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Mafia: La Nostra Famiglia


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It really pains me how people get influenced so much by the smallest things. Mafia is a simulation of how this next generation will behave. People will take the smallest things and blow it out of proportion. Most people are just sheep. I bet the people who bandwagoned on me support harper and his party. Too bad. You guys should go to sprotshaw and get educated. Finally to conclude, peaches caboose kesler87 are all idiots and has the same level of intelligence as a down syndrome disabled rock

The ironing....

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DD is clearly too immature to play this game, but the vote against him was still terrible. He's just an easy target. Was it Caboose who started the vote? Don't remember. Anyway, it was too easy for Mafia to push along. Definitely worth looking in to.

Too immature? I'm a first year student in uni. I can vote. I can buy beer. I live away from home. If anything, youre immature.

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I'm right here.

Totally serious.

You haven't exactly been the most reliable of players in previous games, but I digress. If its a vote for VI you want its a vote for VI you'll get.

If he comes up TP you have some serious explaining to do.

VOTE VICanucks

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It really pains me how people get influenced so much by the smallest things. Mafia is a simulation of how this next generation will behave. People will take the smallest things and blow it out of proportion. Most people are just sheep. I bet the people who bandwagoned on me support harper and his party. Too bad. You guys should go to sprotshaw and get educated. Finally to conclude, peaches caboose kesler87 are all idiots and has the same level of intelligence as a down syndrome disabled rock


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So who killed JE14? Vig? SK? A second mafia faction?

The ironing....

is so delicious, as evidenced by

Too immature? I'm a first year student in uni. I can vote. I can buy beer. I live away from home. If anything, youre immature.

Well, I'm looking forward to hearing from the Sheriff's spokesperson soon if they nail a Mafia this round.. Barring that wasn't Kryten.

There was also no Vigilante kill, it seems. Also praying that was Kryten.

Why would you hope the Kryten was the Vig? A TP would want the Vig to still be alive and be a valuable part of an alliance.

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