the #1 job is neither "lying" nor "crapping on Luo" - it is praising the second outstanding young goaltender to come in here and command the starting role.

Hank's comments had nothing to do with "more of the latter". That is just your very sensitive and out-of-context take on it.

Lastly, Joe Thornton is a douche. Who cares what Joe Thornton thinks? It's ironic that you hang on the words of the p-rick who trolls our Captain with juvenile finger-in-the-face tactics.

Kudos to Hank for praising our goaltender.

Assuming the quote was accurate, Hank used the word "steal." By definition that means taken from someone else. That is saying that Luo wasn't as good and that's not true. So yes, lying about him is crapping on him. And it makes this organization look bad and doesn't do Lack any good either. Lack deserves credit for how well he's handled this entire situation that he was thrown into, not false praise for "stealing the number one job" as that comes with expectations he may not be ready for as well as the knowledge that it will be that easy for someone else to come and "steal" it from him.

And who cares what you think of Joe Thorton? Just because you don't like him doesn't mean he was wrong in his assessment of Luo.

Or just obliging him after Luongo once again, either intently or by thoughtless loose lips, decided to feed the drama trolls with his Kesler is 'stuck here' comments....

"We all know how this script ends".

Poor Luo. Lost the #1 job to an outstanding young goaltender again. But that has nothing to do with AV and JT's decisions....they were just trying to mistreat disrespect His Highness.

Ironicallly Luo didn't know how the script ended....with Poor Luo getting what he wanted - a ticket to the one place he wanted to go.

Big bad mean Mike Gillis sure mistreated him there.

Does that stop Luo from turning around and twitter-trolling the goaltenders here?

#prayforEddie and "Thing4" will be just fine thanks.

Enjoy your trip back home. Carry on with your moping and playing victim act.

The Luongo crybabies on this site are giving the Hodgson crew a run for their money.

Right, because we all know that you think anything Luo says is just "feeding the drama trolls" but everyone else should be free to say anything about him that they want. Unless they praise him, of course. Then they're just a "douche."

Here's a thought. If you think people like me who want to see the best goalie this franchise has ever had treated with a little respect are just the "drama trolls" why don't you take your own advice and stop feeding us by just ignoring it instead of going to every single thread you can find with Luo's name mentioned and spewing your crap?

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The same Lou who had a tweet-off when we were getting our butts kicked? Haha

If that hank comment was a kick at Lu, who cares. If Lu can dish it out, he can damn well take it back.

You mean the jokes he tweeted at his friends, not just the people he sees on TV sometimes? They certainly didn't seem upset with him, so why are so many here?

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Or just obliging him after Luongo once again, either intently or by thoughtless loose lips, decided to feed the drama trolls with his Kesler is 'stuck here' comments....

"We all know how this script ends".

Poor Luo. Lost the #1 job to an outstanding young goaltender again. But that has nothing to do with AV and JT's decisions....they were just trying to mistreat disrespect His Highness.

Ironicallly Luo didn't know how the script ended....with Poor Luo getting what he wanted - a ticket to the one place he wanted to go.

Big bad mean Mike Gillis sure mistreated him there.

Does that stop Luo from turning around and twitter-trolling the goaltenders here?

#prayforEddie and "Thing4" will be just fine thanks.

Enjoy your trip back home. Carry on with your moping and playing victim act.

The Luongo crybabies on this site are giving the Hodgson crew a run for their money.

Absolutely hilarious that you use the word "crybabies" when you are easily one of the biggest crybabies on this site or any of the other Canuck based forums. You blindly defend everything the Canucks do or say and then attack other people with childish comments if they say anything remotely anti-Canuck. You are the epitome of the "crybaby"...

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Assuming the quote was accurate, Hank used the word "steal." By definition that means taken from someone else. That is saying that Luo wasn't as good and that's not true. So yes, lying about him is crapping on him. And it makes this organization look bad and doesn't do Lack any good either. Lack deserves credit for how well he's handled this entire situation that he was thrown into, not false praise for "stealing the number one job" as that comes with expectations he may not be ready for as well as the knowledge that it will be that easy for someone else to come and "steal" it from him.

And who cares what you think of Joe Thorton? Just because you don't like him doesn't mean he was wrong in his assessment of Luo.

Right, because we all know that you think anything Luo says is just "feeding the drama trolls" but everyone else should be free to say anything about him that they want. Unless they praise him, of course. Then they're just a "douche."

Here's a thought. If you think people like me who want to see the best goalie this franchise has ever had treated with a little respect are just the "drama trolls" why don't you take your own advice and stop feeding us by just ignoring it instead of going to every single thread you can find with Luo's name mentioned and spewing your crap?

I couldn't have had any more respect for Henrik before his comment - so I can't exactly say my respect for him has grown, but he got is precisely right - Lack did come in and steal the job. It might be shocking if it hadn't happened before with a different young goaltender and a different coach, but of course, it's all about a Canucks organization conspiring to underplay Luongo.

Thornton being a douche has nothing to do with his comments about Luongo. Of course Luo is a great goaltender. I have and never would undervalue Luongo as a goaltender - which doesn't change the fact that in competitive sports you have to continue to earn your role - something he didn't do under the pressure of a couple younger stars vying for starts.

He should be ok in Florida now that they moved their top prospect in this deal. Probably something his agent insisted upon. :bigblush:

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I couldn't have had any more respect for Henrik before his comment - so I can't exactly say my respect for him has grown, but he got is precisely right - Lack did come in and steal the job. It might be shocking if it hadn't happened before with a different young goaltender and a different coach, but of course, it's all about a Canucks organization conspiring to underplay Luongo.

Thornton being a douche has nothing to do with his comments about Luongo. Of course Luo is a great goaltender. I have and never would undervalue Luongo as a goaltender - which doesn't change the fact that in competitive sports you have to continue to earn your role - something he didn't do under the pressure of a couple younger stars vying for starts.

He should be ok in Florida now that they moved their top prospect in this deal. Probably something his agent insisted upon. :bigblush:

Hahaha...see, you simply can't help yourself...its really kind of sad actually...you're almost like a cartoon character at this point...

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Absolutely hilarious that you use the word "crybabies" when you are easily one of the biggest crybabies on this site or any of the other Canuck based forums. You blindly defend everything the Canucks do or say and then attack other people with childish comments if they say anything remotely anti-Canuck. You are the epitome of the "crybaby"...

I see you're not wasting any wit on your posts. If you have any to contribute, it might become worthwhile. Until then carry on Plogue. The Province appreciates your support.

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Luongo certainly doesn't seem upset with Henrik, so why are you?

How do you know?

I said they didn't seem upset with him because Lack still has the pic of him and Luo at the top of his Twitter page and they all seemed delighted to see Luo in Florida, even after his silly tweets. I hope he's not upset, but in truth we have nothing to judge Luo's reaction by. So, how do you know?

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I couldn't have had any more respect for Henrik before his comment - so I can't exactly say my respect for him has grown, but he got is precisely right - Lack did come in and steal the job. It might be shocking if it hadn't happened before with a different young goaltender and a different coach, but of course, it's all about a Canucks organization conspiring to underplay Luongo.

Thornton being a douche has nothing to do with his comments about Luongo. Of course Luo is a great goaltender. I have and never would undervalue Luongo as a goaltender - which doesn't change the fact that in competitive sports you have to continue to earn your role - something he didn't do under the pressure of a couple younger stars vying for starts.

He should be ok in Florida now that they moved their top prospect in this deal. Probably something his agent insisted upon. :bigblush:

Sure, if you ignore reality. But I don't. Luo having better stats up until Tort's suspension and then having the team's bad play then drive his stats below Lack's temporarily is not getting outplayed. Having a better SV% since the trade isn't getting outplayed either. And I honestly do #prayforlack that people like you think it does.

Again, why can't we just support Lack for the job he's doing in this situation instead of acting like he's the reason for it? He's not. He was thrown into it by stuff that was going on behind the scenes and had nothing to do with him. Management wanting to get Luo traded, being mad at him, whatever it was, it wasn't because Luo wasn't playing like a good starter. Period. Full stop. It's not on Lack and it's not on Lack to outplay Luo now. He just has to do the best he can.

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How do you know?

I said they didn't seem upset with him because Lack still has the pic of him and Luo at the top of his Twitter page and they all seemed delighted to see Luo in Florida, even after his silly tweets. I hope he's not upset, but in truth we have nothing to judge Luo's reaction by. So, how do you know?

Why are you so worried about Lu's feelings, wasn't he the one tweeting classless stuff like "#PrayForEddie".
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